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Everything posted by Toast

  1. Tae Kwon Do School that specifies that Self Defense Is One Of Their Key Areas Of Teaching...Even If They Say its is not...talk to the master I'm sure he/she can help you.... Hap Ki Do is Korean Self Defense... Many people are misled that TKD is only for sport- WRONG! Go to the schools, and learn their curriculum you will see what I'm talking about...
  2. Point of this thread is to let competitors know where to improve on, by listing things judges look for at an open tournament. What Judges Look For: Deep Stances Eyes At The Target 1/4 Second Moves Snap Your Moves Look Before Each Side Make Sure You Know Where Each Move Should Hit, And With What Part of The Body (ex: punch- aim w/ 1st knuckle so the punch will roll to the 2nd kunckle, in the end only the 1st 2 knuckles are used in the punch) Feel Your Form You may think judges look for alot more...not really. Most judges look for these kinds of things...there are some things other judges look for, but they don't really penalize you for that. I'm sure you (members can input on this topic) Please put in your input...this is to Help YOU!
  3. I compete in NASKA and Karate World Tournaments.... more so NASKA... I have been to about 3 - 4 this year...but I'll be focusing on pushing teaching and working half and half now... so ill hit the circuits more...i rock the circuits pretty well...depends on the atmosphere... but...up here... some masters dislike mine, so they grade me low... ...its ok...ill deal w/ it... I'll start a Thread w/ What Judges look for and tips for comeptitors....
  4. Not to pick a fight...this is how it is... But yes, TKD has been influenced by all styles...mainly Japanese during their occupation... Korea was occupied by many in it's history all influencing TKD in little ways. But TKD itself was created by Koreans, but shunned away during occupations by others.... and after all those other styles came through, little things were taken... Thats why TKD is one of a kind...do you have a switch, front leg axe kick in many other styles? This history was told to us by our Master, Who Got It From His 1st Master Who Trained W/ Jhoon Rhee under General Choi Hung Hi... TKD mainly came from South Korea...
  5. ahh i like T- shirts or heavy uniforms in sparring, feels better when ur hit...
  6. haha... some of their forms are good...
  7. Wrong Sparring A Taller Person Is Just As Easy As Sparring Someone Who Is Your Height... (Just my view, but I'm a tall person) Follow this line: "Bigger they are harder they Fall" Use them, manipulate them. You are smaller, so natuarally faster.... Set them up, fake, fake, kick...with a tell person you have to "fight off the line".... move around not in and out...
  8. I believe Jhoon Rhee did found the DoJang...but Jhoon Rhee follows the ITF standards if im correct...
  9. The simple reason for no hand - head contact in Olympic TKD sparring is for the simple fact - sport.... Its just the rules... just like in NASKA you have certain rules and plus in black belt division, KO is one way to win a match, and hands aren't the best thing to do that...and through time, the hands probably were pulled out for that reason.... I'm one who is experience in both Olympic and Open Sparring, both hold different values and both hold many important concepts...
  10. TKD is NOT Karate.... All forms of martial arts have taken things from one-another... Did you know, that historians believe TKD was practiced earlier that karate...due to some paintings found in Korean caves of men practicing what looked like TKD...and dated back to before the Shaolin Monastary.... Its just that TKD was "re found" after the Japanese left Korea...
  11. My favorites: https://www.bilang.com https://www.blacknbluevideo.com https://www.xp3.aliencreations.com ^Just to name a few...
  12. At My School its ok for an underbelt to cross at the back (but if you know how to tie it properly, do tie it w/o the cross) Black Belts however, really shouldn't have the cross after so many years... I myself take about 5 mins to tie my belt, for the best look...
  13. I was lucky to see Gerald Dawson...he is a very close friend of my master not to mention a very nice person. He fights for Paul Mitchell, very big guy, about 200-300 pounds...
  14. Many of the competitors are good. I especially like Ross Levine, he wields a mean Bo Staff...
  15. My school trains mostly in open style, but a handful of us are expereienced in WTF style...as I went to the Jr. Olympics this past year. Our stances in "poomse" (korean word for forms) are not taken over to sparring. But all a form really is, is a "sparring" or "self-defense" scenario. In sport karate, using a front, or back, or horse stance would get you beat down.
  16. You wrap for more power in your block... We use the philosophy: "Action- ReAction"
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