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Goju 4 Life

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Everything posted by Goju 4 Life

  1. Who administrates the test for the highes rank?
  2. If a school has 10 ranks within it's ten belts and charges money for each stripe, you may be in an overpriced McDojo. In our school we have grades for brown belts and black belts
  3. They are good. I have a heavyweight gee from them, and it's lasted me for years. You should try the major martial arts suppliers, they may have info on Bold Look.
  4. Did she mean Krav Manga(sp?)?
  5. I gotta agree. We have kids sparring as young as 5 year olds probably won't break each others bones. And they learn how to be comfortable in the ring, certain principles like moving, staying on your toes etc, and they have fun. The always have smiles on their face. So as long as the mouth guard protects those smiles and all that other gear is on FIGHT!
  6. You say you don't want to hurt him. IMO you should not seriously. But, if you act like a carpet he will feel compelled to walk on you. That reminds me. if you guys ar eon the ground drag him and give him carpet burn.
  7. Maybe the the repeated blows to the head are keeping him from making good decisions. I can just see his kids reading him a bedtime story
  8. The belt is according to how many post you have.
  9. IDC wasn't a pushover. Overall great nighttime show.
  10. I've seen divisions that are not heavily attended like novice adult, or advanced 5 and under; and the kid would do his form and win or put his pads on and win.
  11. Then how to I get into a sponsored team?
  12. I'm still trying to figure out how to use taste while fighting.
  13. How old is this guy anyway? Karate chops to the back of the neck? For me, I did that when I was five and had justed watched an episode of power rangers. But, that's just me.
  14. If you don't want him hitting you in the face block. And I would say the sidekick is really good at keeping newbs off of you...But i guess it doesn't work when he is so much bigger.
  15. At my school since we do tournaments demo gees are popular. The only rule is you have to be a blackbelt to where anything red. But I've seen al sorts of gees. Me I like my blue heavy weight
  16. Yeah. I think the flash is great for demonstration and getting younger people in to train. SO if you are going to practice it for demos, why not compete with it? Traditional and XMA are totally different.
  17. How do you guys feel about holographic/shiny/foil lookin' weapons? For competition purposes only. It makes the weapon look fast and the form has that sparkle.
  18. Back into a corner and then do a round off to a flash kick.
  19. In my dojo we bow before we go onto the mat.. So when the surface I am walking on changes I often bow(to step onto a carpet, tile in my kitchen etc) I shared this with one of my friends at the dojo and after a few minutes of laughing she admited to doing the same thing. And we are just paying respect to our carpet. and: You might be a MA if you use kitchen utensils(ladels, spoons, etc) as kamas; use an umbrela as a katana and you throw atleast 100 hundred techniques while completing non MA related task
  20. If you don't make it mandatory for higher ranks to teach, who will?
  21. How come when I watch tkd on tv they don't use that hands? Is it like soccer. hehehe
  22. Ya. club540, or trickstutorials.com are great for that kinda stuff
  23. In creative forms: Yaaaasssss, AAAtttttooooo, IIISaaaaaa. and many filler grunt s and sounds in between major kias. Anything else it's a SSAAAAA but at the school I'm in they are taugh to say Osssss
  24. I was really excited when I saw this on maslinc cuz TAC is my school and th epeople they talked about in the 4 person team were classmates/instructors
  25. Anybody know any good sites for legends pertaining to karate or samuraii or anything like?
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