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Che Guevara

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Everything posted by Che Guevara

  1. 30 glasses of water? That's enough to cause dehydration. Your body will get rid of the excess water intake through your urine.
  2. http://www.kickboxing.com/index.html
  3. After a night of smoke filled clubs and high decibel techno music, my nose bleeds. So how is it that full contact fighters can take kicks, elbows, and punches to the face and not have blood pouring out? Is there some kind of resistence that builds up after being hit many times?
  4. Ok...perhaps I should narrow the field a little: When it comes to fighting full contact, whether Amateur or Proffesional, don't nearly all the fighters in Kick Boxing or Muey Thai been training since their teens?
  5. Do you think that someone who starts a Martial art at a young age will have an unbeatable ability in terms of reflexes; skill and endurance than someone who starts later in life? Or is skill based more on the body's physical attributes (assuming we're talking about contact fighting)? Is it ever "too late" to start the martial arts and compete?
  6. ^What if you are going to/from a US tournament? Why do they have such stupid rules?
  7. To all the nice people, thanks for the warm welcome. --- CT, you misunderstand my political outlook. I side with neither the right or the left. Like Bruce Lee says in Enter The Dragon, the greatest style is to have no style. You should have figured out from my chosen internet handle- Che Guevara- that I am mainly attacking the Imperialist nature of Corporate America. I have nothing against obese individuals- I do have a problem with the way people refuse to "Fight The Power". Also, I believe that the War On Drugs must end so the people of Columbia can end the Civil War and the people living in Ghettos can escape the police state. --- BTW, I didn't come to this BBS to discuss politics with you- I came here to learn from the experience of this BBS's membership. I think that you'd agree with a lot of my views if I explained them better. Later!
  8. So Sai, are aluminum Nunchuks actually lethal?
  9. Good question, Sai. When I was younger, I did Judo for a couple years; then I quit. I haven't got the time or the money to do Martial Arts and there are other problems in my life as well. --- After I saw Enter The Dragon, I liked the moves that Bruce Lee made with his Nunchuks. I'm not one of those guys who acts like a thug or anything- I just think that the weapons are really cool. I know you guys don't like to see Martial Arts perverted by ordinary people, but it's like Albert Einstein once said, "All the Technology we have is like the axe in the hands of a murderer" --- The self defense isn't really important- I live in a peaceful neighborhood.
  10. Hello, my name is Che, taken from the Commandante who liberated Cuba and turned the revolution into a socialist USSR-backed deal. You guys seem pretty smart; and what's better is that your ideas are grounded in real life experience- not just some sh*t you read in a book. It takes the hardest discipline to learn any skill; I have a lot of respect for people who by-pass all the crap that goes with Western Civilization: Fast Food; Being Obese and *****ing about how you can't get anything easy. Life isn't about getting rich quickly- It's about hard work and striving towards the impossible dreams. Check you later! -Brian
  11. Here's an example of "Speedchucks": http://www.smartcart.com/selfdefence/cgi/display.cgi?item_num=1001RAT Basically, you can get 2,500 Revolutions Per Minute out of them. As for the Rattan Cane, isn't that the same material they use to cane people's asses in Singapore?
  12. What are the different uses for the two? Are there more things you can do with Speedchucks? Are Speedchucks more dangerous than regular nunchuks?
  13. What city are you from? (I have seen him fight against some Thai Fighter in a Mike Miles match on TSN)
  14. Internet companies won't ship to Canada because the weapons are illegal. Where can I get them?
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