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Everything posted by pandaGIRL

  1. getting better.. I go 2-3 times a week... sometimes I skip because of work, but I can't help that LOL.. but the people around me are great, so I'm glad I stuck it out...ain't always easy, but I'm glad I did..
  2. I loved them all guys!! thank you all for the replies.
  3. what type of drills?
  4. yes I like that. very helpful. on being better than yesterday !!
  5. Thank you all I appreciate the feedback and support. I think I am getting overwhelmed trying to pick it all up perfect, and get lost
  6. Hello, thanks I didn't think of that . that sounds like a good idea.
  7. A little better guys...still trying to keep at it, and not give up, and motivate myself..its not always easy!
  8. hello everyone, what are some basic drills you enjoy doing ? i'm still a beginner here.. (only 2-3 months at it
  9. I agree. A series that is more into teaching , philosophy and history ..I'd watch !
  10. hehe I got my yellow in the forum
  11. Thank you so much! that's very helpful.
  12. for me it's actually better they are without pockets honestly. i think too many distractions nowadays. people would be on the cell phones , waiting for an important call, etc
  13. As far as karate goes it's to keep training and not get overwhelmed, and discouraged.
  14. Hello everyone, I was just wondering if anyone has any helpful websites ,videos, or book to pronounce the basic karate words used in dojos, and get some history behind them. Thank you
  15. Yes indeed! I am focusing more on day to day, and getting into training and practicing more. No missing classes unless it's a big emergency. I'm glad I'm surrounded by good instructors/Senseis' and other students that are supportive. Thanks to all for the support too
  16. I try to have a mix of goals, long term goals, short term goals, etc. I can't say I have a lot planned for 2025 other than training more in karate, and to travel. It's easy to be hard on ourselves, but sometimes life happens and things don't go as we planned. I think awareness is the key there. I like to think it's never too late. Glad you are going strong on 6 days now!
  17. I'm not sure it's dying. I'll watch it sometimes, but it's not my favorite thing to watch
  18. haha yes!! Liu Kang and Sub_Zero were some of my favorites. You can still play online on PS4, Switch and PS5, Not sure about the rest , I imagine XBOX too
  19. Hello everyone, just added this on general chat, not sure where to add it. Take a minute and reflect on 2024, the things you are proud of accomplishing. My wish is for 2025 to be amazing for the whole world! Happy New Year all!
  20. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a nice reply!! I really needed to hear& read that. I know I was thinking way ahead and got discouraged.
  21. Thanks Zaine, I will keep looking. I found this: http://www.fightingarts.com/estore/catalog_videos_kata_apps.shtml Thoughts on, Master Eihachi Ota - Kata, Traditional Shorin Ryu Karate ?
  22. Got into season 2, they are all funny!
  23. I am reading "The four agreements"
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