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Everything posted by Brave1

  1. Cool. Just bringing this topic to the top. Found this korean promo music-vid: http://www.azuen.net/%7Eyoda/hwtf/videos/misc/koreantkd.wmv
  2. Where can I find video clips of the korean demo teams? I recently downloaded from the Sonkal tkd site the video of the demo given by ITF-North Korea during their visit to Seoul, and though the files were quite large, it was well worth the wait! You can view them here: sonkal.taekwondo.cz/videogalerie-en.php Does anyone know where I can find the WTF equivalent of their visit to pyongyang? I assume that like the ITF clips, these files would be quite large. Any other clips of korean MA (such as Hapkido, kuk sool won) performed by their native prctitioners would be great. "Old school" TKD footage would be nice too so that I can see how tkd evolved during the decades.
  3. Karateforums of course. Secondly I'd have to say Fabien Sena's website: https://www.cyberkwoon.com. Originally set up as an e-zine for Kung Fu, it has grown to become a database for style info and a forum for all MA styles. Also has heaps of downloads such as forms, applications and fights. Of particular note is the White Crane vs. Tai Chi match in Macau shot during the 1950s. Previously, you had to pay for the downloads. Now however, with each post you place in the message board, you earn 50kb for download.
  4. If you don't mind me asking, SaiFightsMS, what was your early MA training like? Was it strictly traditional in the sense that you had to do everything precisely as possible, or were improvisations made at certain points?
  5. I've been having trouble identifying the styles used in the 1995 motion picture and its sequel MK: Annihilation. So far, I've identified the following: Original movie: Reptile: Wushu Liu Kang: Wushu Sub Zero: Goju ryu? (His stances seemed very low. Though I was a bit disapponited by his fight, given that the stuntman was said to be a grandmaster in JuJitsu) Scorpion: Apparently the stuntman, Chris Casamassa, is the son of Louis D. Casamassa, founder of Red Dragon American Karate (anyone heard of it?) MK: Annihilation: Cyrax: Taekwondo (pretty cool to see it done by a robot ) Scorpion: I think they used the same stuntman for Cyrax, this Scorpion didn't use his hands much. (Don't you just hate it when you have two different stuntmen playing the same MA movie character, and they use completely different styles?)
  6. Thanks for your replies. I'm not too sure about the availability of Shorin ryu around my area, but I agree with higher stances. I once attempted a low horse stance once, just to see if I could do one, and nearly dislocated my leg. What about internal styles? I took one lesson in Tai Chi (standard forms and push hands + applications) 2 years ago, and while I respect it as a martial/health art, it didn't really suit my body type at all. Anyway, due to comittments (last year as an undergrad!), I might not be able to start any training until the end of the year. That doesn't stop me from taking an interest however.
  7. Oh, if it helps, I am 5'7", 20 y.o. and weigh 75kg.
  8. Hi, I'm new to this site. What I wish to ask is if martial arts can be used as a form of physiotherapy for the disabled? I myself was born with mild cerebral palsy. The tendons in my legs are tighter than usual, meaning that I can't sit on the ground or kick any higher than knee level without losing my balance. In addition, I can't move my right wrist, and my lower spine is slightly curved. I've always been interested in the Martial Arts, and I want to do something that will both improve my physical condition and teach me how to defend myself. What style would you guys recommend I practice? Do you know any teacher in the Brisbane, Australia area who would be willing to take a student with my circumstances? Thankyou greatly in advance for you help.
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