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Everything posted by username4

  1. i just saw a vid with me in it before i started lifting weights and i was umm well take a 6,3 bean pole and add about 50 lbs of loose fat and thats what i looked like when i look in the mirror now i look skinny im still 6,3 but still weight 185. whats up?
  2. go here and ask https://www.wannabebigforums.com
  3. i would think the sais would be a good start becuase they are said to be easyer but the fan would be cool but i have never heard of one ever being used as a weapon. has anyone?
  4. o and let me add i was on major painkillers when i posted that. i was very happy
  5. yes i just finished a english class and ever since ive been typing strait(spell). this post is history let it die.
  6. dual link chains is that even possable? and even useing and axe or a pole arms i think not. and the only thing you can actually used in a fight MIGHT be a staff all the other stuff is rediculous IMHO.
  7. well i dont find anything wrong with TKD i like to do lots of kicks but i practice my punches on my own. i hear kick boxing is a realtive of TKD but not the some kicks and what not. i practice puches on my own becuase i can do this easily but working on my legs i needed a better enviroment. feel very balnced in TKD but my real balance(example: walkin an a thin rail and not fallin off and hurting your self) needs more work. thats the only thing im not getting from TKD. i am getting balance from doing a little XMA. if the only kids in the dojo you went to were 5-6 then why dont you just try to con one of yo friends who is yo size to go wit you? but any way good luck in KB and tell us how it goes. B.T.W. i have a friend of mine who wants to take KB and i would like to know what to tell her.
  8. ok i have just come up with a good question i am possabliy going to get two nunchucks for christmas and i was wonderin about the effectiveness of two over one becuase a guy said he could only do one kata with two and said he did lots betta with just one is this true or just personaly prefrance?
  9. i was gonna ask the other night but i was busy feelin horrable -i had my wisdom teeth removed-i have heard him say ill get back to you on this. thanks he likes to be called by his first name but i was wondering what his title was ok lemme give you an example. "hey joe ya know the other day my Sensei Evan(or Mike) Gardner showed me how to do this really hard kick"....... there thats why i asked. and i figured that was the nomal gi but the V-neck threw me off. thanks.
  10. do cardio as they say but i do just TKD and that works fine for me but then i had very little fat to begin with and i had HUGE leg muscles from the TON of mountain bikein i did the summer before last. o ya could some of you ppl give me some cardio exercises i have a thin sheet of fat obscureing my six pack (if i even have one but i workin on this)
  11. lemme help wit the last part. ok what do you call your instructor(spellcheck) in TKD, a sensei,master,instructor or sumtin else? now for the first part. wat is the traditional uniform for TKD i look everywere and they sell the (99% of the time) V-neck as the traditional TKD uniform/gi. the type we use is like the karate gis they sell at these places. p.s. i look online for almost all my stuff so thats were the places are.
  12. no it never said i used one u mustive mis read but i still intend to use one mebby ill buy a metal pipe or sometin but im not rich enouf right now -im in college all college ppl are broke- and i have heard stupid questions but they may seem stupid to me but not other ppl witch...... anyway i really dont care anymore. im on drugs-not narcotics- had my wisdom teeth pulled ya acording to yo sig u must have alot of free time. i used to but this new quarter-college- is hard so i dont post much any more.
  13. ok my master/instrctor/sensei orders us our gis but they arnt v neck they look alot like the karate style of uniform P.S. which one of these(master/instrctor/sensei) is the(master/instrctor/sensei) called i need and answer to this because i dont know wat to tell ppl
  14. i will soon own a bo i own a brain i own hands i own feet i own a throwing axe i own a pair of nunchaku i own the enviroment (for when i am in a fight) i will own a couple bokkens i dont have much at the moment but ill get the rest for christmas or during summer 2005
  15. ya i have a soreness on both sides of my sternum eva since i started liften weights i do 15 curls/reps with 55lb barbell i can do this easily so dont worry. but i was wonderin what the soreness comes from?
  16. yes i have seen these questions before, all who answered all said "go get an instructer" just like a broken record. you never really answered helpfully (once or twice yall did) and in my opinion those who ask those questions dont have an instructor and yall are just makin them more frustrated when yall tell em to go get one
  17. ok the idea is nixed and any person knows that if they are thinkin their gonna start a dojo then they should speak with their instructor/sensei and i wont be startin a dojo till i get out of the navy after dentisy college so ill be like 30-35 so ive got plenty of time to figure stuff out. i have a an instuctor who can teach me the bo and NO i am not goin to use a metal bo until im like 30 or so if i even do which i probaly wont any way an i never ever start working with a new weapon (the bo right now) going at top speed, all thats gonna do is make me a cripple. and my instructor in the bo is some one who has the nessesary experiance to teach me the katas of the bo and i wasnt even in MA when i was useing my swords and when i got in i found out you should really have an instrucor so i sold them. ya happy and if you dont like my questions you just have to tell me and ill stop posting them, O-K!!!!
  18. any way should i nix the idea. im sorry Shorinryu sensei but i didnt understand your answer
  19. yes thats what i meant when i said that there is no level were we cannot learn more or in other words improve.
  20. is the bo made of metal or wood? is the sword mediaval or is it a katana or another type? if the bo was metal it would win if wood it has a slim chance unless they are very skilled the swords also make big diffrence if medival it would shatter a wood bo it it came into contact with it and ect....
  21. thats not quite what spinning is that is a bad example for it but ya i suppose you could call it spinning. spining in my oppinion is useing the tips of the fingers to manipulate the weapon (prefarbly not bladed) in a circular motion not just back and forth real fast to make it seem as if they are going in circles. as i have given up my sword twirling i take back anthing i said about impresive spinning but i find to use dual hand weapon effectively you usually have to spin some or at least manipulate it in the air some, so a cetain amount of spinning skill is reqired be it only a little.
  22. um ya i see that now but frakis is my real life nicname and it is pronounced the same way as fracas. but now that u bring it up ill change it. i am sorry i did not mean master as one will always seek to improve him/herself their is no level where you cannot learn more. sorry bad chose of words and yes i am quite aware that TKD dose not use weapons but the dojo i go to if you wanna use a weapon then its ok to do so. and yes i am young i suppose im 16 and have just started TKD and i am a yellow belt(soon orange)
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