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Everything posted by tsukimaster

  1. it's only paranoia when the voices in your head tell you it is.
  2. Jodo white green blue 1st red 2nd red black 1-9 Karate white yellow orange green blue purple brown 3rd class brown 2nd class brown 1st class black 1-10
  3. Maybe make him shower in the middle of class? Or keep some of that axe spray handy, might help a little.
  4. In general, brown belt (or one step from black) but if the studnt is above average, showsa desire to assist, and CAN assist. Green might work.
  5. good deal, thanks
  6. Thanks everyone. You've been most helpful
  7. Had that feeling about dillman myself...........
  8. I suppose you have to weigh what you get for that amount of money. If youre gettng awesome training facilities with free gi's, belts and test, and a great system maybe it's worth it. But if it's just your run of the mill karate class.......... NO WAY
  9. M.A. programs on ESPN are hit or miss. Some weeks they are on like 50 times, other weeks, never. But I will try to post the times here when I come across them.
  10. One should not train when sick, especially if you are involved in a class where you can contaminate others. As you learned, training while sick can compound the illness.
  11. if there were no newbies the arts would die.
  12. I've taught everyone from a 6 year old, to a 90 year old man in a wheel chair. Everyone can gain some benefit fom the arts.
  13. I would recommend that in order to get your moneys worth as a parent, wait until they are 10. If you go to a decent school they will not give your child a full black belt until the age of 16. So if your child earns a black belt before that they could be a junior black belt in a "holding pattern", that is re-learning the same stuff until they reach 16. Not to mention that most kids under 10 do not stick with anything for too long.
  14. Learning a little of this and little of that usually turns out to be a lot of nothing. As mentioned previously, earn a black belt on system before playing with others.
  15. Does anyone in this forum have any experience with the Dillman Method? There are a lot of spectacular claims made by his ads, like knocking someone out from across the room! Does it float or no?
  16. tsukimaster


    I think Kyokushin is pushing for this.
  17. Teaching your kids has good and bad points to it. Good is that you have someone in the family to carry on the tradition of the arts. Bad- some people will wonder if your kids rank was because of skill or because of who his dad is, and the attitude of "I can skip class today, dad wont mind" . I taught three of my children, and two of them quit because I was hard on them to avoid the aforementioned badpoints, which causes resentment....... in a nut shell, I would recommend that no one teaches their own kids.
  18. It can be a stand alone system but I offer it to my existing Kempo/Karate students. While I think my jodo system can be effective by itself, one should always study other emptyhand styles to "round out their training" If it gets approved by the organization, they have already asked if I'd make videos. I don't have access to production equipment but I'd be more than willing to market home made stuff. My system begins with basic hand and foot strikes and blocks, then onto single jo strikes, self defense, then onto empty hand self defense versus the jo, and then onto double jo work with self defense for that too. I alo incorporate free sparring with the jo and encourage students to increase their ability to hit and take hits in live combat. No katas are taught.
  19. aaahh the instructor/student relationship. Many an instructor struggles with this all the time. While one wants their students to be good people both in and out of the dojo, one must be careful not to get too involved. Check their grades, speak to them if they are acting up outside of class, but keep it professional.
  20. Why do you need to write a job description? If you ARE an instructor....god help you. If not, whats the deal????
  21. Officially I am against anyone under the age of 16 being a Black Belt. Case in point. The local Zen Do Kai organization here in my small town recently promoted a 10 year old to black belt. I saw this kid at a tournament, the whole time chasing lower ranks around trying to hit them with nunchakus, which he then passed to his younger sister for her to do the same. In my opinion the black belt is a sign that one has a firm grasp on who they are, being self-controlled, self-disciplined, humble, courteous....... thats a black belt, not a kid who doesnt even know that when he hits someone he could kill them and suffer heavy legal penalties. You must atleast understand the consequences of your actions before even thinking about being a black belt.
  22. Jodo is a stick fighting "art". Traditional Jodo teaches bokken (wooden sword) as well as the Jo (4 foot staff) I found in traditional systems you learn 12 movements of a "kata" from white to 10th dan, and possibly a few techniques, possibly. Not much there. My system focuses on self defense, and "jo sparring", making it purely a stick fighting system not watered down with other stuff. What makes me qualified? Over 26 years in the arts with Black Belts in Karate, Kempo, Judo, and Iaido. Stick fighting has been part of my training, just thought I'd expand it and make it a system, especially after my research. At this point my system is being reviewed by the National Dragon Council of Martial Arts for founders status.
  23. typically an instructor will be fairly certain at least that a student will pass a grading. When students fail a grading it is almost always due to a brain fart. In my dojo every class is a test, life is a test. Students who exhibit proper attitude and discipline progress faster than those who just show up. I always fail a student regardless of how well they do somewhere near brown belt. If they perservere they will most likely make it to Black Belt, if they quit and do not accept failure........ the failure was just.
  24. I am interested in chatting with people who have Jodo experience. I have created my own style of Jodo which focuses solely on self defense techniques and fighting. I have researched Jodo quite a bit and have found traditional styles to be lacking....
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