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wing chun kuen man

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Everything posted by wing chun kuen man

  1. Sevenstar, Unfortunately after the years go by it is difficult to validate the notorioraty of some fighters/masters, specially in CMA (Chinese Martial Arts) where the time span can be literally a 1000 years or more. Suffice to say that in the old days china was quite a violent place and any one making big headed claims would very likely face challengers eager to prove him wrong and also traditionally (despite popular belief) kung fu teachers main purpose in life was not to be rich and famous. That is not to say that there were not any fake masters with fake stories to attract suckers. Another point about validating stories is that in even modern times when modern masters and icons such as Mas.Oyama and Bruce Lee (in that order) pass away, five minutes later people appear to say that they were not that good, they were fakes etc. etc. Now they are saying that the bulls that Mas.Oyama killed were drugged or were gay or something like that - by the way I have nothing against gay bulls, to each his own, LOL. They are asking wether Bruce Lee had had real fights etc. etc. No one seems to have tried to validate their stories when they were alive. And all these questions about people who have lived in our lifetimes. Varifying is difficult when people are dead and there is no film record of their deeds. Even written and eyewitness accounts can be disbuted. Best thing to do for doubters is not wait for the person to die before you disbute their fighting abilities and go and tell it to their faces when they are alive and challenge them or something. Many doubters can also made their doubts known to the 10th dans running around in many big western cities like LA, NY, Chicago, Paris London etc. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  2. Drunken Monkey, Maybe 47MartialMan is telling you that YOUR opinions can be wrong too. Just a thought Wing Chun Kuen Man
  3. Vito, I see you practice both, butwhich one would you choose? Wing Chun Kuen Man
  4. The higher the fake dan the more the potential exposure, publicity and ability to attract students (suckers). Yes, more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  5. Samurai Shotokan, An authentic 10th dan grade holder is a rarity in Okinawa the birth place of karate. I believe the reason for the existance of so many 10th dans in LA or the west in general comes down to BUSINESS and to a lesser extent vanity. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  6. I would still go for a good martial arts book- to be on the safe side - on karate but not necessarilly on the style that she practices. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  7. You are quiet right. There are a lot of fakes out there in any field, not just martial arts. You need to find the proof yourself and to your personal satisfaction. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  8. 47MartialMan, I thought you still had an open book on the subject. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  9. 47MartialMan, The best way to find out about chi is to find an AUTHENTIC Chi Kung teacher and take some classes with him for at least a few months if not years. Discussing chi in a public forum becomes pointless as everyone has differente ideas to what it is based on their own experiences and beliefs. To experience it is to understand it. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  10. DM´s explanation is ok, except for the part that he implies that I don´t know what I am talking about. and where he confuses the bodymechanics and and calmness of the mind which connected as they might be with chi development, still are not the same as Chi energy . Wing Chun Kuen Man
  11. 47MartialMan, That is the point. As far as I know people are not meant to hop around - like boxers for example - in karate fighting practice. I think that it is also called shuffling. They should have a solid base most if not all of the time. Hopping around is a more sport oriented phenomenon. I was told by a 7th dan Japanese Shotokan karate master that in the old days they would not hop around during fighting practice and that this is something modern that makes "karate weaker", his words not mine. I hope that traditional karatekai from the forum will add their views as well. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  12. "its deadly because when you get your credit card bill you die" It is called remote Dimmak or death touch. They have gained this ability through years and years of practicing their Bull-Chi internal energy development. I wouldn´t make too much fun of them if I were you. Don´t underestimate Bull-Chi... Wing Chun Kuen Man
