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Everything posted by Radagast

  1. Hello, I am looking for tonfa, but I have fairly large hands. I see that I can custom order some from Japan for like $200 USD plus shipping but I was hoping for less. My options seem to be either a 3.25" handle with a significant pommel, or a 4.5" handle with virtually no pommel. I have already purchased both of these options and neither work really well. I'm looking for a 4" handle and 20" length approximately, with a decent sized pommel. Does anyone know of a North American supplier who has anything like this? Thanks
  2. Oooh carpet underlay, I didn't think of that. I may even have some. Thanks!
  3. My area is back in lockdown. I have a training room set up in my garage, with puzzle mats on top of the concrete. The mats are 20mm. I find them extremely unforgiving for jumping, my knees and ankles are quite sore after training tonight - burpees and tuck jumps but not too many and nothing that would normally bother me. I had a few ideas for softening up the impacts... obviously putting down dry-core or something similar would work well but would cost hundreds of dollars and I may as well go buy 40mm mats at that point. But would putting down any kind of foam - I'm thinking mattress topper, or even yoga mats - work without drawbacks? Thanks
  4. It depends on how long your name is. I think I spent about an hour doing it.
  5. Oh, I thought it was going to be something like this: (watch to the end!)Except with like roundhouse kicks or something.
  6. Wow! I've done Sanchin-stance lantern walks with 10 lb kettlebells in each hand and I though THAT was brutal.
  7. Soto Uke - Reverse (outside) middle block Teisho - Palm Strikes Yoko Geri - Side Kick Kake Uke - Hooking Block Nukite - Spear Hand Mawashi Uke - Circular Block Ushiro Geri - Back Kick Juji Uke - X Block (see what I did there?) Maybe I'll make a new version with both languages.
  8. This was more difficult to find than I was expecting! My stepdaughter attended the Brantford location a few years ago. It seems that it is Goju Ryu although the two main owners (Trevor and Casey Nash) are also big into kickboxing. My source: http://canadasportkaratemedia.blogspot.com/2012/03/cskm-and-nmac-spotlight-competitor-jake.html
  9. Between my name and my belt I had 4 Ls to deal with - that was a LOT of nukite! The whole thing took my daughter and I about 80 minutes; we definitely weren't rushing. Higher belts could easily swap out some of the doubles for more advanced techniques as well. Instead of just the name which can be a bit unbalanced you could also have a "Word of the day" for exercises. I'm just trying to come up with things to make home practice more interesting and less routine.
  10. I made this for some friends, and I thought I would share it in case anyone else would like to try it. It has techniques up to Yellow/Orange since that's what we know and it's always good to practice basics!
  11. It's only loosely a martial arts movie, but Under Siege is my all-time favourite. Kill Bill, Hero and The Matrix are my favourites. Ip Man I haven't seen yet, it's at the top of my list. And probably the best one, albeit animated, is the Kung Fu Panda trilogy.
  12. I'll admit when I first got the news of the dojo closing I was pretty bummed out. So I have started doing some fitness exercises to maintain/improve in that regard, and I'm moving almost everything in my garage into a storage unit to set up a home "dojo" complete with a heavy bag (canvas, sadly) and a wall target. I have 18 2x2 sections of flooring. I was thinking of trying 6x12 but I could also do 8x10 with the corners missing. For some reason another pack of the same flooring now costs $70 (I'm pretty sure I paid $15).
  13. Thanks everyone. As it turns out, I will have to wait until after the virus shutdowns end to get it. I'm working on a home practice routine now. Step 1: Make room to do a home practice routine!
  14. I just found out today that I'll be getting my Orange belt at the end of next week (graded two weeks ago). That was a nice way to start training especially since today was the one-year anniversary of my return to martial arts.
  15. If I'm not mistaken, he was there around the end of October. So that was before anyone knew about the disease. I imagine it was related to the language barrier, and also it's at least implied in the videos that as an outsider there were many things he was not shown. That's very different from the karate world where he's something like a rock star for popularity. Or maybe it's just me and I'm not as interested in this particular content? That would be weird though, since history in general is one of my lifelong fascinations.
  16. I did like the videos, but I found them a little rushed (or lacking in content) compared to the Karate Nerd in Okinawa ones.
  17. Thanks, I will give it a try.
  18. The 4th toe on my right foot has been bothering me - specifically, when turning as the pivot foot during a side or roundhouse kick. It doesn't bother me during kata. It's not exactly pain - it just feels weird, but not a good weird as my natural instincts tell me to stop what I'm doing. I can't really describe the feeling though. I want to try taping it to see if that helps. Does anyone have any experience with this? Would I tape it to the 3rd toe or the 5th? 2nd and 3rd because those three often move together? Thanks
  19. I am having a problem with my black gi top, cat fur sticks to it like crazy. My dryer does not remove the fur even with 1 1/2 antistatic sheets. It's a polyester top, just a cheap one because I only use it for supplementary training and it's nice and cool, but the dryer doesn't seem to take any fur off. Is this a gi problem, or a dryer problem?
  20. New here! (Obviously) My daughter started Goju Ryu Karate about a year ago, and after a month or so she started pestering me to do it with her. I did TKD as a teenager and got up to Green belt before stopping with an injury. After healing I tried Goju Ryu for 6 months but going to that from full-contact TKD just felt really weird. (Control? What for?) I stopped after getting my yellow belt. Thie dojo we joined last year was very highly recommended by a friend who is 3rd Dan in another city. It took at most three weeks and the bug bit me. I was completely hooked - very unlike my experience when I was younger. I've read over a dozen books already, watched hundreds of YouTube videos, and I train at the dojo as often as I am able and allowed to. I just graded the other day for my Orange belt (should find out in a week or two) and I'm looking forward to continuing my journey.
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