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Everything posted by White Warlock
Jeet Kune Do
White Warlock replied to BruceLee's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
If inclined, PM me your phone number. Going home now to get some much needed rest. -
Jeet Kune Do
White Warlock replied to BruceLee's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
Oh well, nevermind. I live in Temecula. Kidding, obviously. You mentioned in an earlier post that you're working out with some friends somewhere? -
Ahh, this deserved a wake-up. Live in Chula Vista, work off Miramar Road.
Hey all, time to come clean. I hate mentioning my injuries. I feel like i'm exposing my weaknesses. Anyway, I had my knee dislocated about two years ago and am about to have it treated, as it clearly didn't heal on its own. It basically was pulled loose and then it popped back in place. Immediately afterwards i was in excruciating pain and my lower leg and foot were shaking all on their own. Nowadays when i walk for too long, do too many knee bends, or travel up and down stairs a few times (10 or more), pain and stiffness immobilizes the knee. Those of you who have been treated for such an injury, or who have had surgeries, please toss out your insights and concerns. I waited this long to have it cared for primarily because i hoped it would self-heal, but secondarily because i had heard a ton of horror stories on knee surgeries and the like. This is your opportunity to save my knee. Please speak freely.
Jeet Kune Do
White Warlock replied to BruceLee's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
Upper west side. (stole that line from Ghostbusters II) I work on Miramar Road and live in Chula Vista. How about you? -
I looked at the knives in the pics and i don't think i would buy them unless i were a collector. I don't feel confident in the grip they provide. A little bit of blood and it looks like those puppies will be flying over to my neighbor's house.
Sun Hang Do-The New Martial Art
White Warlock replied to koreantiger81's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
Well, i'm out of this discussion. Getting too silly for me. -
Studying Swordsmanship and other traditional weapons.
White Warlock replied to Sasori_Te's topic in Martial Arts Weapons
Delta, once again i am reminded that i know too much. You are correct. There is more to pistols and rifles. I learned at a very early age (and then later in the army) about projectile weapons, their proper use and their maintenance. As well, i received urban combat training and studied a bit on my own. I take it for granted nowadays, as i sometimes do with the martial arts. Or, more aptly, i take it for granted that not everyone else knows these things i deem as 'common sense,' which is likely why i still grimace, and expect everyone else to, when i see movies where Antonio Banderas is whipping his pistols at his targets, where tv cops are shooting off the top of vehicles rather than from the side, where those in moving vehicles somehow have better aim than stationary shooters, and where revolvers fire 16 bullets in a stretch. And, as for real life, i do recall how annoying it was to watch people holding their breath while firing, allowing their heartbeat to bounce their sight, or when they would place a finger on the edge of the chamber of a semi-automatic. Even worse, when they would park their eye close to the sights or hold their semi-auto or auto weapon at a left-tilted angle, allowing the spent cartridge to either lodge back in the chamber or land on their exposed skin. And then, of course, the always entertaining injuries sustained from underestimating the recoil of a large calibre pistol or rifle. But it's been awhile since i watched a n00b fire a weapon. As well, you are right... attitude in recognizing that a gun is not an entity and therefore cannot decide the outcome of an event... again... common sense to me. But, as it is, i cross-train, so there are many things i apply 'across-the-board,' as they are universally applicable. There's a lot that i do assume. I suppose, if anything, that would be my flaw. All in all, it is nice to gain additional information and i do appreciate your knowledge in this area. Especially enjoyed the insight into the proper wielding of the 1911. Expect me to pester you on occasion, as it is clear to me you carry the clip. I'm still going to give you a hard time about this. It is good that there were no accidents or mishaps. But, the point standing is that it 'can' happen and the courts will find you at fault. Children, regardless of their training, are vulnerable and susceptible to such things as 'peer pressure' and being a 'dumbass.' I refuse to advocate such an action. Few parents have the training, train their children, have the common sense, or have children with common sense. Just far too many variables. On an individual basis, if i knew the persons and their children, i may state otherwise... but on a sweeping statement... nope. He was under duress from the Church. Remember the times... -
When i bump into someone who comes out with blatantly obnoxious comments like that, I take it as an opportunity to be counter-obnoxious with, "you're entitled to your ignorance." Another one, considering this guy 'barged into' your discussion, would be to say something similar to, "yes, i did invite you into this discussion. Thanks for asking." If, after that, they want to debate... at least i opened them up to listen.
