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Everything posted by Strife
If u want a proper pushup put your fist on the ground, thumb facing up towards you, go all the way down and let you chest gently touch. Once you got that range of motion u do it that way everytime. Ill look in Grays Anatomy, its not really swelling, but its still pretty sore. Think of how stairs look then picture that on ur chest with one "step" the front of ur chest to your breastbone. This is hard to explain so ill have to think on how to explain it better
I was wondering if anyone out there knows of any GOOD routines to become for proficient with a katana, faster, more powerful, better all around. I have some experience with using them but i wish to become much more proficent. Any helpful assistance would be appreciated.
Im in ROTC and we were doing pt(personal training) today. We were doin as many pushups as u can in 2min. I did 114 previously and 104 today.(and yea, i did em right....you do them wrong with a former marine drill instructor wrong and see if u dont get corrected real fast....)I was looking in the mirror and i noticed that on my left peck on the inside where they come together over ur breastbone its like its stairstepped. My peck literaly seems to have moved over and theres another layer of muscle then stairstepped down is my breastbone....its not really sore at all a little tender if at all but im just wondering what the hell happened......yea, this is a weird topic...
Even stranger is that my jaw pops really good when I talk or eat...i still havent figured out why the hell it happens though. My ex-girlfriend could'nt stand to listen to me eat becaues the poping lol.
Yea, thats cool. Where do you train at in Valdosta? There really isnt anywhere in Tifton unless you wanna train at the TKD usa where a 3yr old can recieve their black belt in like 3months......
Thanx, for the imput i really appreciate it. Ive did the log thing except we used sand bags instead and it worked pretty good. Wow, your from Valdosta Tiger? Didnt think many ppl even knew of this general areas existence.
Does anyone know of any drills besides sparing to help you with your dodging speed? Much appreciated.
Well...I dont know if it would be asking alot if i were to say working on all areas. I've been looking around and have seen so much on eating right but its hard alot of the time to eat like i need. Do you have any sensible ideas? Im only 15 so i kinda have to think in advance.....like 2 week advance. I you know what i mean(if not....)
Does anyone out there know some effective workouts for the abs other than crunchs and sit-ups? They only seem to take me so far when i do them and i want something thats a little more effective.
Mentally, women are suited better to things like taking care of children and crap like that. Men are more suited toward heavy work(yea guys, we are the pack mules of our species). Mentality has alot to do with genes, society, stuff like that. How ppl are raised. I.E., guys hide there feeling and women let 'em flow. We're all products of our societys and genetics. Physically is an entirely different story. There are women out there who could wip anyone of the guys on here. But in turn there tends to be alot more men who are stronger becaues we're build that way. We have a physical advantage(wether some guys use it or not) to gain muscle mass quicker and to be stronger than women. Women can be just as strong but they have to work toward it more than men, so most are much more comitted to being strong that men and can surpass men relatively easy with work. KickChick is probaly stronger mentally in the area of martial arts becaues she has to want it bad enough to keep working toward it. So when a guy may get tired of it all and say to hell with it, she'll still be training and getting stronger. Age old questions are always brought back up. (iknow the ideas are broken up a bit but maybe you can add 2 and 2. You get the general idea.)
This whole damn argument is going no where. Neither one of you is goin to change your mind on this so heres a suggestion.All you anti-gun mofo's who dont live in the US can all go back to your caves and worry about your own society and shut the hell up about the states and all matters that even remotely involve them. The fact is that of course its not the wepon that kills but the person weilding it. So instead of gun control how about we ban everything and live in fear of death or imprisonment the rest of our lives. You could die right now as your reading this post from a leaky gas main exploding in your house just as easliy as someone could do a drive by and kill you. So, i guess the point im tryin to make is that i could kill you just as easily with a knife as with a gun. Or with my bare hands for that matter. Your all arguing over something thats been discused for hundreds of years. Half of you i dont even live in the US or are even affected by it. So mind your own friggin' business and leave the damn yanks to kill themselves with their "statisticaly deadly guns"! Then your problem is solved and someone else will replace that fallen government. Congradulations. Your repeating history.
Iron A- Your hand picking your stats. just to prove your point. You gave only 7 out of 50 states in which there were more firearm deaths that car related deaths. Of course theres going to be more deaths in the U.S. We have more many more ppl that you do in the UK. All with different ethnic backgrounds and such. We have much more crime also as a result of that. You said that gun related deaths have been progressing through the years. Of course they have! Not only do we have more ppl but we have more ppl haveing children! Our population grows every year more and more from imigration, illegal imigration, and childbirth. Since we have so many ppl coming into the country becaues we are the most advanced and our economy is one of the best, what do you expect! People come here all the time and when they do they bring firearms, drugs, and other illegal things! We catch alot of it but theres always things and ppl that get through. From a statistic point of view becaues of the U.S's size and the UK's size you arnt any safer over there than you are over here. Not to mention deaths by random incident. . .like say a gas pipe exploding. . . I own firearms and am safer becaues of it. Not to mention that proper instruction isnt difficult at all to find anywhere. . .
Pain is the universal sign that something is wrong. Like you said, you just need more fine tuning where pain appears. If you look like it that way you eventually dont view pain as a bad thing but as a sign and NOTHING more. Be surprised what can be done once pain isnt a fear.
What is Plyometrics? I've never heard of it but im interested in learning about them. That and what would be considered a good high protein diet?
I agree. You should be able to do it on your own. You should'nt need equipment.
Theres not any best stance. But effective ones for different situations.
Just what kinda wepon are you wanting to make. I have a couple of sites you might want, more projectiles and inceneraries that anything.
:lol: :lol:HAHAHAHA :lol: Well you have to admit, he does have a point!
70 bucks is about right....just check up on them and make sure their legit.
A wise man once said
Strife replied to dafabe's topic in Choosing a Martial Art, Comparing Styles, and Cross-Training
True, JKD isnt a style but a philosphy. Some of your stances and such may be the same, but almost no one is gonna be like Bruce Lee. Everyone wants ta be like Lee, forget Jordon! -
Of course they can! If it involves kickboxing they they can kick arse any day of the week.
If you want a Bag, just get a couple o burlap sacks fill em with sand, then hang em. Works for me.
It all depends on the person and what they feel comfortable with. Like JKD, its different for everyone. My most comfortable is to act like im just standin there, but with one foot slightly in front of the other, weight shifted almost evenly with a little more on the back than the front, (also your front foot is ever so slightly on the ball) Bending at the knees and elbows and a slight arch of back as well. Looks pretty natural but I can fall into anystance easily and move EXTREMELY fast from it. People often underestimate you....suckers....hehe
Yeah, I got one o' those. They would do good for that purpose....you could even keep a small pistol or sawed and un-stocked riotgun in there if you wanted to. Just a thought....I still prefer hand to hand though!
I had that problem to when I started actual training with a "Dojo" so to speak. I had been training on my own for a couple of years and wasent a puchover. I mumbled somethin' to the instructor 'bout me bein' able to take me and he took me up on it. I surprised myself by putting him on the floor. Then by doing it to a "BlackBelt"! I cant remember who said it be the quote is "It is to the deep sight of blood to knock over something built at an odd angle". Anyway Im just sayin' that the best way to stop ppl like that is to knock them flat on their blackbelt-high-and-mighty-arses!!!! However, this is merely just my OPINION. [ This Message was edited by: Strife on 2002-04-15 17:29 ]