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Everything posted by Treebranch

  1. It was known to be pretigious for a Lord to have a Ninja amongst his Samurai. So basically they did exist together, they were never against eachother, because Ninja did not ever desire to rule like the Samurai did. They weren't enemies, I don't know where you got that from. Yes Ninja fought Samurai if they had to, but they were probably being paid by other Samurai to do it.
  2. I'm looking for a place where I can full contact spar with people of other styles, but I can't find any. We do some full contact in class, but I want to fight people that do an MA different than mine. I think it's important to realize that the training is the factor that makes most MA's work or not work and not the MA itself.
  3. 90% of my fights didn't end up on the ground, but I still think ground skills are very important. I think those statistics came from the jails when inmates got into it with eachother. I didn't see many fights going to the ground in my neighborhood. Going to the ground was a good way of getting stomped by the buddies of the other guy. Then if that happened you had a group of dummies fighting in the streets.
  4. There's a Nephma master in Laguna Beach which is basically Greek Acupressure. He has traveled everywhere looking for someone who can do the "Death Touch". He traveled to China to some master who claimed he could do it. So he went there and told the guy to do it to him. He got really sick and the next day he went and visited the Death Touch guy. So basically it didn't work.
  5. Pros are it is extremely deceiving and effective. Cons are that it takes a good amount of time to understand.
  6. If your acquaintances are alive to tell you than the persons with the knives were not trained with knife. SevenStar you seem like you have some good experience in MA's. Just imagine you have a knive and the other person doesn't know it's there. You get into the clinch and instead of doing a hip throw by grabbing the persons clothing, you knife hand goes right into his armpit and then you throw him. Know he's down and you've cut the brachial artery and you have control of him. The next cut his to the carotid artery that runs in between the trachia and the sternomastoid muscle. He's dead. Most people who would bring a knife out and swing it around don't know how to use it. Someone that knows how to use a knife won't present it to you first.
  7. There is no "death touch". Pressure points can be useful, but they are not something you rely on.
  8. Thanks SevenStar, that's exactly right. Icetuete Budo Taijutsu is not soft at all. It can be soft, because you have that option if you are experienced. Budo Taijutsu is one of those MA's that you have to have done to you in order to really judge it. We have some very powerful strikes with all of our body weapons. Hands, feet, knees, elbows, fists, head, hips, shoulders are all used effectively for striking. Of course strikes lead to throws and the throws are brutal. In Budo Taijutsu you can meet you're opponent with full force if you think you can, or you can left them come to you and take advantage of their force. There's lots to learn in Budo Taijutsu and the deeper you get into it, the more you realize it is infinite so you have to choose what you want to master. So basically you can make Budo Taijutsu work for you and everyones Taijutsu is a little different even if you are from the same school. I've taken other MA's and I've never been able to hit with so much power before or have I been able to move as fast. It's a great MA's just like most. MA's are awesome and all MA's have something great to offer. You just have to find the one that fits you best.
  9. Experience goes a long way.
  10. Good KK I like when things get stirred up a bit. It's healthy for all MA's.
  11. What does Bruce Lee have to do with Green Berets? The kicking Bruce Lee did is basic Karate and he didn't invent kicking. Stomp kicks have the most power.
  12. Practice knife techniques and disarms or controls before you make opinions on what you think work. There is a way to fight to be safe if the person has a knife or not. If you don't know if a person has a knife and you shoot in you are dead. Always assume someone is hiding a weapon so don't just assume controlling someone on the ground is always going to work. If someone is trained with a knife and you don't know what to do you are dead.
  13. Just make sure that it's Budo Taijutsu you are taking and you can check their credentials.
  14. Yeah White Warlock take him to the ground, but not yourself.
  15. Yeah the whole Ninja Samurai relationship is a little hard to separate, but there were Ninja clans. I don't really know much about the true history of the Ninja, but who does.
  16. Jujitsu is different from Ju-Jitsu which is Brazilian. Jujitsu is JJJ and does teach weapons, striking, and grappling. Do what you enjoy, so you have some research to do.
  17. Very similar and both very effective.
  18. Well I wasn't referring to wrestling or even sports related grappling. But Grappling Arts in general use the tactic of nullifying an a attack by taking the opponents striking weapons away as well as stealing their balance. Jujutsu have plenty of strikes, but they are means to an end not the end itself.
  19. I was joking by the way. That's what this little laughing means.
  20. That's why I love grappling arts, we just take your weapons away from you.
  21. Koshijutsu and Koppojutsu are basically Jujutsu that teach you how to break bones with strikes and how to separate the muscle from the bone with a strike. These strikes to the right place can kill, but you would have to be in complete control of the other person in order to do a killer blow.
  22. Legion, dance classes will help you with balance and flexibility as well.
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