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Everything posted by Ronnryu
I perfer the Toyo gis good snap and weight they are also very bright white.
thanks for the reply. I am looking for the ho that will mean junior or probationary black belt ie shodan ho.
Thanks I will try and order it . I ordered some of Shihan Demura's videos and they seem to be on back order for some reason.
I was wondering if anyone knows of any tapes that may have some of these kata on them . I have the Matayoshi tape wiht tsuken akucho no eiku on it . However I have had problems finding authinic kata on tapes.
Oh yes Shito ryu we have that stance in most of the kata .
I really love the Toyo Gi's however i recently got a Anshin custome gi and really like it just wihs it was a little heaver.
Hello everyone I am trying to find the kanji for junior for a shodan ho . So I guess I really jsut need the ho part I have the kanji for shodan. Thanks in advance.
I believe you are talking about the shito ryu version of Unshu. Which is where the modern Shotokan version comes from it really isent shorter it is done on a straight line and instead of the big jump trun . You do a cresent kick into a spin around much like in rohai. it is really a nice kata you see much of the chinese influence in it.
Myself I perfer the Shito ryu version of unshu it makes alot more sence to me there are no fancy jump spin turns and the bunkai makes more sence to me. However the kata I will run almost everytime I work out are Shisochin and Nipaipo. I will jsut get lost in running these kata. I also really like Kyan Chinto.
There are many different branches of Shito ryu . However if you are refering to Seito shito ryu headed by Kenzo Mabuni and Shito kai headed by Kenei Mabuni . They are both the sons of Shito ryu founder Kenwa Mabuni. Very simaleer wiht only slight differences in the kata much the same as all the other branches. here are few sites that may help. https://www.shitokai.com https://www.martialsource.com
The shotokan and Shito ryu versions of Sochin really do look like 2 different kata with the execption of the very last move. the shito ryu version is done with 3 cat stances and 3 reverse punches moving foward. then turn and 3 more reverse punches. I dont know of any sites where this kata might be posted sorry.
That would be great. here are the last names that I need translated. Wilmoth, Jones, Smallwood, Henson. I am indebted to you I am still trying to work on my Shodo and name translation is not comeing easy. thank you for your time. Respectfully, Ron Davis
Hello everyone, I am looking for a place where I can get an english last name translated in to japanese katakana. I have found there first names but am unalbe to locate a site taht will do last names. Thanks in advance
I am a sandan in motobu ha shito ryu in griffin ga. I am a student of Shihan Gene Williams in Milledgeville ga.
Yes I agree and I am sure the head judge will . However it is jsut one guy who really likes to creat drama taht is insisting on this . this guy has me on the verge of leaving this current organization. I mean it is hard to change something tha you have been doing for over 20 years. And I mean come one a high block is a high block.
thank you for your reply. it is just hard to get people to change something that you have been doing for 20years. and realy does it make that much of a differance and yes I have seen people punch themselves aswell . myself I always felt stronger doing it to the inside I guess its a personnal preferance.
Hello all I am jsut looking for some opninons . I ahve severall studnets taht are going to be cross testing for ther balck belt in Shito ryu . some of them have been doing shotokan for over 20 yrs. Now here is the question I have always been taught to do a jodan uke high block coming to the inside of the other hand. However in shotokan they ahve always doen the high block to the outside of the arm. Now in my opinion it dosent make much of a difference jsut different bunkai. however one of my fellow karateka who will be on the testign board is making it a really big deal and says that he will mark off on the students if the block taht way. So what do yall think?
Cool I have a class in Griffin ga which is a little south of atlanta . I am familaer With Mr. Smith I believe he help arrange the Rengokai when it was in atlanta. I enjoyed that event very much and hope it will come back to atlant in the future. Please let me know when you are in atlanta maybe I cna make it up that way to work out with yall.
Thanks for your reply. I try to get to florida in july where abouts is summerfield located. Who did you study Motobu ha shito ryu from I use to be in the same orginazation as Shihan Kelly and still keep intouch wht him. Personlally I am seeking the more traditional okinawan style of kata. including the weapons . Unfourtantly My sensei does not know this kata , and I want to learn a few more sai kata. I have tried to contackt a ryukyu kempo/kobudo school not to far from me but they wont return my email or calls. I would also love to learn a eku kata. the current kobudo kat that I know right now is. tenryu no kun tokamine no kun shushi no kun ryu be no kun sakagawa no kun sunakake no kun tsuraken haku no sai chantan yara no sai hama higa no sai jushi no tonfa hama higa no tonfa kokuba no tonfa hama higa no kama taria no nunchaku sho
Does anyone know this kata if so do you know where I cna get a video of it . I know a kata called tsuriken haku no sai but from what I understand they are 2 different kata? also if you know of a mpeg with it on it please let me know so I can jsut view it? Thanks in advance
Wow its hard to name a favorite kata I love them all in different ways . If I had to name one I guess it wold have to be Shisochin. It is a kata I find myself doing everytime I workout.
I also study Shito ryu a branch of the motobu ha style. I am also familar with Mr. Croswell. He is very big on letting you know right up front who he has trained with. Not deniing that He has studied under some great people . However he has not stayed under there orginazation. I believe he was a part of the Seito Shito ryu which is run by Soke Kenzo Mabuni who is the son of the founder Kenwa Mabuni. I also run many kata but there is no way anyone could keep up with 100 kata at a 3rd dan level. There are many styles that will run slightly different versions of the same kata. Alot of people do this jsut so they can say they know 1000 kata.I have been studing Shito ryu for over 20 years now and find myself droping alot of the repeat kata. I mean how many versions of Bassai do you need. Also many of the Shotokan kata come from the Shito ryu style . Funakoshi sent many of his top studnets including his som Gigo to study kata From Mabuni and bring back kata to the Shotokan style. kata like unsu comes from unshu as well as nijushiho comes from niseishi and so on. just my 2 cents
Shorin ryu is from the shuri part of okinawan Shuri te. Shorei is another name for Naha te liek Goju ryu. Hoiwever if you are talking about the styel shorei ryu it is a more moderan style of karate they do some shotokan kata like the Heians and kanku and some others that I am unsure of there lineage.
Do you mean geki sai dia ichi. I didnt think goju did fuki gata those are useally shorin ryu kata?
Traditionally there are only a few kata with a jump kick inthem and they are jump front kicks kata like Kosokun Dai, Chinto and Superempei I believe are the only kata with this kick in them. If you are looking for flash you might want to check out some kind of Open style of karate or Tae Kwon Do.