A Principle of Fighting
White Warlock replied to Martial_Artist's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Nice article. Wanted to add a comment. I believe i understand the misunderstanding occurring here. Regardless of whatever physical, mental, external or internal abilities... we are all still human. That was the foundation behind Martial Artist's post. We are all bound by the same limitations. Even if we decide to push it to the limit of those limitations, the limitations nonetheless do exist and it is these limitations... this 'mortality' that is presented as the evenrod of our need to maintain respect to all persons, regardless of physical, mental, intellectual, or spiritual heights, that should govern our every condition and decision... to whatever extreme. In the end, death is death and it does not play favorites. edit: Granted, not everyone realizes what their limitations are, and many 'assume' their limitations are far lower than they truly are. -
What do you mean, "if?" You WILL get injured in it. SF, there's nothing to learn by getting pummeled by a bunch of people who don't know what the hell they're doing. Well, other than how long it takes to heal from it. Again, and as it has been said before, just continue training in the safety of a dojo. When/if you are ready, your parents and the instructor will agree to have you experience competitions. But... and this is important, it doesn't matter whether you are better than someone else... it matters that you are better today than you were yesterday. MMA competitions are good to see what you don't know, or whether you've been deluding yourself on what works and what doesn't work, but it is not the place to see whether you are better than someone else. Noone is better than anyone else... they either have more skill applicable to the type of competition presented, they are better prepared, in better shape, or have less distractions, but you could still wipe the floor with them on a math test. Point made here is... improve upon yourself, in all areas and be happy with what you are able to accomplish each and every day. If you fail to do this, you will never be at peace.
Yeppers, "lightning war"... a swift, sudden military offensive. So... blitzcraig would be "lightning craig"... a swift, sudden offensive individual.
On this note, i often find gi pants and shirts sold seperately at second-hand stores. Obviously, check for condition... but a great deal can be found occasionally.
Jeet Kune Do
White Warlock replied to BruceLee's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
Jun Fan is Bruce Lee's real name, thus 'jun fan do.' He did not train sufficiently in wing chun (per William Cheung) and was not given the more indepth training (again, per William Cheung) of wing chun... thus felt it was not sufficient. Lee studied European systems (boxing and wrestling) and found that, in general, Chinese systems were not designed to handle the different combat philosophies encountered in the West. These, along with some personal experiences, are what motivated him to develop an 'eclectic' approach to study. Jun Fan do was his 'initial' system... the one that was pretty much a modified wing chun, with fancy kicks. Jeet kune do was presented later and is far more a philosophy of study, rather than a system in and of itself. I like to think of it as the father of MMA, as Bruce Lee made it 'acceptable' to mix systems. It is based on the idea that there is no one true 'way' and that people must accommodate both their body and their mind to a set of fundamental goals. His book, Tao of Jeet Kune Do, is actually a collection of his notes, and is not necessarily the system itself. Much of what is written there refers to his body mechanics and his personal studies, applicable only to him, but they are still interesting insights. In short, "the way of no way" is jeet kune do. A way to learn, as opposed to a system of techniques. -
I tend to buy gi pants one size too large, and then have them hemmed. So much more comfortable and the knee padding ends up slightly lower on the leg... far better than the default placement, as your pants tend to ride-up when grappling. And, of course... there's always shrinkage.
