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Everything posted by JEM618

  1. Full version of Word itself is 229.00. MS Office is 349.00 - comes with Word, Excel, and Outlook. Best bet is MS Office Student and Teacher Edition - it's 149.00 and comes with Word, Excel, and Outlook. It's for students and teachers.
  2. Be careful, like DVDs, Nintendo, PlayStation, & X-Box games are region specific, i.e., Japanese games only work in Japanese game machines. If you’re crazy about the game you could get a machine to go along with it or you may be able to play it if you can find a hack for the region protection.
  3. Attitude! Every time you walk into the dojo, practice as if it were the last practice you'll ever do. What I mean is, savor it, put your heart and soul into it. Does your gi snap with every kick and punch? Do you stand up straight. Do you listen attentivly to what the teacher is saying? Make him take notice with a great attitude and great technique. If you are just 'going through the motions' slouching, looking out the window when the teacher is talking... well, hell will freeze over before he decides to show you new stuff. I teach kids and I have some that complain just as you do but they are the ones that have poor attitude. Other kids that try hard to perfect what they've learned are the first to learn the 'new stuff' every time.
  4. Never heard of that; could be an embellishment of his ability. Quite often his students would be dumfounded by the fact in the middle of a full frontal attack towards Ueshiba the would find that he had ‘disappeared’ from in front of them only to ‘reappear’ behind them ready for the next attack or throwing them with some type of ‘kokyu-nage’. On a side note, Ueshiba did claim that his survival in the war was due to the fact that he could 'see the bullets coming' and was able to get out of the way of enemy fire. I read accounts of him charging onward on the battlefield unscathed while his comrades dropped like flies. Could be he had an innate sense of battle and could intuitively move through the best or safest course. Don't know if I'd go as far as to say he could dodge bullets. A Google will give you plenty of info and stories about him.
  5. Do you have a make and model number for the HDD and motherboard? What OS is he trying to install? Are the jumpers set correctly on the HDD? Some HDD drives have a jumper that limits the BIOS to recognizing only 2GB of the drive, others can be limited to 32GB. On the HDD, the Jumper settings are Master, Slave, Cable Select, Limit the drive. Make sure the jumpers are set correct. How old is the motherboard? If it's an old motherboard, does the drive support that size drive without a BIOS upgrade? You are welcome to post here but you may have better luck with Microsoft Newsgroups. You can post under 'Hardware' under the group for the OS you are trying to install. They will be able to help you based on the OS, motherboard, and HDD specs you give them.
  6. Anytime... Ronnryu, be careful with the following: Wilmoth ウィルモス The ィ in ウィルモス is half-size. Jones ジョーンズ The ョ in ジョーンズ is half-size. Smallwood スモールウッド The ッ in スモールウッド is half-size. 'Half-size' katakana, as you already may know, denotes a blended sound and combines syllables. Writing these characters 'full-size' would change the reading considerably. And with Henson, be careful of 'n' ン and 'so' ソ the look quite similar.
  7. Yeah, getting the katakana to make an accurate approximation of the English pronunciation is difficult. Here’s my shot at it.   Wilmoth ウィルモス Jones ジョーンズ Smallwood スモールウッド Henson ヘンソン Shorin Ryuu, you may want to offer yours...
  8. Very perceptive.... 心身といつ The unification of heart, mind, and body.
  9. Play nice Ken! Don't call it 'baka [no] mono kata'! In Japanese, 'baka' means fool or idiot, 'mono' means thing, object, or product. So, your kata would be know in Japanese as 'the product of a fool' or 'something made by an idiot'. Shame on you! My wife has gotten me to say some pretty funny stuff to strangers. We got lost once and she told me to ask for directions, or so I thought. Wound up asking some guy what color underwear he had on instead of where the restaurant was.... All good for a laugh, but...
  10. Never argue with an idiot. Because an idiot will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
  11. I got this off their web site: The LINXX Academy of Martial Arts Linking the world's most effective martial arts styles; Linking the three critical elements of self-defense — striking, weapons, and grappling; and linking the energy of the mind, body, and spirit. I am particularly interested in this part of the statement: and linking the energy of the mind, body, and spirit. Can anyone tell me how this part of the system is taught?
  12. I agree with the fact that 'no belt' or 'striping' belts is a powerful organizational tool in terms of managing classes of mixed ranks and ability. But, I don't believe it’s so good if it is used as a marketing or money making scheme. I trained at a TKD dojo that had 10 tests before 1st degree black belt, all the colored belts and ‘stripe tests’ in between. When teaching classes it took only a second to visually survey the class and determine how to divide the class for drills, sparring, etc. But in the end, I thought, ‘Why?’ In reality, do you need to draw such fine lines between abilities with in ranks? It just seemed to be simply way to double test fee income. The school I am at now follows a more traditional rank system, the concept for beginners runs parallel to that of the ‘no belt’ start. Since you need a belt to keep the top of your uniform closed, you get a belt the very first day, but it comes with out rank, or ‘kyu’. So you start off with ‘no kyu’, then when you are ready, you test for 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and finally 1st kyu, which is the equivalent to a brown belt. An interesting point, there are only two colors for belts, white and black. So the guy with ‘no kyu’ and the guy with 1st kyu, or brown belt, both wear white belts. (The only perceptible difference is the slight discoloration of the belt as it is worn over the course of three or four years, it gets a little darker from sweat and dirt, etc.) Funny, the first day at the school, I walked into a class where two 1st kyu guys were getting ready for their black belt test. I watched in horror. 'These guys are awesome', I thought, 'and they are only white belts!' Also, once you get your 1st dan, the belt remains the same. No stripes or marks to show 2nd, 3rd, 4th dan, etc. (The only perceptible difference is the slight loss of color or wear on the best from wearing it and tying it over the course of your career, it gets worn around the belt knot, and the black starts to fade to gray.)
