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Everything posted by jedimc

  1. Yes Aikido is based around sword fundamentals but it wont make you a sword master.
  2. Yes I cant wait for Wii but got to save up, at the moment I'm playing Brain Training on the DS, its a really good game if you want get smarter.
  3. Try your local library, I recommend Aikido by Koichi Tohei and Best Aikido: The Fundamentals by Kisshomaru Ueshiba, Moriteru Ueshiba.
  4. Nintendo has Zelda so Wii gets my vote.
  5. I would just like to say that Fearless is the pinnacle of Jet Li's career, absolutely brillaint.
  6. All Aikido Techniques I know use the power from the hips and legs. But im not an expert
  7. Hi I play acoustic guitar and I want to upgrade to a electric, because im a begginer I thought I might get one of those starter packs with the guitar, amp and some accesories. I have seen a Squire Stratocaster pack, has anyone started with these sorts of packs? thanks
  8. Go Australia, Liverpool won the FA Cup .
  9. Yes they can be but they can be very small and direct, this is taught (sometimes) so there is minimal time used to throw or pin an opponent, in jiyu waza this can very useful as no one wants to be caught by the other opponents doing a large and slow technique. However it is often demonstrated, graded and taught large and graceful and there is nothing wrong with that.
  10. Well Aikido was designed for multiple attackers, the real challenge for some is finding a teacher that will be able to teach this style of fighting, imo there is 2 types of Aikido - good and bad. techniques can be big and and take up alot of room and/or they can be small and very fast, it would be good to learn both of these ways but its you choice to which one u use on the street, when learning Aikido techniques think of them as tools that can be used for different situations, just because you have been taught a technique a specific way doesn't mean you have to use it this way as you never will do your teachers Aikido as he/she have different body types and a different state of mind. With this we must understand why we are learning the art for fun, fitness or to be able to save your own life and others in dangerous times.
  11. Hey TJS have you ever used a choke in a fight?
  12. TKD and Aikido are very different arts,you will have to try both Judo and Aikido to see which one you like , this is best. But if you did want to train in both you will have to find a way to integrate both with out conflicts, an example is TKD has wide stances, in Aikido stances used are ones that are very easy to move in and have good balance so a stance like say a deep stance or horse stance would not be suitable in most Aikido techniques. In fighting TKD might go for a straight punch one hit kill attack but in Aikido you might be told to do a Tenkan (turning exercise) and finish of with a ie kotegaeshi, this is stressed because you are very vunerable behind, if you try to take out someone in front of you a tenkan turn gives you a sight of your surroundings and you can use your oponnent as a shield or projectile. These are just little things but if you do it then you can choose what you like and what you dont like,even make your own style.
  13. Yer on the bottom right of the page, its amazing how many martial arts he looked at and studied.
  14. I been reading this book and it is very interesting to see Lee's sketches and notes, a truly great read for martial artists and any other interested people. I just wonder how much Bruce Lee would of changed in his thinking if he was still alive now and had more time to research the martial arts.
  15. I ordered this book yesterday, cant wait for it to come (2-4 weeks).
  16. I have the same problem probaly because im slouched over the computer all the time, but my Aikido training requires a straight back to get full power from the techniques as a bent back make alot of difference when throwing someone, it also gives the opponent an advantage, an example is this try it if you want: try with someone and tell them to put their clinched fist to your head and then tell them to keep it their (with your back not straight) - then make your back straight and see how far away the clinch fist is from your face. In a fight this can make all the difference as a punch in the face can hurt alot.
  17. Stargate, cops, smallville, family guy and american dad.
  18. Well Liverpool is out, Arsenal deserved to go through they outplayed Madrid through out the game. How do you think will play in the finals I will say Barcelona vs AC Milan or Lyon.
  19. Yer in Australia Premier League games are on pay tv but UEFA cup and world cup games are on free to air tv so thats good. I think Brazil are going to have a freindly match with New Zealand so that will be interesting.
  20. Is any one here going to watch the world cup this year in Germany, Im going for Australia all the way. Did any one watch the Chelsea vs Barcelona game today, Barcelona deserved to win they were the better team, but I hope Liverpool win the cup again.
  21. Guns N Roses, Velvet Revolver, ACDC, Stone Temple Pilots, Slash's Snake Pit .
  22. Van Damme did Shotokan when he was younger, he has also done Tae Kwon Do for those big kicks. Steven Seagal does Aikido but alot of it is karate too(Goju Ryu I think).
  23. Im gonna buy it soon, thanks.
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