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Everything posted by sapper6

  1. one of my favorites, ...Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. Psalm 144:1 great article
  2. yeah, how about after your 9 old finally gets his black belt...? i think a few cold ones are a great way to celebrate with him! LOL! (loads of humor intended)
  3. me get offended...? not a chance, at least not on a forum board still friends...?
  4. I can only hope this is humour. geez Angela, of course it was humour (hence, the SMILEY FACE) but...i think everyone here would agree if there was once thing of poor quality that existed in the school, i would prefer it was the uniform or belt, instead of the art itself. dont read too much into what is said, you set yourself up for dissappointment when you do
  5. if you're going to quote me, quote the entire statement as to not mislead people i personally don't believe that myth so i could really care less what others do with their belt. but like i said before, it's much more practical to just wash the Gi. i'll also restate for the record, we have students that have taken part in outdoor training sessions in the rain for hours on end and i have yet to see a color bleeding problem. it's all about the quality of belt you wear. but like you said, you pay for what you get. let's just hope the belt is the only sub-quality item in the school, and not the material being taught
  6. hey angela, theres no need for you to preach to me about what a belt is or stands for. i have a very clear understanding of that already. the way i see it, somebody posed a question about belt colors bleeding into the Gi. some folks said to wash the belt, others were against it. period. what im wondering how you read into my reply that i was saying im a better martial artist because i dont wash my belt. get over it. ill believe what i want, and you are abliged the same. we'll just agree to disagree. i guess you missed what i said in reference to that: enough bickering already, time to workout
  7. HAHAHA that made me laugh. What, you are a better martial artist because you don't wash your belt? Would you urinate in your underwear and not wash it ??? I guess not, but you won't wash a belt that has been saturated with sweat which is exactly the same chemical make up . LOL that's hilarious Angela. and for the record, no i dont urinate in my pants but thanks for asking no where in my reply above did i even come close to insinuating i was better martial artist because i dont wash my belt. frankly, i could care less what you or anyone else does with your belt, besides, it's yours, have fun all im saying is there are alternatives for this kind of problem. another problem i see arising from this is the fact your belt will not hold up to too many wash cycles. add to that the fact your belt color will fade and begin to fall apart. a better alternative to washing the belt would be to wash the uniform. a good soaking in Oxyclean and a run through on heavy wash will certainly remedy the color problem on the Gi. i once knew of a black belt at a nearby mcdojo that washed his black belt twice a week to get the faded, falling apart, white frayed edges look only to give prospective students and parents the idea he'd been around a while. there are far too many cons than there are pros to washing the belt: shrinkage, excessive wear, & fading. along the lines of MA tradition, it was forbidded to wash it. remember back in the day, the only color of belts were white. it went from white overtime to dirty brown to near black. it symbolized spiritual and physical growth within the art. so i guess you could say by washing your belt, you washed away your "knowledge" as well. we obviously know this to be different but hey, it's tradition. but like i said before, MA is becoming more and more commercialized and "easy" to buy your rank instead of working for it. if you dont care for tradition, so what, i could care less what you do with your belt or anything else for that matter. hell, just do away with the whole concept and buy yourself one of those flashy vinyl XMA Gis and knock yourself out
  8. this is true and for a variety of other reason, DON'T WASH YOUR BELT listen, you can blame it "sweaty people" for only so long. in our system, we are exclusive to buying from Century not because of price, but because of QUALITY PRODUCTS! we've had students working out in the rain for hours on end and NOT ONE TIME has a student had a belt with colors bleeding into the gi. im not trying to be offensive here but if you ask me, if your belt color is bleeding, it's not quality merchandise! besides, isnt there MA tradition speaking of NOT WASHING YOUR BELT...? oh wait, nevermind, we are in the XMA era
  9. why would he, myself, or anyone else for that matter give up on the idea of throwing effective kicks? are you saying these methods have no effectiveness? i certainly hope not. kicks have many more uses behind them than to just strike. IE, a kick low, if not used to strike, could be used as a diversionary tactic causing the attacker to block low, or even to react low, opening your opportunity for a high attack/counter. just a thought. attack high/low/high/low. cheers
  10. practice, practice, practice. and i know that sounds real in general but it's the honest truth. first off, you wanna emphasize the low kicks (all aimed below the waist). these are kicks targeting the shins, knees, thighs, and the groin. if by chance you do, later on, decide you wanna take the head, it comes much easier. also i cant stress enough you need to stretch the legs everyday. practice low kicks and stretching is your key to developing lightning fast kicks! good luck and have fun
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