  13. Don't confuse efforts with results.
  14. Hey, 47MM, remember that merry-go-round we were talking about yesterday? Still stuck on it, huh? Better get off it before you get sick. Yup, we were talking about literal translations less than 24 hours ago! Sigh... to think all those decades wasted! Actually you've probably already gotten all the answers you are looking for, you just forgot them... Have a nice day!
  15. Here it is... Oh, and while your it; which animals and who told you not to?
  16. How's what? And speaking of ‘copy-cats’, geez, aren’t all of us practicing MAs guilty of that crime?
  17. So, are you a skeptic? Don't be shy..... The super tag team of thaiboxerken and 47MM. Champions!!! Is that your goal, Ken, to post the 'Randi Challenge' in as many threads as possible? ほんとに寒くないの????
  18. Based on expert research!!! And in another thread he asks 'What is Chi?', or says Chi is a hoax, blah, blah, blah... LMAO!!
  19. So, you wouldn't mind being called a red neck, Yankee, or cowboy, if used in a derogatory manner? 47MM says it was 'shorthand' (any system of rapid handwriting which can be used to transcribe the spoken word), what I’m sure he meant was abbreviation (a shortened form of a word or phrase used chiefly in writing to represent the complete form), but I digress. Anyway, reread the post, judging from the tone and context (of the post and thread), you’d be hard pressed to convince anyone that it was ‘shorthand’. And speaking of ‘copy-cats’, geez, aren’t all of us practicing MAs guilty of that crime?
  20. You can navigate through the thread by using the page index at the bottom, find it youself and get back to me... And as I said before, I cant pick out he correct one, you have to decide what you wanted to say... The meaning of each sentence is different, and would be used in different context... Example 1: Boy: 'Dad, look at that fat guy, he looks like an elephant!' Father: 'Don't speak of strangers that way.' (speak about, talk about) Example 2: Boy is talking to a stranger, stranger is giving boy candy. Father sees this, grabs boy and drags him off. Father: Don't speak to strangers. (talk to)
  21. You are a rarity. Most of my colleagues are Japanese, and without exception find the term offensive. 寒くない?
  22. Quoted from JL somwhere around the beginning of this thread. To begin with, I'd suggest looking at the original Chinese, not Japanese. Qi [breath] is different from Yi [mental intent] is different from emotional intent (forget the word), etc. Maybe you can further your research by asking one of the forum members who practices Chinese MAs to define 'chi' or 'qi'. Or you could take a trip to the local library or bookstore. BTW Is phisic a new branch of science or did you mean physics? What do you think I mean? Careful some point out that it is different form Chi/Qi Perhaps: Careful some point out that it is a different form of Chi/Qi. Careful some point out that it is different from Chi/Qi. Don’t get frustrated, I’m just trying to understand. Please explain. Careful, some believe that it is all the same. Forget the "breath" Careful, how can one say that they are different, when they had just suggested for another to research it when they may only know ONE of the other. Careful, some think that the Japs are a culture of copy cats that taken Chi/Qi, among other things, and used it in their own fashion. Careful, that Aikidoists believe in Ki, because it is in the very name and practice, thus "brainwashing" practitioners. Careful, maybe one should research the many other aspects of Chi/Qi that one should take their own suggestion. Careful, my posts are not neccessarily my view or opinions. Carfeul, I don't kair about grammatical errors. This statement does not reflect my personal opinions of beliefs; it’s just a matter of common courtesy and good manners. A point I am sure the moderators and most members of this forum would agree. For civility, in any case, derogatory terms describing any ethnic or religious group should be avoided at all cost. We, the members of the forum should not use terms such as: Italian: w** Chinese: ch*** German: Na** Japanese: J** Irish: mi** African American / colored person: ni**** Mexican: w** b*** Person of mixed descent: half-breed American: red neck or Yankee. All of these terms, and many others are considered inflammatory. I think using them shows poor manners and lack of restraint. No matter how angry you get, discretion is the better part of valor. They shouldn’t be used as a last ditch effort to insult someone, their creed, or beliefs. On a forum like this, you never know who you are talking to.
  23. Talk about not reading something written. Hmmmn-In language theory, this is called prediction. Experimentation shows that native speakers when participating in randomized cloze practices fill in word based on their assumptions, perceptions, or beliefs on a particular topic and what they think the answer should be. Quite often making a mistake based on what they though they read, or what it ‘should have read’, not actually what they read. Along with fill cloze practices, another interesting test; A group of native and a group of non-native speakers are given a text to read aloud. The text has 25 grammatical errors. When the non-natives read the passage they say all 25 errors, the natives say 15 or less, the mind takes over and automatically predicts correct syntax and smooth out errors. Seems to be something you have just done. Nope, you'll find coutless examples at the bookstore or library - under second language aquisition. I suggested that you take a pick because you were interpreting, or mis-interpreting, what I had written. How did I post it originally? Did I use "of" or "to"? So how do you understand/interpret that? Pick out the correct one and I give you a explanation. No, both sentences have different meaning and would be used in entirely differnet context. Tell me which one and I'll understand.
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