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Kung Fu Hamster

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Everything posted by Kung Fu Hamster

  1. To me that is really kind of sad... come to think about it he does remind alot of Jesus. Hehe. Like that Nickleback singer. I think Nirvana are ok but not excactly great. People only worship him because he's dead if you know what I mean. Like Bruce Lee was loved even more (us included) when he died.
  2. SAME HERE! YAY! Least I'm not the only one! Hehe. I can do the tornado kick, used to do the side splits, working on the kip up. Lol. Try these sites. They're great: http://www.trickstutorials.com - This one rules. It's run by a complete loney called "Jujimufu" but it ROCKS I suggest you try it. It rocks. The best one. http://www.trickdiscovery.com - Coming soon... http://www.trick-ups.tk/ - kinda poor but hey. Better than some! http://www.geocities.com/ox_pasture/Home.html really good. Loads of animated .GIFS and stuff. http://xp3.aliencreations.com/ - the best tricker! * great. http://www.club540.com - Good site. http://uk.geocities.com/martial_arts_style/www/index.html - average. http://www.multilevelmoves.com/ - Good site, like club540 but better. http://www.planetjubei.com/ - Is ok. http://www.joetrix.vze.com./ - I can't remember what its like. http://www.angelfire.com/hiphop2/mothergoose/ - some break dancing stuff. Hah, I just emptied out my favourites list.
  3. If you are worried this much then make sure you get him on film chasing someone with a sword or whatever... Then you can report him to the police?
  4. Oh yeah, Sorry, Ninjitsu. Oopsie. WrestlingKarateChamp17: I just wanted to know what it's like. It sounds interesting. And Total War is really nothing like Age of Empires. It's hard to explain. There are two main things, a map of japan. You make armies and build places in different sections, then you decide wether you want to attack the others. When you do you get loads of little units of like 60 people each, then you move whole units at a time and it's all done strategically like real life. Medieval Total Wars pretty much the same.
  5. Ok, I always tell long stories that no one cares about so here goes: I recently bought a game you may have heard of. It's called "Shogun: Total War" and it's set in the ancient periods of Japan, the age most famous for Ninjas and Samurais. As I was playing it I noticed that you could buy a building called a Ninja house or something. But what it said was that Ninjas were raised from birth in the art of Ju Jitsu. Now I knew they were raised from birth, well, I had heard that before but I hadn't heard about the Ju Jitsu stuff. So I came to think, how good is Ju Jitsu? I mean, it must be quite good if they were made to lean it from birth. And whats Ju Jitsu like? It always sounded intresting to me... So hey! I thought I would ask about Ju Jitsu here! What's it about? Self Defence? Awareness? You know, them kind of questions. Cheers
  6. Ok. I feel rather embarassed asking this since I've done Karate for at least 4 years now but here goes: You guys talk about things I really don't get! Can you please explain some of your basic things for me please? E.G: Whats a Sempai? Why do people wear patches and where? I don't get half of the things you guys are saying... Cheers
  7. I understand what you mean. No offense but most HS kids probably think you're a right * anyway. Sorry to ruin it for you... Also, I see what you're saying there but there are some teachers who a bred from the devil himself. Theres one at my school, (I won't say his name. I'm scared he'll find out. ) but he has NO HEART what so ever. When I had just started, we went into the computer rooms and someone couldn't access their school account and they told him *Hiiissss!*. So he went up to the kid, and said short and quickly- impatiently: "Whats your name?" The kid said his name, but only his first name... "YOUR FULL NAME!" The teacher shouted... The moral of this story is he's a right * and that not all teachers have hearts. Also, I tell you're not an English teachers, so many mistakes in that paragraph alone... And the kid with the anger problems: Hows it going? Just look away. Try that.
  8. Ok, The Kung Fu Hamster's best heavy songs to listen to when you want to get an adrenaline rush: "Feuer Frei" By Rammstein, "Ich Will" By Rammstein kinda gets me inna wanna kick butt rush but not as much as most songs, "Fuel" by Metallica Ooo. I recommend all heavy metal lovers to listen and watch the video to this on the web. It's better on CD though because you get better quality... Better quality = Better adrenaline rush, "Battery" by Metallica that's good, "Enter Sandman" Average song for adrenaline, The Kung Fu Hamster's favourite heavy songs: "Master Of Puppets" by good old 'Tallica again, "One" by 'Tallica, "Kuss mich (Fellfrosch)" By Rammstein, even though that alone means "Kiss Me (Furry Frog)" you really do NOT want to see the translations for that one! Anything else from S&M. There ya go! ^_^
  9. The "Pornounce" thing, was that pun intended?
  10. I don't get it... :|
  11. Welcome. Hey, just simply posting in this section, does it get your posts up? I wanna be a black belt on this... Lol.
  12. I'm 14, going towards 15 in less than a week. JUST OVER A YEAR AND I CAN HAVE LEGA-AAaaaaa...... sorry... Don't worry
  13. Come on guys, lets stay on the topic; we don't need to know how good looking she is, we're here to help to poor guy. You know what I was going to say was pretty much said by Lil' Monkey Girl but hey. I'm going to say my version anyway. I think she's gotta crush with someone... It sounds like it anyway. Is she your age or younger or what? If she's your age or younger then she probably has. Normally when they're younger they tend to act like right idiots to impress you when they have no chance Lol. Oh well. Well. I've had this kind of thing before. Complete *er always choosing you to go with and that. The only difference is that we are both male (Oh god help me! ). Anyway, he was older than me and was always mucking about trying to show off. He was a higher belt at the time and I had only been doing Karate for around a year. What I did was always keep a straight face when he was trying to show off. I didn't smile or anything I just looked blunt. Like this: :| To be honest I don't think it worked but he left after a while anyway. Thank god. What you could do is when you're doing your sparring (You do (number) step-sparring? The one where your paired up and one attacks then the other blocks and counters?) is you could just hit her hard in the same spot, say in the arm, everytime, eventually, if you do this for a few lessons then she will experience pain and should leave you be. Hope this helps. The Kung Fu Hamster
  14. What martial art do you do Sano? Then I might be able to help...
  15. LMFAO! that was great
  16. LMAO! That's what I thought was going to happen in the story OOOH. I would laugh at that story but I know something like that is going to happen to me in the future. I always have bad luck.
