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Everything posted by iamrushman

  1. howdy...........
  2. hello...........
  3. welcome........
  4. howdy and welcome..............
  5. glad to see your feeling somewhat better ANGUS...you live, you learn..... i'd go into how avoidance is an answer, but to you, i guess a better answer would be...........BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME FRIEND AND GIVE EM HELL.....LOL will make those thing happen.........
  6. excellent and congrats to all.............
  7. one more for you JKD types to review, ponder and discuss.................
  8. i was reviewing and cleaning up some of the gen. MA section and thought this was good for the kung fu section............
  9. cool pics and thanks for sharing.........good looking english beach........never saw one look that good when i was there.........
  10. welcome JKD forum.....may you have one thousand post in one day......congrats..........
  11. i was in the miliary during the 70's and we all had long hair and beards then..........when we went to the barber during basic training they ask us how did we want our haircut....most of us said take a little off around the edge and we walked out bald as a new born(smile).......but within month my hair was even longer.......for you youngsters, hair used to be the in thing and if you notice it's making a comeback..... from rushman's memoirs..........
  12. here's another old thread for the review of the new members...........
  13. for the new practioners......would like to bring this to the forefront again...........
  14. good luck in your demo and i'm sure you'll knock em dead (smile)............... _________________ rushman (karate forums sensei) 3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon "saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson [ This Message was edited by: iamrushman on 2002-02-03 08:33 ]
  15. we miss you lovely..please try to visit more often and not be such a stranger........... _________________ rushman (karate forums sensei) 3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon "saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson [ This Message was edited by: iamrushman on 2002-02-03 08:30 ]
  16. whatever your technique..........use it if it work for you.............
  17. let's talk human rights........ score: taliban.......nil to none u.s......... most or all i'm not a math major, so you do the math! they never been treated better in their life...........
  18. they also use the bamboo stick in zen meditation when you lose focus..........sometimes the old ways have purpose........."spare the rod and spoil the child".......i think it is a much better world with tradition and basics.......we need more of those attributes..........
  19. don't know but he could always use the library......(smile)
  20. a little late but howdy anyway......
  21. hello and happy posting...........
  22. howdy buddy and happy posting............
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