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Mc. Steve

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Everything posted by Mc. Steve

  1. Cheer peeps. I'll have a word with my instructor. The thing is I quite enjoy going to the class, and both my parents have joined since I have. I guess I could maybe drop down to one class a week and take somthing else to fine tune my techs? Somthing with a bit of facial contact, some sweeps and the odd throw. Any thoughts?
  2. I have been studying TSD for just over a year now, and am getting rather worried. From what I can see, gup grades seem to be awarded belts for just turning up to classes and knowing what techniques should vaguely look like, not being able to perform techniques very well. I find this very worrying, because if they are not being told major problems, whats to say I'm not going to pick up bad habbits I'm not aware of, or even if I already have pleanty. Is it worth learning the techniques of the art if I'm going to learn them wrong? Perhaps most martial arts schools have teaching of a similar level, and my previous art was especially strict. Steve I'm not tryin to put down my class mates, I've just noticed alot of Bristol TSD students higher grade than me not being able to properly pull off basic kicks. Meh, I always feel bad about posting, like peeps don't want to hear me whinin.grrrrrrr.....
  3. I was very lucky at my first competition. It was just under 2 weeks before my 16th birthday, and was in an age group where everyone was younder than me by between 2 and 4 years, meaning I could kick them all in the head with ease, and ended up with second place in forms and sparring. My second competition didn't go quite so well, as I drunk a bottle of rum the night before and was being sick between my form and fights. Despite this I came away with a second place in forms. I think I've been lucky with my experiences, because I've yet to test out my skill properly. Bring on the nationals. Mc. Steve Killer of threads, sorry TKD
  4. And what area. If ya say Bristol I kin help y'out. Oh, and welcome
  5. Evenin all you crazy Martial Arts people. My name is Stephen, but to my friends I'm know as Steve, and to my enemies, Ganjie Haar-wob. I'm 17, having studied WTSD for a year (give of take a fourtnight) and Wado Ryu for 2 years when I was 9. I'm a danser at heart, but don't do it anymore, so use the high kicks to relieve my urges. I look forward to getting to know y'all and your arts better. This is me (Imagine theres a green trim round my suit. There isn't, but there should be) OK, these are very big, so I'll use links. Sorry, can't be bothered to edit em down. Also me Me about to fall over attempting to hold a left roundhouse For all of you who can't get enough of my beautiful face. Quite an old pic. Me about to be ridiculed by a forum of Martial Artists. Post count openings for all. Steve
  6. I'm new too, so I'll just assume everyone who's posted directed it at me too. Wheey
  7. For me theres no beating a nice quick sidekick. For fun to do, I'de have to say jump spinning back side.
  8. I recon there are few rooms in my house where I couldn't use some type of staff. Keep em at bay, thats what I say. Hey hey, I can rhyme today, and... it... not even may? ummm.....
  9. Yesterday I got told a wheel kick is like a turning back hook, but you keep your leg straight. Thought it was like cartwheel before.
  10. Bong (Bo staff) forms, knife forms, sword forms, cane form. Thats in WTSD at least.
  11. Tang Soo Do is alot like TKD, but better
  12. For harder feet I used to run around local streets barefoot for a while. Don't go too far to start with, coz then ya gotta get back, but watch out for glass an stuff :S Steve
  13. When practicing gun/knife disarming techs, when you have performed the technique, do not give it back to your opponent straight away. Put it on the floor, turn and run a metre, whatever. You do not want the "handing back" movements to be associated with the technique in your head. RS
  14. One new form per gup grade, one breaking technique, 5 hand foot and self defence techniques (so 15) per 2 grades. At 4th Gup we learn a bong form, another at 2nd.
  15. Most of the stated reasons. I wanted to keep fit, learn to defend myself, my dad was going to attend with me (and still does, but only attends one lesson a week still) and of course I wanted to learn to fight like Bruce Lee. Who wouldn't?
  16. I once got some advice which seemed to make sense. In a situation where you are alone and someone starts on you, you should run. If they try to persue you, don't sprint off, try to keep a constant distance between you and them, just a few metres. Spin kick them in the stomach then keep on running. If they continue to persue you, aim for somewhere a lil more decapacitating. Self defence isn't beating people, it's protecting yourself from harm. People can't hurt you if they can't catch you. Edit: Ooh, or roundhouse them in the side of their upper leg. Can you be sued for giving someone a dead leg?
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