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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. I understand your point. But, these two specific topics garner a lot more arguments than the other things that I mentioned. And in these two arenas, people very rarely agree, so that is the motivation behind it. Thanks for the feedback.
  2. I think that would be serious overkill. After all, discussing family, music, movies, colors, games, technology, packing, eating, cleaning, TV, clipboards, school, books, stuffed animals, glassware, electronics, walking, running, sports, housewares, shopping, stocks, crafts, furniture, houses, and others do not qualify as political or religious.
  3. Yeah, this thread is a bit out there. Personal attacks and what have you. I don't see a reason for this one to stay open. Thanks.
  4. Yeah, this thread is a bit out there. I am going to close it. Thanks.
  5. Let's not turn this into a political discussion now.
  6. I think it was rather stupid. Why do you kiss Madonna, anyway? I mean, do you want to get some incurable disease?
  7. Not the same though. It wouldn't attract the same attention. Thanks though.
  8. We accidentially removed a post by Goshinman. Here it is: Here is a pic of he collar crunch hold. 3rd pic from the top. http://www.busseystyle.com/resources/magazine-getreal2.shtml
  9. Hello, I think that this thread has run its course. So, I am going to close it. As an aside, I would like to mention that pointing out typos/commenting on another user's spelling/grammar is in most cases very tacky and not neccessary. Thank you.
  10. Hello, Really the rule is up for interpretation and that interpretation will be up to myself and the staff. I can give some examples though. Talking about the war in Iraq would be one or talking about how stupid a president (of any country, really) is. We will be tempted to apply this guideline in cases where an arguement will most likely ensue. Yes, it will cut down an awful lot of debate. But, remember... this is a Martial Arts discussion site and that is our focus. Not politics or religion or world affairs. These topics can take the focus off of our true topic... the Martial Arts. Thanks.
  11. Hello, After much thought, I have made the decision to ban all non Martial Arts related political and religious discussion. While I realize that this may not be a popular decision, I feel that it is one that must be made. These discussions most often turn to arguements and sometimes nasty arguements between those that we would otherwise consider friends. This is not the type of spirit that I wish to promote. This is effective immediately. Thank you.
  12. Yes, as well as a great deal of places throughout the world. There are a lot of international players in the NBA.
  13. I don't know about the public... but, in my eyes, that's how I feel. And I agree with batt to an extent.
  14. And PD did what? He didn't fire any gun in any club, if that's what you mean. Anyway, I don't think it wasn't... ok with both of them. But, Kobe will never be the same in my eyes again. Its nothing to do with the case against them and all to do with the fact that he cheated on his wife. This isn't like running into a meter maid or something like that. This is a serious... I'd want to say mistake, but its more important than that. So, anyway, its disappointing. I do agree with what you said there at the end, Tibby. When people abuse the justice system, it does make it harder for the real victims to get justice and its a shame.
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