Hi all I would love some advice on helping me get fitter & getting a six pack and more muscles. Abit of info about myself im 18 years old 5' 10, 170lbs and around 16-18% body fat. At the moment I have no real muscles on my arms, as I dont excercise very much at all anymore. I wouldnt say I am unfit just not as fit as I'd like to be. Has anybody got any suggestions for me to gain muscles on my arms and abs? My diet isnt very unhealthy but I suppose its not considered healthy either... any links to proper diet sites or charts would help me alot. I browsed the forum for such things and I'm either blind or something but couldnt find any that worked (found some but the links was dead). I used to train Kickboxing about 18 months ago but with school exams, and other real life issues my training stopped and I feel I have lapsed into a state at which now I want to do something about. I have a kickbag somewhere in the garage and weights which I could easily set back up and get back into regular training with as now I have the motivation to do it again but need abit of help. Any advice on diets, excercises and even equipment youd reccomend me using would be greatly appreciated, thank you! P.S Hope you can understand my post ok English is not my native language....