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Everything posted by Solo

  1. Good point, well made SaiFightMS...
  2. Leonardo without a doubt! I thought Michealangelo was funky but not as cool as Leo. I loved Leo because of his Katanas. And his attitude just seemed calm but energetic when the need arised. Secondly, my favorite color is blue...but that all began because his color was blue lol *sniffs* Ahhhh memories
  3. Solo in Italian means Lone or Solitary. My favorite animal from when I was a child has been a wolf. From there Solo has always given me the impression of legendary Lone Wolves always spoken of here-Strong, Silent and Brave, always willing to put themselves on the line for what they truly believe is right...always on the run and never attached emotionally or morally to anyone or anything...Lone Wolf...Lupo Solo.. (corny, I know When you're a kid you believe in anything ) Make sense to anyone? lol Made sense to me... But I solely chose it for it's meaning in Italian, Solitary and Lone...(and yes I'm Italian )
  4. I'll keep that in mind next time I'm in the dojo training with them. I'll also ask my Sensei a little more about the importance of different aspects surrounding the zai. I'm sure balance isn't the only thing that affects the performance of your zai, obviously.
  5. http://www.geocities.com/bubbaroces/ Just go to the "Make Your Own Nunchaku" section then chose the Rope or Chain Nunchaku.......Hope this helps helps And make sure to check your local laws as someone has already pointed out. This is very important..
  6. The way I'm reading it you doing the positioning right. I tried balancing mine aswell but...I'm just wondering why do you have to make sure your zai are properly balanced Sorry, I'm a zai newbie It's a matter of having them the right weight and balance to be able to flip them properly or something?
  7. Thanks DownwardSpyral. That was helpful for basic sai and sequence purposes. Once again, Thanks
  8. I've spoken with my Sensei and he's taughht me 32 moves from Matsu Higa no Sai. I'm still doing a research though, trying to find a few katas or even a kata online. If I come up with anything I'll let you guys know and post here. Once again, Thanks to everyone who tried Much appreciated
  9. Wushu. For some reason the show of that style is amazing. I've always wanted to learn it, yet there aren't any school near where I live, so I could never learn.
  10. I know it's not a Sai Kata Andrew, it's just a name we've given it lol The true kata is Gekisai Dai Ichi.. It gives us the simple basics of the zai. But Thanks anyway Btw, I'm from Ontario Thanks major_motoko. I've tried searching, but maybe I have to dig deeper. Much appreciated
  11. I've just purchased a set of sais (or zai as Tobias_Reece pointed out in a past post....in September of 2002 ) Anyway, my Sensei has taught me Geki Sai No Sai, but I want to learn a more vast variety of kata for this weapon. I'm hoping to find some sites that I could learn katas online. My dojo will be closed this summer meaning I will not be able to train with my Sensei, therefore I wish to learn a new kata during this time. I am very appreciative to any of you who can help me, and still very grateful to those who weren't able to help Stay well, Solo
  12. I've been in Goju for about 6 years...I have my 3rdKyu Brown, next year my Sensei will be testing me for my Shodan...If I get it, it will have taken me 7 years..I guess it all depends on the style, teacher, student, anything and everything for that matter...
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