Beating the Instructor
White Warlock replied to Black Dragon's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
Okay, here's a thought. Knowledge and physical ability are two different things. If your instructor is a 5', 90lb, 85 year old woman that has been practicing the arts for 75 years, and you're a 7', 300lb, 28 year old behemoth... are you to say that because you can snap her in two, she can't teach you anything?!?!? How narrow-minded is that?! -
Sun Hang Do-The New Martial Art
White Warlock replied to koreantiger81's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
DLopez, while i agree that Michigan is a purist hard-* (mischevious grin included), his arguments are not incorrect... just hard to listen to. DLopez, read the bio provided on the grandmaster of this new system - http://www.sunhangdo.com/fatherofSHD.html This is not an attack on the system or the person. Michigan's statements are correct, in that Jin Kang created a hybrid of TKD and other systems, based on piecemeal from systems he had 'touched' upon in his life. As mean as it may sound, referring to this system creation theme as 'buffet' is applicable, especially when you consider such comments made in his bio as, "When not teaching, Kang would meet regularly with martial arts instructors from various other styles and backgrounds. These weekly meetings became a ritual where ideas and techniques were exchanged, developed and tested." And, while i actually advocate that people learn and combine various systems, i would hesitate to call this system the, "ultimate art for humanity." Also, there is much truth in losing much that a system has to offer by not adhering to it and only 'touching' upon it. Last, and this is a biggie, Jin Kang created this 'new system' when he was 38 years old. -
I'm offensive, and it only took me 40 years to get this way. Does that count?
Studying Swordsmanship and other traditional weapons.
White Warlock replied to Sasori_Te's topic in Martial Arts Weapons
No arguments there. I'll check out the Sig Sauer. Anyone else have ideas/input on pistol types? -
Studying Swordsmanship and other traditional weapons.
White Warlock replied to Sasori_Te's topic in Martial Arts Weapons
Wanted to touch upon one more thing here, before closing off this tangent. I wrote that and, after delta1's comment, felt the need to clarify. Anyone can wield a gun with equal devastation. Regardless of whether you are a child or an elderly woman, a scrawny bookworm, or a musclebound imbecile, a gun has the same potential and can produce the same results. This is what is meant by "equalizers." Clearly, this cannot be said of someone wielding a sword. ....... ............. ............. ...... Now, returning to Sasori_Te's discussion... Agreed. If you don't really know why you are training in the use of a weapon, then you should not. Most of these laws were created in the 70's due to an incredibly large amount of injuries sustained from 'kiddies' and 'teens' attempting to emulate Bruce Lee. They're old laws, and unfair. The truth of the matter is, you are allowed to carry a sword or knife on your person (as long as it is not in your hand), but you cannot carry a tonfa, sai, or nunchakus... unless you are transporting it to or from your training studio (nice thing about that is, the definition of a training studio is 'anywhere you train'). Go figure... As to the weapons i study, it is the nunchakus, a variety of swords, throwing weapons (knives, coins, etc), manriki-gusari, bullwhip, steelwhip, short and long staff. The reason i study the nunchakus is partly due to the overall physical benefits of being able to work and control such diverse weapons, especially dual wielding heavy nunchakus. Really builds up your arm speed, wrist strength and independent functions. I find it is also very intimidating, but have yet to use it for defense, at home or otherwise. I find the study of throwing weapons to be very applicable to everyday self defense. The ability to grab the coins from your pocket, or the butterknife from the dinner table, and have them smack against someone's forehead... if it doesn't stop them straight out, it will at least provide sufficient distraction for me to close the gap. Short and long staff... functional. I would recommend every martial artist spend time learning how to 'effectively' wield these weapons... for they are the most common of items to encounter in the streets. Bullwhip, steelwhip... fun as all get out. Manriki-gusari. A 2 foot long chain with wieghts at the ends... a must for any person who wears a belt that doesn't really need to hold their pants up. The chain is an essential weapon to learn, because it is so vastly different than other types of weapons. Learning flexible weapons allows you to expand your options when having to improvise on the streets. Swords... well, i just like them. I find them to be virtually perfect. It's a personal thing and i suppose Delta1 and I will have to agree to disagree on this part, as i'm biased. Oh, and guns? I don't own a handgun. I used to own a rifle, but it was stolen. I am proficient with them and plan to purchase a handgun later. Any recommendations? Ruger 9mm seems to be the pistol most everyone has been pushing on me, although i was initially aiming for a Colt .45 . -
Studying Swordsmanship and other traditional weapons.
