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Fat Cobra

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Ryukyu Kempo
  • Location
    Watertown, NY
  • Interests
    Martial Arts
  • Occupation
    Practice Manager at Veterinary Clinic
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Fat Cobra's Achievements

Green Belt

Green Belt (5/10)

  1. Welcome. Karate no michi!
  2. Awesome! I am looking forward to the new site. Karate no michi!
  3. bushido_man96, I like it. It covers all the aspects of preparation and execution. To me it also shows that preparation holds the most weight (with 2 of the 3 sayings directly relating to preparation: head and heart). An old Army boss and mentor of mine always said, "everyone wants to succeed, but not everyone wants to put in the time in preparation to succeed."
  4. For the United Ryukyu Kempo Alliance, our black belt grading is a 2 day event. On Day 1, grading lasts for approximately 4 hours (this is a Friday). On day 2, grading lasts for a total of 7 hours (not counting the lunch break). Then, there is the belt ceremony that night (Saturday night) and that can last up to an hour depending on how many get promoted.
  5. Moving Towards Stillness: Lessons in Daily Life from the Martial Ways of Japan by Dave Lowry Karate no michi!
  6. The 2 biggest inspirations for me getting into martial arts, movie wise, were Karate Kid and Bloodsport. Karate no michi!
  7. Definitely looking forward to this season!
  8. In our lineage, we do all 5 Pinan Katas and they are considered the breakdown katas for Kusanku.
  9. KarateKen, I think you made a good choice. I have nothing against people who drink, but I quite drinking myself in 2008 and haven't looked back. Karate no michi!
  10. For the longest time I did not train kids, or want to train kids. However, I changed my mind on this a couple of years ago. Sure, there are many disadvantages to training kids, but here are some advantages: 1. They soak up information like a sponge. They copy everything you do, and in some ways are easier to teach than adults. 3. If you have to pay the rent, kids help bring in lots of revenue. 3. They are the future...in URKA we have some senior ranking individuals who started as a kid and are now in their 30s and 40s. These are those 1 or 2 kids from a dojo that will stick with it for a lifetime and continue on the tradition. Obviously, it is up to each instructor and school as to what they want to do, but I would recommend not overlooking the benefits of teaching kids.
  11. Congratulations, Wastelander...thanks for everything you do! Domo arigato!
  12. Congratulations Karate Ken! Welcome to the ranks of Green Belt! Karate no michi!
  13. There is always a puncher's chance that Tyson gets good blows in early and KOs Paul, but... I will go 70 Paul (decision) / 30 Tyson (KO).
  14. I agree, Torii is very good...it will take a long time though. The last order I put through them took 4 months!
  15. Mike Tyson is my favorite boxer...ever. In Tyson's prime, he would put Paul away quick. That being said, he cannot beat Jake Paul at this point. Jake Paul is an active boxer...Tyson is not. Couple that with the age difference and it won't be close.
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