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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Fargo, ND
  • Interests
    Golf! Oh yeah, and karate too :)
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vertigo's Achievements

Brown Belt

Brown Belt (7/10)



  1. Hello everyone - Figured since it has been over half a year since I've even so much as made a post on this forum, I'd re-introduce myself, as I am finally getting settled again and hope to visit the forums more often. I have been involved in Shotokan for 2 years now, starting when I first started college, getting involved in the club there - now, having transferred colleges over the summer, I'm getting ready to start up with a new club starting this Thursday . See you all around the forums!
  2. Welcome to the forums, Ali
  3. I think I remember hearing this as well - IF I remember right (that's a big if ), Nidan was originally taught first - and Funakoshi later switched the order? I can't say that I'm positive on this one - but I'm fairly certain... Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. Welcome to the forums, George!
  5. I'm going to toss this over to General Chat My signature I don't know - I probably just saw it somewhere, and I particularly like it for what I want my attitude for karate to be - there's always more to do and learn
  6. Wow - I'm the complete opposite I go outside during storms to watch the lightning... for some reason, I am completely fascinated by storms. although I do remember standing on the porch of our house once, and seeing lightning hit a street light less than 50 yards away... I think I went back in the house for the rest of that storm My fears - heights!! I don't know why - but I have always had this fear of heights.... although I can somewhat control it, if the experience is really worth it (Going up the Eiffel Tower was cool) - so at least that's better than nothing.
  7. Hi, CathShadow. Welcome to the forums!
  8. I would also have to agree with this I don't see too much harm in having a drink with friends every now and then (note - now and then is very infrequently, IMO ). However, I am on the opposite end of the spectrum on smoking - I am definitely a non-smoker, and have trouble associating with people who do (I have trouble breathing around smoke - so it's pretty tough to carry on any kind of conversation). Now - should a martial artist have the discipline and intelligence not to do these things? I guess, in my eyes, a martial artist is little different in general mindset from any other person you'd meet on the street - some are very level headed, and some will make foolish choices and decisions - so, martial artist or not, they may still make bad decisions - as anyone is capable of. edit: By the way, I'll move this over to Health, Training, and Fitness since its a largely health related topic.
  9. First off - welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy it I guess my thoughts on this are: "you won't come far in karate" is kind of subject to interpretation... they may be higher ranked than you - but are they really getting more out of it overall? You might "get more" out of karate by being humble and respecting others - regardless of rank. Just my opinion
  10. I would say anyone who has fighting experience/skill would be at a far better advantage in a fight than someone who just has muscles - strength isn't everything. An analogy: I know I certainly wouldn't be able to win a formula one race, just because I had the best car - without the skills to drive it, the car wouldn't be enough to make me win. Just my thoughts
  11. I'd have a tough time disagreeing They played real well today... Hopefully it'll at least be a good game (as opposed to the two today!) - that's all I ask for out of the Super Bowl
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