My pleasure, JusticeZero. You asked for it! Just kidding. Thanks Heidi, Danielle, Brenda, Kerry and Joi (and Rateh) for answering the call. Good contributions, everyone! Patrick
We have plenty of female members. In fact, 41% of our visitors are female according to Quantcast (traffic measuring site). If you want someone's perspective, you can always send them a PM and ask for it. I'm going to go PM a few ladies now. Thanks, Patrick
No problem. Thanks for the replies. So, for everyone, how was your Easter? Did you do anything special? I just hung around with the family and got some work done. We had turkey. (Just keep clicking the arrow forward. ) Via Digg via Gawker.
If I was going from the games that I played when I was growing up, it would probably be something like Mario, Link, John Madden and Solid Snake. Is John Madden a video game character?