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Everything posted by Cobosan

  1. In our club we have a person who was diagnosed with cerebral paralysis. He had a strong will that he will not spend his life stuck to a wheelchair motionless and started looking for a club to train some martial arts. Some clubs turned him down but our senseis took him in and he is training Ryukyu kempo and liking it. Afcourse there are some exercises that he cannot do but for example when we run around he lifts his legs just aswell ( 4 months ago he couldnt move his legs now he can lift them about 6" ) and he can hit most of the pressure points also ( while sitting ). Its a good thing we have more instructors working with us at once so there is no "delay" if someone has to work with him. Where there is a will there is a way
  2. I also practice RyuKyu Kempo. I am in the beginning phase but i like it a lot. I ve practised shotokan for a while but found it boring as hell ( no offence ). Starting new year we will have the first test for the 9.kyu ... wish me luck
  3. Thank you very much for the link but i used search earlier in the day and found a lot of posts with the same topic. Al the 15 and more step "animations" just confused me but i found one that was just 4 pictures and got it right the first time. I didnt know it was that simple Thanks anyway. And as we speak i am off to my 4. class i wonder what will be in sotre for us today bye bye
  4. Hello agian, i have a question. I just bought my kimono ( gi ) yesterday and i cant seem to get the hang of tieng the belt. I saw about 3 pic by pic "instructions" on the web but i still do sth wrong each time. Does anyone know of a good pic from which i can learn otherwise i will just ask my sensei to show me. Thanx
  5. Hello everyone. I ve also just started training. We already had 4 pracitices and I feel great. I hope i will get some usefull info on this forum. Oh the style is Tradicional Shotokan Karate. Our master is 6.dan black belt with over 35 years of teaching experience but currently we are trained by his best student that is 2. dan black belt.
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