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Everything posted by Prototype

  1. My philosophy is minimalistic. Don't load up and slow down the technique simply for power. So this one is a middle ground to me. What say you guys? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzxuXwEGDS8
  2. Yeah, I think you're right. The term makes it sound as if body placement defines the technique, but it's apparently the trajectory of the punch more than whether it's "over anything"]
  3. Or is it just a exaggerated right cross? I am ducking under it so wouldn't that make it and overhand? Or does it need to have a more loopy trajectory for that? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a6NLaj9989E
  4. Just stop in and say hi...Before I do that maybe you guys can answer if it's worth it... They offer something called "physical training for excercisers". Do you think that will include actual wrestling for recreational guys or is it just a cardio class?
  5. I bought thin shoe cream from a retailer.
  6. Say we have a BJJ black belt who decides to join a wrestling gym, is he likely better than guys who have trained for a year or are the sports too different?
  7. Yes these are bag gloves only. Being 16Oz, I expect them to hold up longer on the heavy bag than the 12oz on the way.
  8. I gather then that you recommend leaving the leather alone? I*ve heard that it's the inside padding which breaks down first, not the leather.
  9. I have heard conflicting reports. Some say that rubbing leather gloves in vaseline will make the leather last longer, others say it won't, all I need is to wipe them down after training. I'm not very keen on having my gloves full of vaseline if it does no good. Will any of this affect the Life span of the leather cracking?
  10. The 10 oz did not fit my fingers and even when I stretched them enough, the circulation in my hand was still bad! I returned them and ordered a pair of 12 oz. In the event of using wraps, I need leeway. I can't barely fit them without wraps.
  11. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FRk5Hvjd7-8 This is slower.
  12. Well first, let’s start with that hair. It’s a little too long. High and tight is the way to go. Your shirt also needs to be ironed too. It’s a T-shirt so you could just spritz some water on it and toss it in the dryer. You appear to shave on a daily basis though, and with no toilet paper your technique on point. Hope this helps.... .... .... ... .... Ok seriously now, if you’re trying to learn how to punch or get critique of it, we need to see your hips and feet. You’re moving neither nor are you moving your shoulders. Elbows should be in nice and tight for a good punch (imagine being at the top of a chin up). In all fairness I usually keep my elbows wide mostly because I’m a defensive fighter and I’m looking to clinch, but if I’m looking for power, they go low and tight... I am moving my hips and feet.
  13. How long time would you guess the person in the clip has done boxing? Based purely on the clip.
  14. I will drop Taekwondo and stick to Boxing. I have more natural ability in that. My progress in TKD pretty much stagnated. Progress only stagnates when either, you give up, or you believe you know better than everyone that can offer you guidance. It is of course your decision. Nothing to do with anyone else. But it's something to think about. I know from other posts that you have doubts about your instructor. That's fair enough. But is that a reason to give up taekwondo after you've invested so much time in it? Only you can answer that. From the videos you've posted up, it looks like you're doing OK. Maybe when you get some criticism of it, perhaps it doesn't feel like that, but in my experience, most genuine martial artists only give criticism to help someone further improve. You asked if I bounce of the mitts throwing those side kicks, the answer to that is yes. I have done this for 4 years. I don't have the flexibility to kick properly and use my hip like I'm supposed to.
  15. I'll order 10oz and just use them on the heavy bag. They should fit and I won't get as tired quickly.
  16. 14 Oz from a different brand fit perfectly. The question is.. Did it fit better due to the particular model/brand or because it was 14 Oz? Can I take a bet and order a new pair of 14 Oz Everlasts or should I go down to 12s? What would you do?
  17. I promise you I do the proper lift with the feet. Definately a power puncher. Not a slugger for that matter but on the power spectrum. I never throw looping punches like Foreman did. I also spar mid to long range, not close range. People who fight the ranges I do generally don't punch as hard, but I really don't like in-fighting. The worst stylistic match-up for me is high level swarmers. I don't like close range sparring because it tends to negate my jab, which I can usually dominate with.
  18. Thanks. Leaving aside defence, doesn't a slight shoulder flair add power? I am as relaxed as can possibly be and simply try to get a lot of power into it.
  19. Here's my 160z gloves that are way too big. Should I go down to 10s...? If I really want this modell to fit me? Maybe 14 Oz is still too big? https://postimg.cc/image/w0ujcwc59/3b4179c7/
  20. I'm 186 tall and weigh about 73 kg. I think my closed fist is small for my size. https://postimg.cc/image/p944aafil/b83c747b/ I can slink out of my Everlast 16Oz, with my lone arm.. They are way too big for me.
  21. The 160z was too big for my hands, and I can't tie those particular models. Would a 140z from the same modell fit my hands better, or are they the exact same size inside?
  22. I will drop Taekwondo and stick to Boxing. I have more natural ability in that. My progress in TKD pretty much stagnated.
  23. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=MY_CLAyyFj8 Does everything look okey?
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