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Everything posted by Tamojin

  1. Training is often over looked these days - it can't be over emphasized!!
  2. Being tall has helped in my 7 star training
  3. Does anyone have any info on this mysterious system?
  4. I am very curious about this style - please respond if you take it!
  5. Seven Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu - I love it - its the best!!
  6. Does strength training with weights take away speed?
  7. Yes I think Jackie Chan and Jet Li are amazing fighters - there are plenty of anecdotes of Jackie being challenged and winning. And Jet Li won scores of full contact wushu - thats how he got discovered. It does appear we are at opposite ends and will never agree.
  8. Actually its been my experience in the ring and out that MMA,"shoot" fighters have been beaten by me and my (at the time) yellow sash., while they were some blue, red, or some other belt they earned in a month. Having taken 7 years of jujutsu, 2 years of Tang soo do and now 3 years of seven star I think the chinese arts are deadlier. But i see the Mixed community is as uppity as ever. I suppose we will have to continue finishing you sore losers in the parking lot after we beat you at your own games.
  9. TJS wrote: MMA are not the best fighters in the world - they are usually the most arrogant though. Its a pity this attitude lingers. More often than not they get weeded out by traditional teachers for having the wrong attitude. Look at fighters like Jackie Chan, Jet Li and Chuck Norris. All TMA artists.
  10. Ya - every body fights on mats in an octagon!! Come on man!! Look at the list of things you are not alllowed to do at the UFC!! ten seconds of kicks and punches then 15 minutes of rolling around on the ground trying to tap each other out! Doesn't look like any street fight i have ever seen. If you fight with no rules - kung fu will stand up everytime. I wish MMA would get off their high horses and stop criticizing everyone else.
  11. I would use palm strikes to the body to do internal shock damage. If he can't breathe he can't fight. The palm is an excellent way to transfer chi!
  12. I must say I am curious - i have never heard of this art
  13. Thanks guys - great tip!!!
  14. I love the mysticism and depth in seven star praying mantis. It has monkey,tiger,leopard,monkey, eagle, dragon and crane. Never ceases to amaze me!
  15. Treebranch - I think you are right!! Occasionally our kwoon goes to TKD and Karate tournaments. I think these show the hollowness of sport fighting. They tells us no sweeps, no locks, grabs, backfists, basically nothing but kicks and punches. We fight there way and still win - and still no respect. Oh well. Even the UFC seems less than real. I don't mind really - if the more secret, advanced techniques of kung fu remain a mystery to all those who can't last so be it. Kung fu is not about getting a black belt in 2 years.
  16. I take 7 star praying mantis - it is a complete system with forms, high and low kicks, punches, locks, throws and weapons. It is the system devised to defeat all other Shaolin styles. It has elements of tiger, leopard, crane, monkey, leopard, eagle and dragon. Its amazing!!
  17. I completely disagree that traditional arts are not about self defense!! Why is it that MMA artists hold themselves as the future of martial arts and hold all others as form lovers and flash mongers?
  18. I don't think JKD is an art - its a way of thinking. I don't think you can just start taking JKD - remember Bruce had all that wing chun background among others before he synthesized all that he knew into JKD. Its biys and pieces of other martial arts.
  19. As someone who took jujutsu for many years but now studies 7 star Praying Mantis; I find Mantis the more rounded of the two styles. Both have kicks, punches, throws, locks and pressure points etc. But Mantis has more fighting theory. It seems Mantis changes your thinking from being linear to thinking from all sides and angles, attacking while defending. But they are very similar otherwise as far as internal power development, power redirection and an emphasis on fluidity!
  20. Any praying mantis practitioners out there - I would like to see how you like it. I take Seven Stars - please reply!!
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