  13. 47MartialMan, Hopping as in jumping around without a good solid base. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  14. ShadowGumba, Some karate styles concentrate a lot on technique and kata especially in the beginning. Then when they believe that the students have mastered the basics then they are taught sparring. Many traditional schools follow this type of training. It helps avoid students picking up bad habits like hopping around etc. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  15. Maybe they are friends of Steve Morris. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  16. Here is an interesting one I saw when I was in the beautiful city of Cali in Colombia some years ago. It was night time in a not so safe area of the city. Suddenly I heard an argument break out in the street between two guys. The insults led to one of them picking up a bottle and breaking it on the side walk. He then continued by swinging the broken bottle at his adversary who reacted by twisting and turning to avoid the blows. He never attempted to run nor did he try to hit the man with the bottle. All he did was avoid successfully all the attacks. After a minute or so the man with the bottle gave up, some words (insults) were exchanged followed by both of them walking away as if nothing had ever happened. Of course they walked away looking over their shoulders. This was a very weird "street fight" indeed. Wing Chun Kuen
  17. Mu Ryuk, If there are any Chinese herbalists in your area you may be able to get some from them. Otherwise if you know of any traditional kung fu schools near you then why not pop in and ask the instructor he has some to sell, or at least if he can tell you where to buy some. Who knows you may get lucky. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  18. bullpunk, Welcome to KF. Wing Chun is a great selfdefense style of kung fu. How great will obviously would depend on the school/instructor and the lineage you are being taught. Generally speaking though no matter what lineage you practice as long as the instructor is good then you will learn good fighting and selfdefemse techniques. I study traditional Wing Chun with a mainland China lineage. We are taught striking (hand, elbow, feet,leg and knees) as well as grappling which comes at a later stage. We are taught Chin-na techniques as well. Iron palm is regularly practiced. The chi kung (internal energy/breathing) exercises are ever present as well. As far as negative aspects of Wing Chun are concerned there are none for me. I consider myself lucky to have found a great sifu (instructor) and a traditional school. Just some quick introduction to Wing Chun: Basically a close range fighting system. There are three main forms. What you will learn will be concepts that are the basis for learning the style. These concepts will be your guide in progressing in Wing Chun. Of course you will learn many techniques. Chi Sao or sticky hands exercises will be practiced regularly with a partner. This exercises will enable you to create sensitivity to your partners movements; help your bases, allow you to flow in your techniques; sense openings in his defenses and thus penetrate his central line and improve your reflexes. There are many other details regarding the above as well as other aspects to Wing Chun training but I think the above are enough as an introduction. As you train you will be taught the various concepts and theories of the style. Good luck. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  19. Mu Ryuk, Good luck. By the way about the bruise on your forarm, the best thing in my opinion would be for you to get your hands on some good quality Dit Dai Jow linament. Rub and MASSAGE on your bruise a couple of times a day until your tournament. It should at least help to reduce your bruising. Good Luck Again, Wing Chun Kuen Man
  20. As for me, I wouldn´t mind Sum Yung Chick either Seriously though I have never heard of this new style. I hope someone can enlighten us. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  21. I think that Oleg Tartaroff is a Russian. Talking of Russians then what about sensei Valeri Maystrovoy the head of the Moscow "Sindo Ryu" school of Okinawa-Te Karate. A few months ago when I posted the site claiming to be the "Oficial server Okinawa Karate Federation" where he is interviewed, I saw mixed reactions from other members of the forum. Any way if what the site claims is true then the good sensei should be in the list of people never to **** with. By the way for people who do not know the site it is: https://www.okinawakarate.com Wing Chun Kuen Man
  22. Master Jules, Thank you. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  23. If nothing else, the existance of these types of sites validate the saying - THERE IS ONE BORN EVERY MINUTE. Or is it a "phoenix" reborn every minute Wing Chun Kuen Man
  24. Sho-ju, For more info on Pak Mei check out the following web sites : https://www.pakmei.ca https://www.whiteeyebrowpakmeikungfu.homestead.com It will be interesting to know what the actual name of the Praying Mantis style that is practiced in the school. As far as I know Wu Shen does not refer to a style, but I could be wrong. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  25. Vito, To make it short, because of the uncertainties involved in a street fight. e.g. multiple assailants, hard or rough floor etc. I would pick a striking MA. Wing Chun Kuen Man
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