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Everything posted by ThaiBoxeo

  1. try http://www.ariesfightgear.com or http://www.fairtex.com they have kickboxing equipment. I'm not sure what kind you do, I do muay thai and we don't have those types of belts.
  2. Yea I've seen sasha mitchel fight scenes and he looked like he knew what was down. also he looks much more authentic in muay thai than van damme.
  3. I used to be aggressive but now that I've gotten alot better I wait for my time to strike and pick my shots
  4. I agree with Yoda. I'm a pretty good sprinter and I'm pretty slim, the kind of lifting you do to help you with that are squats and deadlifts. building up explosive power which is doing your max with low reps does not make you big and bulky.
  5. yea it probably was 1/5 were foriegn. I read the article a while ago.
  6. damn that was a pretty good comeback. Just a little tidbit of info, did you know that 2% of english population is black, but 1 out of 5 english premier leauge players is black. Think about that. ?? [ This Message was edited by: ThaiBoxeo on 2002-02-15 03:55 ]
  7. geez 11.1 is the 4th fastest time in the UK? there are 5 kids in the county who can do a 100 under 11 seconds. I can do mine in 11.3. I guess thats just the area though.
  8. My endurance is very good, I run track, also the type of weight training I do isn't body building, it's power lifting. If you want to know the rest of my times for track here they are. 200m - 23.6 300m - 37.9 400m - 52.4
  9. Because of school sports I play I'm on a program called Bigger faster stronger or BSF, it works wonders. We do power lifts, and I increase my bench from 160 to 230 in a year, deadlift from 265-350 and squat from 225-300. Also my 40 yard dash time from 4.8 - 4.5
  10. The new school I joined last week we practice nothing but Muay Thai and western boxing, he also has a brazilian jiujitsu class but I'm not taking that till the summer
  11. My picks are Benny the Jet Maurice Smith Rob Kaman Don Wilson was pretty good, he beat Maurice Smith Ernesto Hoost
  12. :idea:A good way to use it is after u might miss a rear leg roundhouse. U can also turn it into a spinning elbow.
  13. If you can tell me where you live, I can find a place for you to train
  14. Bruce Lee's one inch punch wasn't a result of some mystical spiritual energy, it's a result of him using his own energy in the right way, by controlling his stance and putting his whole body into his punch, he got that power. Kind of like the same way boxers get there strong punches
  15. MuayTB1, if you want to be in K1 you need to be at least 210 pounds and be a world champ in your muay thai organization, so you can get noticed.
  16. I think pressure points can be quite dificult to pull off against an experienced grappler or striker, though they could work against an unskilled fighter.
  17. Back to the orignal subject. Karate is good if you want to practice the more artsy side of it with the kata and keep the traditional side of martial arts without hurting yourself. Kickboxing, I compete in full contact sometimes, kickboxing is if you would like to be a more well rouded fighter but without some of the tradtional aspects of the martial arts
  18. I joined a school just because it was close to me, it is not a street or reality effective karate schoo. there is a muay thai school near by but my dad is good friends with the instructor at the karate school so I can't enter the muay thai school.
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