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Everything posted by Thruhiker

  1. A long ambition of mine is to hike the Appalachian Trail a.k.a. AT. For those of you that don't know what the AT is....it's a trail from GA to ME that is 2100+ miles long. It will take on average 5 months to complete. If you accomplish this goal of hiking from GA to ME in a single attempt you are called a Thruhiker.
  2. A few people have mentioned that there are some Martial Arts programs on ESPN or ESPN2 now and again. Does anyone have a schedule of when these MA programs will air?
  3. This is most definitely a touchy subject. If an individual earned his/her bb 15 years ago and that individual had to defend themselves against an attacker and the attacker was killed and the prosecuting attorney found that s/he was a bb do you think they would hold that against this individual even though they earned it 15 yrs ago? Even though this individual hasn't practiced MA in those 15 yrs. On the World Heavy weight (WH) subject. The individual that won the WH can never be stripped of that title. Once it has been earned it can't be lost. Yes the trophy (belt) is lost but not the status. Once an individual has EARNED a bb they can't be stripped from it by going AWOL. Yes the individual should practice and get up to speed before they are allowed to test for their next rank. Doing their time isn't the only requirement for earning their rank. The person must be able to perform fluidly all the requirements necessary for their next rank!!
  4. Good luck on your testing today sounds like you are well prepared.
  5. I believe that soooo many peopl feel old when they reach their 20's is because if you look at the average age of posters are probably in their 20's. So to them this is the oldest time in their life and their body is changing. They can't stay up ALL night like they use too. lol
  6. Actually the essay is already written I was just curious as to what others thought on the matter. It was a very thought provoking question.
  7. Yes the question was a little difficult to answer and was meant to be a thought provoking question. As you well know there isn't a right or wrong answer. I am curious as to when people truly believe they became a Martial Artist. Was it the first day of training? After your first belt? After you accomplished something? Thank you for your responses White_Tiger and Turning_Wave.
  8. What is your definition of a true martial artist and at what point during your training did you feel you became one?
  9. Sai, I want to commend you on the article "My Journey In the Dojo" What a powerful piece of writting. You are an inspiration to many people. Thanks for sharing your life with us. I am not sure that finding focus is the true answer to spending time in the word. If you believe that Jesus came to this earth than you should believe that Satan walks on this earth. If you know Satan exists...then you know he makes all kinds of distractions to hinder communications with God in any way. ie. kids screaming, light go out, thoughts of all the chores around the house that need to be done. Anything to keep you from spending time with Him.
  10. Has anyone thought about how MA affects their Christian walk as regards to time spent in the Word, Worship, and praying vs MA? The bible says that "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21 Matthew 6:24 states No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other.
  11. Great article. I really like it when experienced MA's sit down to relinquish some of their knowledge. That was something I feel that the XMA's missed with their special a couple weeks ago. Some great people were shown on the show but all they talked about was Matt and his come back. It would have been nice to hear some of the masters talk for a while.
  12. Welcome
  13. Welcome
  14. Howdy Partner and welcome
  15. Welcome. As far as music 50's, 60's, 70's & 80's Christian Rock, R&R, Country
  16. As a MA we all know there are instructors that are just looking for a paycheck and for the right price you can buy your bb. If we all know that you can buy your rank at some schools why make a big deal? All one has to do is make sure their instructor is a credible one. If you are a tournament fighter this should be good news to you. Why? If the individual purchased their rank and you (who has worked hard for your rank) shouldn't have any difficulty defeating this individual. The best way to solve this issue...don't supporting these dojo's. No students no dojo!!! In a perfect world it would be nice not to worry about such individuals but Greed is a powerful force.
  17. I like mid-weight gi's
  18. Our dojo allows anyone to teach to some degree. What do I mean by that? Well if a lower ranking belt asking a senior belt a question about a form or technique they have the right to answer the question or guide the student to the teacher of the class. There are some people that are not teachers and after a short time in class you will realize who these individuals are. My class is made up of about 6 BB and 3 red belts. All are very helpful in teaching the lower ranks and giving advice. Some times the instructor wonders why they are there for.....NOT!! It has to be a great feeling for an instructor to look at his pupils and see them teaching the class rather than him/her-self. (If they have trained them from white belts that is) Like Sho said above.
  19. I imagine there are quite a few dojo's around that start and end their sessions with a meditation/prayer. Usually the instructor will give guidance to the pupil to use this time to push the daily activities out of the mind and focus on MA. At the end of class you may release the hounds and allow those thoughts back into your mind. IMO that is the way to go. http://www.crusadermartialarts.com/
  20. I would have to say that it all depends on your ability to complete your requirements needed for your next belt. Being proficient at forms, one-steps, take downs, etc. are very important to making your next belt. Also the amount of time you spend in class is a big determining factor. The person that spends hours upon hours a week in the dojo will earn their belt faster than a person that spends a couple hours a week at the dojo. On the norm I would say any where from 3-5 yrs you should be a black belt barring any injuries.
  21. We do the Pal-Gwe series...Som Chung is interesting. Best form for a competition is the one that is most complicated but more importantly that you can complete flawlessly.
  22. My class will last 2 hrs
  23. Here, here Gino
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