White Warlock replied to Sasori_Te's topic in Martial Arts Weapons
It took me 2 minutes to learn how to load, aim and fire a pistol... and hit the target. Some people are intimidated by guns, and that prevents them from handling it with any degree of skill. But, those who intend to use it for harm, gain sufficient training to kill their 12 year old neighbor. It took me over 3 years to learn how to strike a moving target with a sword, and not have the sword come flying out of my hands, or my finger get lodged into my eyeball from the reverberating effect of a misaligned strike. The study of swordsmanship requires that one work on the body AND mind. It "does" change the way you think and react to things, primarily because it is not an overnight study. It is not reasonable to assume a sword is a stick that one can pick up and strike at someone. Granted, any idiot can pick-up a sword and swing it around... but the moment he tries to hit something with it, he'll need a cast for his wrist and a bag for his toes. And, while a person picking up a pistol can shoot off his toes as well, it would be due to stupidity, rather than lack of training. I am not sure if you have (or intend to have) children, but good luck in trying to keep something out of their hands. An action like this, when you have children in the home, will definitely validate Darwin's theories and leave you without offspring. -
Sun Hang Do-The New Martial Art
White Warlock replied to koreantiger81's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
I looked at the short video clips there and i see very little to indicate what it claims to be. Granted, they were short clips showing little, if anything, of value... but... if they had something to present... they should present it right there. Michigan has a point. A system this 'young' having THAT many black belts, instructors, and the like in such a short period of time. Well over 50 blackbelts and 9 schools in 10 years!?! Another thing. They do not compete 'outside' of their own tournaments. Need i mention, "test tube?" On a personal level, i saw a helluva lot of 'flashy' stuff. Things that 'do not' work in real life, but look really impressive and are great for making an impression on uninitiated sorts. High, flashy kicks where the person isn't paying attention to where he kicks, and is not placing his energy appropriately. A knife block that could very well have had the guy gutted if he had defended against someone who had just two days of knife training. Staff techniques that lacked proper grounding and had poor footwork. The grandmaster cutting a watermelon on someone's stomach in the middle of half-time on a field for a football crowd. Etc... If they claim to garner the best of various systems, then why are they including dance and parlor tricks? Other than that, insufficient information. -
gad... and here i was thinking of buying a whole mess of their stuff and reselling it. Zip that idea.
Agree with TDA. Swimming is excellent and virtually no impact. After a pretty nasty injury, I brought myself back into shape with swimming and exercising in the pool (water resistance). Also, there's some good equipment out there for increasing resistance in the water. Talk to some water aerobics instructors at your local gym or college. Last, you can practice 'most' martial arts 'in' the water... alone or with a partner. Partner workouts in the water really do help to build up your skills, forcing you to rely on technique, rather than brute strength. Even katas benefit from the added resistance.
Poll: why did you start in the martial arts?
White Warlock replied to Rich67's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Hmm... two threads on pretty much the same topic? Well, i already posted on the other thread but i must say that i 'intentionally' avoided watching any Bruce Lee stuff until i was in my late 20's. I didn't want to be thought of as 'yet another' Bruce Lee wannabe. Oddly enough, i found that when i was around 11, i had watched all the Green Hornet clips at the library in Los Angeles, just to watch this Kato guy kick things around. I was clueless as to who he was, but did enjoy those fancy moves.