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Everything posted by SaiFightsMS

  1. Welcome to the forum.
  2. Welcome to the forum.
  3. Good luck.
  4. Actually that was an excellant question. Much of the world does percieve Americans as gun toting cowboys. There are many different types of areas here. Not everyone is in an urban cesspool of violence. And in many rural areas with a strong history of hunting rifles of various types are common not intended primarily for self defense but used for hunting. Some have been handed down from generation to generation.
  5. Many schools here are off from June to September.
  6. Don't you just love it when they climb up your leg using those sharp little nails and wind up on your shoulder?
  7. Welcome to the forum.
  8. Welcome to the forum.
  9. Welcome to the forum.
  10. Make sure to feed her lots of good hay and veggies high in vitamin C.
  11. Glad to see you back.
  12. Welcome to the forum.
  13. Welcome to the forum.
  14. Good luck to you on your test.
  15. Bookshelf space is one of the great advantages of ebooks. Not to mention being able to read in bed in the dark without a flashlight when you read on your backlit pda.
  16. I have an uncle who routinely visited one of those stores that sells used paperback and also buys them. He would stop in and get a bag of books, take them home and sit them down by his chair. Then as he read them he would put them in a bag on the other side of the chair. When that bag got full he would take it back to the store and trade it in on another load of books.
  17. I use the search function. I remembered the earlier discussion and went looking.
  18. Congratulations.
  19. Guinea pigs are wonderful pets. They take a lot of time and attention though.
  20. Welcome to the forum.
  21. Sometimes a break helps. Other times learning a new weapon helps. Or exploring another aspect of what you are currently working on.
  22. http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=12784&highlight=elvis Here is the link to another thead.
  23. Elvis did in fact train actively in karate. He began training while in the Army in Germany. His initial black belt is indeed legitimate. Someplace running round here should be a thread with some more information in it.
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