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KarateForums.com Administrators
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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Thanks for the intro. Belated welcome to you.
  2. Deadline has passed. Thank you for the entries. I will be reading them when I get a chance and results will be posted within a day or two.
  3. Yes, your submission is in as well. ZeRo and LeaF: Better hurry up and get something in!
  4. No problem. Submission received and it appears to meet our guidelines. I look forward to reading it.
  5. Well, in their culture someone turning the sole of their shoes on you is a huge insult. That is how I understand it, anyway.
  6. Kensai, Well, its not about as far as you are concerned either. But, we're just posting our opinions here, so everything we say is as far as we're concerned. I agree with you that it wasn't best time to put the flag out there. I just don't feel that it was some horrendous act. Anyway, like I said... I don't really participate in here, if you notice. Tough to take an administrative role when you participate. Thanks.
  7. Obviously, I don't want to get involved in "Serious Discussion," but like you all... I watched it live and it was an awesome site. The US flag "issue" (not my term) will be contorted and twist, just like this war is and will be for a very, very long time. We are ingrained with Iraq quite a bit now and although it may not have been the best moment, there is really nothing wrong with it as the US flag, while being a symbol of the US, is also a symbol of freedom as far as I am concerned.
  8. We meet again. I apologize the time it is taking, which is why I have never set a date of any kind. I am sorry for your frustration. But, know that whatever frustration you have, I have double that. The articles section will launch when I feel it both appropriate and moderately stocked. This contest is designed to enrich the community by adding more content into the articles section. I do not want to release any specifics at this time. Thank you. --- Now, this thread is about the Survivor game, so let's get back to that.
  9. Well, as the person organizing the events, I am between two spots. 1. Part of the challenge isn't taking a long time, like Tammy said. You create the best article you can in that timeframe. 2. Sometimes that takes time. What I have decided to do is extend the deadline to the weekend to Sunday night instead of Friday night. This will be the only extension and I hope it to be satisfactory to all participants.
  10. No entries just yet. Is the deadline too short? If it is, please post and let me know and we'll extend it. I realize that you guys may want to take your time coming up with something good. Thanks.
  11. Yeah, this is good stuff. Maybe we can reach 8,000 posts this month. If we keep going at this pace, we should reach 100,000 by June.
  12. Yeah, it can be. But, if you wanted to bring attention to your info... you could also post in this thread. No harm.
  13. lol... It would also be worth noting that in March we shattered February's record.
  14. As a side comment. Writing a 550 word well put together article would bode MUCH better for you than not participating at all. Statistically it will make you stronger.
  15. Hello. Our players are: ZeRo kchenault monkeygirl LeaF Individual Challenge 4 (7 Overall): MA Related Article This challenge was submitted by G95champ. You are to write an article relating to the Martial Arts. Its subject matter is of your choosing. The article will be submitted for the KarateForums.com Articles section and may not be publicly available for a while. As such, you must follow the content guidelines here: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=4831 Please submit your article like it says to do so on that page as well instead of private messaging it as in past challenges. Basically, you are doing what you would do if you were writing an article for us, the difference is that it is part of a challenge. The article will be judged by me on the following: 1. Content 2. Grammar (English, etc.) We will allow a long deadline for this challenge. Sunday, April 14 at 10:00 PM CST. It is worth noting that the person who is voted off after this challenge will then get to choose one of the other two people to take off of the game with them. So, this Immunity is important. Good luck.
  16. The vote has been cancelled. With the revoking of KickChick's membership, I have decided that the best way to continue this Survivor is to take her out and move on to the next challenge. It will be posted in the next couple of days.
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