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KarateForums.com Administrators
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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Welcome aboard, the phoenix. Glad to have you.
  2. Thanks for the replies, everyone. Thanks for the question. Do you mean has the same person ever won the award back to back? No because once you win it, you cannot win it again. You can see the past honorees here: http://www.karateforums.com/motm.php Thanks, Patrick
  3. Welcome to KF, bub4444!
  4. Hello, KarateForums.com recognizes one member every month as the Member of the Month for their positive contributions to this community. The December 2009 selection is... Jay. Congratulations!
  5. That's great, Shizentai. Congrats.
  6. Oh yeah, there are a lot of shows not currently running that I like, as well. Maybe two lists are needed. One for currently running, one for not.
  7. Just part of the job, right? Hehe.
  8. Congrats, Blade96. Good luck with what's next.
  9. http://sports.espn.go.com/sports/boxing/news/story?id=4705330 Thoughts? Who do you have in this one?
  10. Just as a general reminder, I wanted to mention that the discussion on this thread should focus on honorary belts and the practice of giving them to public figures or leaders. Not on Obama personally, as a President or otherwise, the American political system, etc. Basically, please keep it martial arts related. Everyone has done a good job so far and this has been a good discussion. Thank you.
  11. Thanks for the replies. 24, House, I Want to Work for Diddy 2, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad and The Cleveland Show are the ones I watch, of current shows. Big 24 fan here, too!
  12. It's been a while since we had a thread like this: what are your favorite shows on television right now?
  13. Thanks for the replies, everyone. Nice try, Nicholas. Patrick
  14. It would seem fairly likely that it being on the menu would be adequate in a majority of states, at least. Otherwise, there would be a lot of restaurants that are in trouble. Patrick
  15. Hello, Thank you for visiting KarateForums.com. After almost a month of nominating and voting, the KarateForums.com Awards 2009 have come to their conclusion. It is now time for us to announce the winners. Before I do so, I wanted to congratulate everyone who was nominated and everyone who won. Being nominated, in and of itself, is a beautiful thing and should be recognized. If you did not win or were not nominated, please do not take it personally. These awards do have meaning, but they are also for fun and not everyone can win or be nominated. Please join me in congratulating our winners. I also have to pass along a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the process by nominating and voting. You are vital part of this event. You selected the nominees and decided the winners. Without further ado, here they are: 1. Member of the Year: sensei8 2. New Member of the Year: Kuma 3. Community Spirit Award: bushido_man96 4. Staff Member of the Year: bushido_man96 5. Funniest Member of the Year: (tie) DWx and The BB of C 6. Article of the Year: Principle Based Martial Arts Training by tallgeese For past winners, please check out: http://www.karateforums.com/awards.php Thank you for reading and for supporting the KarateForums.com Awards. Sincerely, Patrick
  16. Hey Kajukenbopr, good to see you. Hope all is well.
  17. It may have been posted somewhere and you didn't see it. I generally find it included in smaller text at the bottom of a page of the menu. Maybe you didn't have a menu being at the buffet, but that may count as being posted. I wonder where the law actually stands when the chief of police is not a member of your party. Possibly varies by state. Patrick
  18. Welcome to KF, Ichi_Geki. Glad to have you.
  19. Thanks Bob. Pretty tough loss to take today against the Bills. The mountain is looking pretty high...
  20. Those are fair points, RichardZ. I understand what you are saying. You're certainly not alone in this perspective. No where in that article or accompanying video did the instructor say that any adjustments had been made for the student. That I could see, anyway. I wouldn't want to necessarily assume. But, some in this thread mentioned they or their schools would make adjustments for people dealing with some sort of handicap. And I could see how that wouldn't sit well with some practitioners for the reasons you cited. That said, I would suggest that adjustments are made for children due to limitations. They may not be handicaps, per se, but they are limitations that are accounted for and curriculum is adjusted for them. And they still earn belts, milestones or congratulations. One could argue that this is no different. Just my thoughts. Thanks, Patrick
  21. Welcome to KF, solomona!
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