  17. Lol. The worst thing I know of is some female I know (No names included ) Called me into the room with the computer after a few minutes of panicking and shouting my name loudly. When I finally got to the room she said "It won't turn on." So I plugged it in.
  18. Oh forgot to mention add lots of bruce lee sounds to all of your moves or if you've played DOA2 then Jann Lee or Law from Tekken. Also you've got to fall on the floor on purpose and when the instructor says "are you ok!?" You must reply I'm ok! I'm ok!! Then you have to keep trying to perform the kip-up but failing! (It's the move on all the martial art films when he brings their legs into their body, puts their arms behind their shoulders, kick up and push off then land on their feet. You gotta know what I'm talking about )
  19. BONK ON THE HEAD! LOL! THAT IS HILARIOUS! Could you just picture that? I keep getting a little cartoon image of this white belt kid with massive/cute eyes like Tweety(looney tunes) holding the stick with a big smile on his face! LMAO! That would be GREAT! HAHA! ^_^ I can't help but think Monkey Girl makes the best funny posts on this forum. Anyway, what you must do is when you're a black belt or an extremely high belt is stand in your waiting stance (We call it hegadachi. Forgive the spelling and the fact that I'm writing this in lamen's terms it's just I don't get what you lot are talking about half the time so just in case you don't know what I'm talking about...) Anyway, so from hegadachi the instructor tells you what to do. E.G, step forwards into front stance downward block (zehnqutscadachi, gedan barai uchi) and then he normally waits you wait for a few seconds. We he shouts HASHUMI! (Or whatever it is. What means go ) You must simply stand in hegadachi and shout "BLESS YOU!" Then look around quick, noticing that everyone else has moved. Copy their position and look innocently at your instructor. Do this a few times and eventually. BOOM. It should work Also, to make it more effective what you should do is when you're a high belt and obviously know the basics well you must change your Kia to the actual word "Kia" lol. That should annoy him. Oh and when you're sparring (in karate only ) when he says Hashumi you must keep full eye contact with your partner, keep an extremely straight face looking very serious and then just slowly go into the crane stance(just don't forget to say bless you to the instructor first ). That would be great. HAHAHA! BONK ON THE HEAD! LMAO! I NEED TO DRAW A PICTURE ON THAT!
  20. You lot are week for karate masters I just smiled.
  21. Where can I find these Far Side cartoons?
  22. Dahahaha, it's the 50's all over again! No offense at all ment here but how old are you? Lol. I didn't know this all happened 50 years ago. Woah...
  23. You could always be Superman's Daughter(?) Well the female version anyway. Superwoman. I would be "The Invisible Man" Then I could... Hm... Maybe I'm sharing a little to much with you here...
  24. Yeah I got that too. Honestly, if you get anything by a felcia*forgot the number* then delete it. I was using outlook express and I clicked on it once and bam! It started downloading! In less than 2 seconds later Norton Antivirus had stopped it. I rule.
  25. I personally have a great... "dislike" for all rap, r&b and garage, though I don't know the difference between any of them. So like that other dude said, I would also have a biased opinion but I think he did get shot 9 times but that's probably trying to improve his "Hard @$$" image as a cool guy who can take anyone. He probably just got his mate to tie him to a wall and shoot him a few times in each limb. Lol. That's my opinion anyway. It's all for those people who like that kind of music, they think they're tough because of it and can take everyone on. Over where I live, I don't know if you have it, but we have two main groups of people: Grungers (A.K.A Moshas, Metallers) and Trevs (A.K.A Trendys or Townies). As you may have guessed the Grungers listen to heavy stuff such as Metallica and stuff, the Trevs are the opposite: 50 Cent, Sean Paul, and what have you. It's quite amusing though because most of them hate the others. In fact there has been this area where loads of Grungers just meet up, sit, talk and what have you and apparently the Trevs are trying to take it over. So if any Trev walks into the area every grunger just stands up and stands walking slowly towards the trevs until the trevs leave. I don't think any Trevs have stayed long enough to see what would happen when the Grungers are close enough. Anyway, back to the main question, most Trevs listen to this stuff because (In my opinon, no offence to anyone or anything) they think it's cool to speak fast and add lots of swear words in their songs. That's my opinion. Rock/Metal music can be enjoyed without swear words why can't this garage stuff? Also, they have the same continous tune in the background that never changes it just starts to dig into your head and kind of sticks there then you hate the beat like that "Seven Nation Army"song. At least I do. Metal music varies alot and never just has the same repetetive thing over the singing which is slow. Some go on for 15:00 minutes and keeps changing. 50 Cent is just a man who got shot 9 times, almost definately went to jail sometime in his life, got a six pack (I'm gonna get a six pack! ),decided to speak fast (with swear words) to a beat he had probably made on some music generator that he has for his playstation2 and added lots of woman in his music videos. That's how he became famous in my opinion. Oh, and made friends with slim shady. This is my opinon. Don't take it too seriously, I tried not to be too rude about it. So, overral: no, I do not like 50 Cent.
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