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Iwant2BaDragon's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. shotokan karate right ? well most shotokan karate oraganisations are affiliated to KUGB and JKA , with which you get a red grading licence ? no ? ummm. well anyhow the rules it states in there are "Th minimum period between taking !st kyu and 1st dan is six months. The minimum amount of time which must have elapsed between dan gradings are as follows : 1st-2nd dan 2 years 2-3 3 years 3-4 4 years 4-5 5 years 5th-6thdan 6 years. Maybe your not affiliated to KUGB ? well i hope i helped a little. good luck with the exams . oss.
  2. if you get a magazine called 'Martial Arts Illustrated' then there are tonnes of advertisments for this type of thing. One that jumped out at me though... theres lots of choice and they have frames and things you want ... well erm the credit card hotline is 01708522288, or u can write to them at... BLC marketing, 61 Wawick Road, Rainham, Essex, RM13 9XU. hope this helped. oss. Lucy ps. lets hear how the new school gets on !
  3. i dont think the colour of the belt should matter. Som e4th kyus deserve black belts and some 2nd dans dont in my experience. Everyone has individual strengths that make them deserving.
  4. Aren't there Greek martial arts too ? Any1 know anything about these ???
  5. Id really like to go hit and kick my hardest in full contact because martial arts is the only way I get to let agression out, however I dont, lol it comes out through the 'kias'. Id really like it if we could wear more protective clothes then Id feel happier about doing my best.
  6. Martial arts can do serious damage to childrens joints . Also they probably dont understand the true meaning really. I think it would be great to start a kid with Tai Chi, which shows them the meaning, gives them self defence and doesnt damage them as much !
  7. The loser is the one who finishes on the ground, the winner ends standing.
  8. It gives me confidence, It gives me motivation , its fun, I get to meet new people through it, it improves my health, the list is endless !
  9. tradition - thats what karate's all about 4 me - I mean if it wasnt for the way they trained then, the chances are we wouldnt have such a fab martial arts system 2day - if u get that lol.
  10. Karete kid three totally made me want a Bonsai Tree. they're just so cute ! My hobbies are classical music, trying to play various instruments (violin,viola,cello,piano and guitar, all without luck), philosophy and movies.
  11. Wow, Im so embarrassed reading that, its amazing, I never realized people did that. Lol. How long hav u been doing that ? I guess I should start with a daily work out type thing. Inspiring
  12. Is that true ???? I hope not ! But if you think about it there are tonnes of really fit adults who must have done weight training thru their teens and dont seem small or anything. And what is actually better ? Being small but very strong , or tall and weak ?
  13. hi y'all. Ive been doing karate now 4 about 6months any way some health related questions maybe one of you can help... 1) my sensai never warms us down after a lesson (if u get that), and regularly find my self getting leg cramps, as what I wud imagine 2 b a result, however, my fellow karateka dont see any problem in this... any suggestions ??? 2)I have moderate asthma, will I be disrespected (tell me honestly) by better karateka for having to take my inhaler ? 3) I used to be really flexible , I did ballet for ten years, then stopped for a year and a half and took up karate instead and assumed Id be just as flexible, but so-far I dont appear to be, perhaps sum advice to regain this ?? Okay, thank you for taking the time to read my questions which probably made no sense, if they did then Id be very greatful if you'd tell me what you believe the answers are to my questions.
  14. In japan black is the colour of death and mourning so its probably not good if its worn and other colours seem to also symbolize thigs, white would appear to be the safest option, however lol, it would look better in black !
  15. I really dont even get the importance of belts. At my club they seem to stand for nothing. There are orange belts better than green belts, green belts better than blackbelts !!! Also maybe there should be a different set of rules for under 16s becuase the standard of under this age is so different to that of adults of the same colour belt.
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