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matt jiujitsufighter

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Everything posted by matt jiujitsufighter

  1. ironberg savate did not complete originate in france, get your facts straight, it was originated when french soldiers we're in asian ports and picked up some skills, than they brought those skills with them back to france. savate is very similar to western kickboxing. I don;t know much about tkd other than what i've seen, so no comment there.
  2. i believe you are talking about kajukenbo, i studied it for a few weeks, it was alright
  3. um you want to see a certificate, and you want to research the sensai/instructor and his master/instructor. you can probably find out alot about them on the web
  4. yes it is, but it adds to your game if you want to improve your all round fighting skills
  5. i know that, trapping is only a bridge to get you where u want to go. I know! lol, but thats what wing chun is known for. thats why i mentioned it, thats why differentiates it from other kung fu styles, its trapping.
  6. i said im not an expert, i have studied the system, as well as some jeet kune do, so i have some knowledge of wing chun. Trapping as you call it, takes a while to get to know well, and i found it hard to use in combat, so this is why i found it, NOT SO EFFECTIVE, i didn;t say not effective. cool your engines
  7. im a bjj'er i have extensive training in throws and takedowns so don't generalise the myth that bjj'ers only do double legs. it may look a little that way in nhb, but don't be mistaken. of course most bjj schools are sport. i have the pleasure of training at a nhb/street bjj place. where emphasis is not put on sport. and look at shamrock in ufc 3 beating that judo guy or nogueira vs henderson don't make generalisations , is all im asking, every dojo is different. every single one
  8. passin the guard , rollin u know, mma style adding striking not only makes it harder but forces you to improuve ur game but also stand up kick boxing
  9. I started incorporating alot of semi and full contact sparring to my regimen, i think its good for your training and its good to keep you sharp as a knife. Some people say its dangerous and stick to their point sparring but i say, thats not enough, to learn how to hit and not to get hit, you must hit and get it, than soon you will drop those bad habits and develop good new ones i.e. keeping hands up etc.. I do these along with grappling, submission and shadow boxing drills.
  10. if i had the choice i;d choose silat, i don't agree with the theory of pinning your opponents limbs that wing chun emcompasses. like take the pak sao from wing chun, i don;t find it so effective.
  11. don't put words in my mouth. just makes you look stupid. judo is good if you modify it to work without the gi and improuve the ground game. I also study muay thai and a little kali. I never said bjj was "ultimate art" as you put it.
  12. you have to control the ankle , you control the ankle and you control the leg, it takes time , its much harder to pull off
  13. plz excuse me my apologies
  14. i have done no holds barred comps , before but that has nothing to do with anything. I have studied praying mantis, kyokushin, and ninjutsu, how are those any more combat than bjj and muay thai? i think you have been playing with your nunchucks for too long and being your masters b......
  15. AND WHY IS THAT MR.TREEBRANCH PLEASE EXPLAIN? did bjj not evolve on the streets of brazil? did the thais not fight with muay thai in ancient times? YOU SIR HAVE BEEN EITHER MISINFORMED, AND/OR BRAINWASHED
  16. do i smell bacon?
  17. thats not true anymore, many bjj schools have incorporated those same takedowns not only from judo but also from wrestling. Bjj has better groundfighting, so you could say bjj is overall better than judo.
  18. haha, work on your securing the leg and keeping it tight to your chest , hug it, give your opponent nowhere to go, don't let him have acess to his leg, block him out
  19. muay thai bjj jujutsu( tradittional, original, not diluted) maphilindo silat greco roman/olympic wrestling in not particular order
  20. i have to say kneebar, i've never seen someone get out of one of those
  21. CAREFUL sometimes its just better to tap, the knee is very fragile, it could pop with the slightest degree of pressure.
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