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KarateForums.com Administrators
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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. No, I have never smoked and never will.
  2. Fixed. I look forward to it happening again, but there will be a fix in place soon. No big deal, these idiots - I have an idea of who - always get what they deserve in the end if you know what I mean.
  3. ANd boom... KarateForums.com Bandwith GONE. LOL j/k
  4. Its not a him, its a her and its a ponytail.
  5. Yeah... you have been here for awhile, but Welcome.
  6. I posted it hours ago. http://www.ifroggy.com/karateforums/forums/viewtopic.php?topic=506&forum=15 I will be posting the Polls in the forum I feel it is best in. Thanks.
  7. http://www.ifroggy.com/karateforums/forums/test.php?poll_id=1 This poll was suggested by Moobrack. Please vote in the poll and then post/discuss what you voted on this thread, if you wish. I voted for Nunchaku.
  8. Today I will post our first weekly poll, so I wanted to talk a bit about how polls will work. Every week I will post a new poll along with a new thread, you can vote in the poll and discuss your choice on the thread. The polls will stay open forever (people can vote forever) unless I feel it neccessary to close it (outdated topic). Poll questions with poll options are submitted my KarateForums.com members to me via PM, if you have a suggestion, please make as many as you want, I keep them all on file for later use if I don't use it right away. Thank you.
  9. Hey... I can modify your old name and change it to this one if you want? It would have your old password (which you can change)... but you'd keep your belt/post count - want me to do that for you?
  10. I figure this is more of a General question and not some much "Weapons" so I moved it to General. Thanks.
  11. Well, I have done a little chopping and have come up with this little guy.
  12. Why not have him stop by here? Does he get a locker or something? I could give you a KarateForums.com logo for him to hang up.
  13. I'm working on it. And no pleases from anyone!
  14. Since I haven't really performed any MA... no. The most serious injury I have ever had was when I ran into a wall and split my head open when I was like 3 or so.
  15. The Pony Tail one was a bit easier to find. :pony:
  16. Here is Jack's picture. http://www.ifroggy.com/karateforums/img/jack.jpg Also, I think I maaaaaaaay have seen a smilie with a pony tail, so I will work on that as well, but don't expect it too soon.
  17. Keep it clean - if it isn't kept clean the thread won't be around.
  18. Although I would never possess a firearm and think that they really have never been invented... I agree with Undertow on the fact that dancing around and doing the Martial Arts thing to a person that knows how to handle a gun - pointless.
  19. Muay, In all honesty, if he sees this site and wants to come and post, that is great. But, if he doesn't want to, I don't want people filling his Inbox telling him to post over here - thats disrespectful and it will turn into spam. Thanks. I know you heart is in the right place, just don't have everyone e-mail him.
  20. I will work on that. Don't expect it too soon though.
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