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ITF TKD Questions.
Spookey replied to Superfoot's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
Superfoot, As relates to fighting style nto being found in the tul...ITF Does teach many flying punches once you enter the more advanced ranks! Think of it this way...The Pal-Gwe and Tae-Geuk poomse utilize the round kick, right? However, no where in the poomse will you see a flying or spinning whip kick at the end of numerous stance transitions...Why? The form displayes the basis of all technique were as sparring utilizes a range of methodology regarding the application! Secondly, the round kick is called a turning kick in the ITF...why does it move so differently in the tul...why do the poomse not demonstrate almost falling after lunging to deliver that round kick to a target that is retreating? TAEKWON! SpooKeY -
OK Gi Joe Fans, try this one
Spookey replied to dtstiachi's topic in Martial Arts Gaming, Movies, TV, and Entertainment
Fellow Person, This fight took place on the show...they were fighting over the "Excaliber" sword. Snake Eyes took a beating but prevailed in the end! Side note...What about Flynt's buddy Sidekick? Who would have been the senior, him or Snake Eyes? TAEKWON! SpooKeY -
All-belts classes, anyone?
Spookey replied to taekwondomom's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
Dear All, I oversee a small private club with only 10 members maximum. THerefore it is necessary to combine all ranks. During line drills different ranks will preform different exercises, during patterns we do pyramids. Everyone does all the patterns they know and then they drop out as the patterns progress. Sparring is conducted on one side while I assist the younger kups with step sparring. Also, once a week we will have a class designated to beginner students in which the senior Kup ranks help me in instructng the very basics to the beginners! TAEKWON! SpooKey -
Dear Fellow, My first break was with a forefist through one board. Currently, I am perfecting a flying triple break. This is a break which I can do, I am simply working to make it perfect! Twin Leg Flying Sidekick w/ turning kick. Two boards are held on the same vertical plane, one at face height and one at chest height, the third board is over to the side. Twin Leg Kick is a two foot flying sidekick, then the top foot comes across and preforms a turning/round kick through the third board! Best Wishes...TAEKWON! SpooKey
Dear All, I have found that the majority of dojangs (teaching functional non-sporting TKD) generally take 3-5 years to earn a BB. Yes there are some that excel in less time (2.5 - 3yrs), however, this is generally with previous martial arts experience, and I dont mean a green belt when you were in grade school. Also, the rule of such schools is the number of years to the dan. Meaning, two years to second, three to third, ect. Remeber these are bare minimums and not the rule. These standards are generally only obtainable for the student that puts in upwards of 20 hours a week (athough some may be done outside the dojang), but the practice wont lie. Not every student should be ready to test at the bare minimum as it is just that minimum, not average! TAEKWON! Spookey "That which we teach and learn cannot be bought...it is not money!"
Hangul Embroidery
Spookey replied to TSDforChrist's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
Dear All, I highly recommend the services provided by Honda Martial Arts Supply Company based out of NY... https://www.hmasc.com TAEKWON! Spookey -
Hey Guys, Guess I should stop pulling all nighters...First I miss spelled the heading and second created a new thread (THIS WAS SUPPOSE TO BE A POST ON THE THREAD REGARDING "RULES OF THE DOBOK COLLAR"... Sorry for my sleepless, dilusional writing...man i've lost it! TAEKWON! Spookey
Dear Sir, As said previously, the black collar on a v-neck uniform would traditionally reserved for the BB holder. Also, in some systems of TKD you get certain sets of stripes depending on your rank. For instance, the Oh Do Kwan and the ITF BB holder has black trim on the lower edge of the jacket; then upon promotion to 4th dan you receive stipes down the sleeves and pant leg. Bare in mind that these "traditions" vary between organizations and originating kwans. TAEKWON, Spookey
sparring etiquette
Spookey replied to tacotupac's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
Dear All, There are multiple purposes served and statements made by this posturing... 1. I am making myself vulnerable (as your injury has made you) 2. I am showing everyone present that I am remorseful for the occurance 3. I pose you no threat and am in the least aggressive posture possible TAEKWON! Spookey -
Describe your class...
