I would also have to agree with this I don't see too much harm in having a drink with friends every now and then (note - now and then is very infrequently, IMO ). However, I am on the opposite end of the spectrum on smoking - I am definitely a non-smoker, and have trouble associating with people who do (I have trouble breathing around smoke - so it's pretty tough to carry on any kind of conversation). Now - should a martial artist have the discipline and intelligence not to do these things? I guess, in my eyes, a martial artist is little different in general mindset from any other person you'd meet on the street - some are very level headed, and some will make foolish choices and decisions - so, martial artist or not, they may still make bad decisions - as anyone is capable of. edit: By the way, I'll move this over to Health, Training, and Fitness since its a largely health related topic.