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Everything posted by CapitalKarate

  1. No such thing as a neanderthal.
  2. Martial arts should be teaching you how to avoid conflicts, and find a peaceful way to end any conflict that starts up. I'd suggest to talk to your principle or a teacher. If no one in authority at your school will help, have your Father or Mother call the non-emergency number for the police and explaint he situation to them. Hope all works for the best!
  3. I memorized how to tie a belt on the first day of karate . This is the way we tie our belts (we are very strict)..... 1. Take one end of your belt and place it on your left side, just above your hip with about ten inches hanging off. Tkae the opposite end of the belt and wrap it around your RIGHT side just above your hip twice, and make the two ends even in length. 2. Take the end that is on the RIGHT side and wrap it around BOTH layers of the belt (not just the top layer) from underneath, and firmly tug on both ends of your belt to make the knot, so far, tight. 3. The two ends right now should be diagonal. Take the end thats on your left side (which, btw, should be faceing the ground), and at about 3-5 inches down the length of the end of the belt, make a 90 degree angle with it. And make the fold on top, not underneath. 4. Take the end thats facing up (the end on your right side), and bend it down over the belt thats around you, there should not be what looks like an un even square between both ends of your belt. Now take the end of the belt that you just folded down (the right end), and wrap it under the end of the belt thats on your left side, which should still have a 90 degree angle in it. Wrap it under and pull it through the opening you will have, and pull both ends tight, and if done correctly you should have the type of knot most people use. I hope I made SOME sort of sense
  4. I am extremely heavy into weight lifting and push ups are a part of weight lifting. and from what i've read from every source i've heard of is, if you're doing any kind of weight lifting, you MUST have a day to rest your muscles and joints. my advice for anyone, not just MAists is to, on the first day do your upper body workout, and if you don't have a weight machine/bench, then improvise, you can get a great workout by doing just pushups, chin ups, dips. on the second day (the following day after your upper body workout), do your lower body, your abs/midsection, and legs. and about your abs, i'd suggest to do as many different types of ab workouts as you know of, and do lots of squats. you can probably figure out different ways to workout your legs if you don't have a weight bench. and then the next day do your upper body, and the next do your lower, so you have a day in between each type of exercise to let your muscles rest, but also w/o wasting a day doing no type of exercise at all.
  5. no offense, but was that even english? not to mention proper english.
  6. They actually have bandana/fabric training? wow, well, I've heard of james keating, never knew how good he was though. Thanks!
  7. Hi all! I evidently don't know as much as I thought i did about the martial arts, so I'd like to know, I practice Shorin-ryu Karate, and in it we are heavy in katas and in repetition of kicks and punches (fear the man who practices 1 punch 1000 times to the man who practices 1000 punches 1 time each as someone on here said). And my sensai LOVES to wipe us out with stretching exercises and loves doing push ups/sit ups/jumping jacks, and we also have emphasis on some grappling and groundfighting and high kicking while on the ground, and some joint locks/breaks, and we have training almost every lesson with some sort of weapon (we have every okinawan weapon taught along with other weapons). anyway, I'd like to know how my style/dojo/sensai compares to others that you all know of or compared to your own? Thank you.
  8. I love people who use low blocks in sparring. Makes it twice as easy to punch them in the head. You should block low punches with your elbows or forears so you dont have to drop your gaurd. I use them when the kick is at upper thigh hight or just below tyvm, plus i'd like to see someone throw a roundhouse at my side and at the same time throw a punch that will do damage, even if aimed at my face
  9. but, anywho, back to the original topic....does anyone here possibly know what the laws are for virginia in regards to someone breaking into your house and possibly endangering your family?
  10. i have a white german shepherd, full grown, and rather large, but its only 60-70 pounds, there's not way you can have a 120 lb shepherd w/o it being in some majorly bad shape.
  11. well are you a guy or girl? if you are a girl, i'd say you're veyr lucky, if not, then i feel for you
  12. I have to also say escrima stick/bo/jo, tis a shame there are no MA that teach you how to use a shirt or, as someone said a bandana, specifically
  13. I practice Shorin-ryu karate, and we practice bo, jo, knife, tonfa, kama, nunchaku, sword, sais
  14. I've seen every type of martial arts video out there (seen as in i saw them for sale online), and i have never seen any videos for any kind of club, sorry
  15. It's not illegal to buy a balisong, unless your local laws prehibit it, but it is illegal to carry one, even non concealed, i don't think you could even get a permit to carry one. its a stupid law though, i mean, i have both balisongs and regular folding knives and a balisong takes more time to open than a folder (yes, i have been trained as to how to use a balisong, so i'm not a beginner), and they are also primarily used as a philipino weapon.
  16. actually, if you get into a fight with someone, no matter what state you are in and if its not in your house or your property, and the person you're fighting doesnt have a weapon, then you are guilty of a class something felony, and will have at least a 1 year sentence. even if you use a cane against someone whos unarmed, you'll be charged
  17. If someone broke into my house, I'd have so much fun, but at the same time I'd have a hard time figuring out which weapon to use. See, I have a 47 inch paul chen katana right next to my bed, a bokken on the other side of my room, three daggers hanging on my wall, a set of nunchaku on my wall, a united cutlery double bladed (not double edged, double bladed [tho i would think it would be crappy for fighting with]), a united cutlery double bladed knife, a pair of hand sharpened sais over my bed, a full tang katana sword set on my wall, a cheap sword set against my wall, and a bo, but thats only for my long weapons, for knives and shorter weapons? two cold steel throwing tomahawks on my closet shelf, a cold steel OSS (great knife) on my closet, a ka-bar usmc fighting knife next to the oss, a 17 inch ebay knife i cut down to a 12 inch fighting knife similarly designed to the one in "The Hunted" but with a much sharper point, a rambo bowie on my closet, and a whole footlocker full of pocket knives (mostly messed up ones). as for which one(s) i would probably use? i'd either go for my sais or for a sai and a tomahawk (gotta have a sharp edge when fighting)
  18. I can't believe there's actually a forum about dating on a MA site . But I do understand where all of ya are coming from, it's easier to get along with someone/have a relationship with someone (male or female) if you have similar interests, I would LOVE to find a christian girl my age who loved the martial arts, even if she were better than I. But, I've given up on finding such a woman, lol. O well, hope all works out for you all! P.S. bout the link someone gave to the MAist who was posting a personal ad.... mormonism isn't anything like christianity.
  19. You have to figure out what you want to get out of your MA training, if you don't care about being able to defend yourself if need be, then stay with the dojo you are at, if you're like me and a major reason you are taking karate is to learn how to defend yourself, then talk to your sensai and see if he can get sparring into the class, if he can't, i'd say don't waste any time, get out of the dojo you're currently in, and go to the other one, hope all works out!
  20. I'm a yellow belt in karate, and already i'm able to use my blocks in a real fight effectively. and w/o hurting my forearm. and low blocks are effective, as they are not only used for kicks, they are also used for low punches, and the beauty of a low block is if done correctly to block a middle/low punch if you continue twisting your forearm you can get them into a joint lock at the elbow or shoulder and take them down to the ground with your leg.
  21. so, just wondering, if i wanted to take, say, 3(?) different styles to learn kicking/punching, grappling, and groundwork. which three would you all reccomend?
  22. I think I would prefer, in a street fight, a front kick, or a side kick, or a roundhouse. A cresent kick wouldn't work too well unless you're really good at it and you have a chance to perform it. And a back kick would only really be useful if there were multiple attackers or you wanted to finish someone off as it, or a mix between a back kick and a side kick, is a very strong kick when done correctly.
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