Spookey replied to Topic's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
Dear Sir, Our classes are approx. two hours long (three days a week)... 15min. Warm Up...Running in place, stretching, calesthenics 15min. Line drills...punching, kicking, blocking 30min. Hyungs...drill patterns, patterns, patterns 15min. Step sparring...1 step, 2 step, and 3 step 30min. Ho-sin-sul...self defense, releases, breakfalls, throws, joint locks 15min. Free Sparring...light to moderate contact Cool down is done independently and allows for open forum discussions between all ranks! _______________________________________________ The hosin-sul portion and the sparring portion are switched from class to class in order to balance the time spent on each. When it is sparring day the sparring lasts much longer and is moderate to heavy contact for the higher ranks... Also, we allow other stylists to visit our dojang and discuss and demonstate their techniques...this allows the students to veiw their technique versus that of others... One last thing...we do spirit drills (aggression training). These are great for the lungs, the circulatory system, and the mind. Basically, these are screaming ("kiaps") drills. One person stands at attention while others run head first at them screaming, yelling, motioning, ect... it helps reduce fear of attack...(kinda like the old tie the goalie in the net and shoot at him) it helps the mind override the urge to freeze under fire! I hope this has been what you were looking for...................TAEKWON! Respectfully, Spookey Bateman - Taekwon-Do - Oh Do Kwan -
KSN Doug, Could you elaborate more on the specifics of what you would like to see. Are you interested in kicks in general, how to kicking, bet you cant do this pictures, or just a guy doing a perfect side kick? Just wondering! TAEKWON! Spookey
Your Art
Spookey replied to sansoouser's topic in Choosing a Martial Art, Comparing Styles, and Cross-Training
About myself, Taekwon-Do (traditional Oh Do Kwan)...TKD from a traditional stand point provides strong techniques adaptable to combat. The range of techniques allows attack and defense from numerous angles and distances. Long range (kicking), Medium range (low kicks and hand strikes), close range (knees, elbows, forehead), as well as the Ho Sin Sul techniques (joint destruction, takedowns, and restraints). All of which are incorporated into the traditional Oh Do Kwan/Ch'ang Hon TKD system. Kodokan Judo...is complementary to the Ho Sin Sool of TKD as well as nicely complemented by the long range striking tools of TKD! All the "tore" out their know that an Osato-gari will put you out as fast as a roung kick or upset punch to the jaw! Personally, these work best for me...I am a professional security agent who provides both event security as well as personal protection. When it turns physical these skills (coupled with other forms of armed force compliance) prove benificial for the job. Ho Sin Sool and Judo are great for arrest and control and the coupled with the hard style striking of TKD are well suited for preservation when the commitment level does not allow time for arrest and control! TAEKWON! Spookey -
karate compared to TKD
Spookey replied to BJJShotoshe's topic in Choosing a Martial Art, Comparing Styles, and Cross-Training
Dear All, Recently, I read a post (cant remember which board) with some great reality checks concerning Kuk Sool Won and Hwa Rang Do...many parallels as well as a link between the founders of both arts to Hapkido, as well as, each mans personal connection to a Jui Jitsu system. I will find the post and post for your veiwing pleasure. Also, I would like to add that each martial art has its unique characteristics. Even if it a culmination of other arts! This does become an issue with me when the history as advertised is "purely" an incorrect fabrication. We are each individuals unique in our own ways, yet are we not still the product of our parents! Only God existed before nothingness, therefore everything else has a relation to something that came before! TAEKWON! Spookey P.S. Humbly awaiting your opinions (and facts)! -
karate compared to TKD
Spookey replied to BJJShotoshe's topic in Choosing a Martial Art, Comparing Styles, and Cross-Training
Dear all, If I have a moment to explain. Taekwon-Do is not 2000 years old. It was created in 1955 to unite multiple kwans (gyms) in Korea after decades of oppression and occupation. Each kwan was an individual expression of its leaders peronal style of Karate-Do. This was merged with the remnance of Soo Bahk and Tae Kyon to for something uniquely Korean...Taekwon-Do Now, we must remember that Korea was under Japanese rule for an entire generation. That means that original Korean arts had to survive underground for an entire generation. This leads fare to say that Taekyon and Soo Bahk were on the brink of extinction. The original patterns of the "united" Taekwon-Do were called Pyong Ahn...they are exactly the same as the Heinan Patterns of Shotokan. Since, about 5 major sets have been developed each moving in their own direction. The primary concern being to rid TKD of all things Japanese and create an all new KOREAN identity! If you see TKD in the 60's and 70's (plus the traditionalists from modern day) it is very rigid and strong with many movements from Shotokan, Shorin Ryu, and Shorei Ryu. As it modernized (moved away from its Japanese influences) it has left us with an Olympics sport...talk about progress (?) For reference purposes, Taekwon-Do Korean Art of Self Defense by Choi Hong Hi (1963) is hte first text on TKD. It includes the first pattern set (Chang Hon or Chon-Ji set) to be created for the unified art. Patterns included as reference points and credited with a major influence on TKD are the following katas: Heinan and Bassai (both Karate-Do). Furthermore, Choi Hong Hi is the creator of the first pattern set of Taekwon-Do (being that Pyong Ahn was simply Karate)...He was also a black belt in Shotokan as well as the author of the above listed text! Hope this helps clarify...for more info email michael@batemantkd.com TAEKWON! Spookey -
Mr. Tuf, I am not certain as to exact content, but you might wish to visit judoinfo.com The site has anime of the techniques of Kodokan Judo. Falling is the first thing learned and in judo rolling is a form of falling! Best Luck! Spookey
Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun / One Step Sparring
Spookey replied to tommarker's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
Dear Sir, We use three step, two step, one step, semi-free, and free sparring! Each phase of sparring is as important as the next...one step teaches you to cut off the attack immediately (after only one step). Generally, we are taught to use the counter that will most rapidly reach the target while at the same time inflict as much damage as possible! Just as you will learn the new movements of a pattern before learning the pattern itself, you should also practice these movements in one-step drills to ensure proper understanding of the movements usage! Furthermore, one step refers to the number of attacks prior to the counter, and not the number of counter attacks. Combination counter attacks are normally looked highly upon. After you have a firm knowledge of basic techniques, mix them up! Here are a few examples: (watch the progression) 1. Step in and to the right, Right knifehand to neck 2. Step out to the left, Right side kick to ribs 3. Step left, deliver two quick punches (from riding stance) to the ribs 4. Block punch with right-inside cresent kick, quick right side kick to sternum 5. Step in and right, straight fingertip to eyes 6. Simple arm throw (ippon seonage), do not release arm, heel stomp to ribs Use different angles and different levels of techniques in order to become more familiar with angles of attack, proper distance, control, speed, reaction time, ect. I am not positive if this is what you were looking for. Hope it was helpful! TAEKWON! Spookey -
overall best korean martial art
Spookey replied to JLee's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
JLee, One art is generally "no better then the other"...again personal fealings aside...it would be very hard if not impossible to state which art (any art) is better than another. Each person has his own needs...are you just wanting to learn to defend yourself, are you going into security/personal protection work, do you want to compete in King of the Cage, ect. Aikido offers great balance breaking, energy redirection techniques, throws, takedowns, ect., were as Hapkido teaches great hand strikes, kicks, throws, takedowns, and controls! Which is better? The one that will stimulate you most to educate your self in the combat arts! We will continue to give you answers to your questions however possible...ultimately you must decide what you want and where best to receive it! TAEKWON! Spookey P.S. I studied many arts in order to find my needs (I determined I NEED to train in the combat arts!) Taekwon-Do (Oh Do Kwan) Judo (Kodokan) Muay Thai Wado-Ryu I decided what best worked for me! -
Congratulations to all of you keep it up! It seems that over the last two years the martial arts pioneers (first and second Generation) have left us extremely fast:(... What so many do not understand (even at the higher kyu/kup, and dan levels) is that we are the future of our systems. Proudly preserving and promoting Chang Hon Taekwon-Do as taught by General Choi Hong Hi, Spookey c/o Bateman Taekwon-Do Oh Do Kwan
overall best korean martial art
Spookey replied to JLee's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
JLee, Keep us informed as to your progress! Best Wishes Spookey TAEKWON! -
Dear Sir, All ideas listed are great for building speed and strength. One addition should be made to any training for the purpose of strength and speed...stretching! The muscle you develope through isometric excercise is great, however the muscle needs to be flexible and elastic to allow the most freedom of motion and speed! A good stretch, a hard work out, and a good cool down! Also, were as you may need to give your legs a day off after a hard workout, the stretching can be done everyday! TAEKWON! Spookey
Any one interested in a good stick fighting training system for self defense (includes takedowns, joint locks, chokes, restraints, and impact usage) should take the time to read up on and maybe watch a video or read a book by Sang H. Kim! His literature is available from Turtle Press. Just thought you might be interested! TAEKWON! Spookey
Read up on the ATA (please) both on this forum, Defend.net, and https://www.itf-information.com! Might I ask what part of Ga. you are from? Taekwon! Spookey (Old Skool TKD)
overall best korean martial art
Spookey replied to JLee's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
Jae, There is a Soo Bahk Do dojang in the area as well...I've never met the instructor, but my recent inquiry has produced good results (ie..the school is well worth looking into!) TAEKWON! Spookey -
About Hapkido, Hapkido is a Korean Combat Art consisting of hand strikes, kicks, and strong usage of joint locks and throws. Most techniques utilize circular motions for power, ie...spinning kicks, cresent shaped kicks, ect. The throws are generally based on joint locks much like jujutsu with circular motions similar to Aikido or Kuk Sool Won... Most of the emphasis is on self defense as opposed to team competition (sports). For the most part the Western world was introduced to Hapkido by Bong Soo Han in the Billy Jack movies (did fight scene in the park during Billy Jack, and appeared in the trial of Billy Jack (he was the Korean fellow!) TAEKWON! Spookey
Sabum's Bio (and he's my Dad), Born 1947 Shorin-Ryu as a teen on the local AFB Vietnam 1968-1971 Trained by RoK TKD Instructor Group (Di-An,Viet.) 1974 Promoted to Oh Do Kwan Instructor #520 by Mr. Hyun Jong Myong (Jung Ahn Bon Kwan, Seoul) 1975 Promoted to ITF International Instructor (plaque #66) personally be Gen. Choi Hong Hi! Got to be in the East during the Americanization of MA in the 60's and 70's...So, we quite often heard that what you see is not the way it is/was... and where he received his exposure a BB was a combat soldier...NO MCDOJO! Imagine being a westerner certified by the Oh Do Kwan, having travelled and the Yamaguchi's, Nakayama's, Gen. Choi's, Park Jung Tae's ect.... Now all he has is great ability and calust knuckles... no notoriety or fianncial gain... Proudly, Spookey (Charyot, Sabum Dad, Kyeong Ye!)