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Everything posted by Treebranch

  1. Sorry, I forgot to put "I may be wrong", in my statement I just made. Sorry for not getting the facts straight. But like I said great SPORT.
  2. Well it could be that BJJ had the upper hand because they started this kind of competition and I believe The Gracies made the rules. If the rules were no going to the ground, they'd get killed, they are always taking hits and sacrificing themselves to the ground and in a street fight there are not rules, it's better to fight in an controlled environment, like a ring or dojo. BJJ is a great sport.
  3. Budo Taijutsu strikes can be used from a close distance. It's all about body mechanics and is very useful at close quarters, you can generate a devasting strike from nowhere. Also when your viewing a fight, boxing for instance, watch their feet and hips their posture, not the hands you'll learn a lot.
  4. Well I hope they are near by, and I hope that they're more of you than them. I personally would avoid going to the ground at all costs,"at all costs." You can see what's coming when you're on the ground.
  5. JJ and BJJ and TKD are very valid art forms. I have to say though I have friends that are huge BJJ fanatics, and they always say the same thing 99% of every fight ends up on the ground, but I say not in a street fight. In a street fight you'd better try your hardest not to go to the ground, because sometimes their buddies might kick you in the head while your busy trying an arm bar on someone. If you are fighting an average Joe and he is alone, go for it. Hopefully he is an average Joe. If your at a club or a party and there are a lot of people around, you'd better learn how to fight on your feet. Always be cautious and aware of your surrendings and over confidence is a weakness.
  6. Taijutsu hand strikes are also very effective and the power generated comes from your entire body. Kamae is the key to it's effectiveness and power. Taijutsu strikes are designed to effect the structure of the body, it is not only used to knock someone out. Boxing strikes are very effective also, if you are using your body effectively. If you rely only on the power of your arms to strike effectively, your not doing it right. Learn to generate strikes that come from the momentum of your body and you can generate devasting blows that seem to come from nowhere.
  7. In a real fight a high kick is very risky. It is very easy to counter high kicks. A quick and effective kick is a front, mid to low kick to the torso or hip or groin area. It is very easy to take your balance away from a kicker ,your leg is so high up and your balance is not solid. Also if you see a kick starting to happen, move offline at a 45 degree angle front or back, preferrably front and you'll choke his kick. A moving target is harder to hit. If you guys are taking in terms of competition, still keep this in mind.
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