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Everything posted by Treebranch

  1. That's very cool. Do people teach that style? Did it get lost?
  2. Rolling techniques of Budo Taijutsu are great for getting up quickly and knowing how control your falls. You can use your falls to counter and regain control or guide the other person to fall where you want them to. In BJJ class when we are doing takedown drills and I lose my balance for one reason or another I go into a roll and I'm up and ready. The teacher doesn't seem to mind and he tells the other students to be mindful of that. There's a way to roll while keeping your eye on the other person through the entire roll. It takes some time to learn it well enough to do it on the street though, but it can be done. I do agree that ground skills are important. The ground being one of the worst case scenarios next to the cheap shot and a rear attack.
  3. O.K. the guy never shows his face in any photograph. He changed his name to Ashida Kim, he's a white guy who changed his name to a Japanese first nam and Koreon last name. The guy is truely a Free Market Ninja with the ability to sucker people into buying his crap. These are the guys who give Ninjutsu a bad wrap.
  4. Ashida Kim is a complete fake. He's a great comedian though.
  5. OK, you guys know who Cung Le is right the San Shou guys? Not that style, it's San Soo Chinese Combat Fighting. Master Jimmy Woo brought this MA to the states I think in the 60's.
  6. San Soo isn't as mystic as all that. You should really check it out. William Vigil and Dave Hopkins have a series of instructional tapes that will give you a pretty good idea of what it's about.
  7. Check out the New Line of Last Legend Katanas they're pretty sweet. Thinking of buying one very soon. https://www.shadowofleaves.com
  8. Oh high school. Life is so boring in high school that fights seem glamorous. Proving your manhood by fighting, that's great. If your a MA's you don't need to fight people at school, that's what your training is for. MA's is for protecting yourself and your loved ones from "physical" harm, not insults. Let fools be fools and let the wise men listen. Be a man, don't fight.
  9. Yeah, there selling Ninja vision on Ebay so you'd better get it while it lasts. Limited supply you know.
  10. 4 and 5 is pretty young to start MA's. I have to daughters and I started teaching them when they around 7 or 8 years old. They can understand things a little better and follow direction. I would say some kind of Karate or Judo have programs for kids. That's a tough one.
  11. Just remember this sticking point in your training is building and building, it will soon break and you will evolve. Persistence and dedication through times like these are the true test of your training. Be the water that shapes the rock.
  12. If he has control of your hips there's very little you can do with playing dirty. Try to use your hips to wiggle on to your back and get him in your guard.
  13. When you go to class the teacher has a lesson for you. When you go home you practice. Also your taking a MA that relies alot on strength and speed. Relax your body, be loose, but keep your mind alert. Maybe read Miyamoto Musashi's Five Rings or The Unfettered Mind. Maybe this stuff is in your head. Your head may be getting in the way.
  14. That's why I like grappling arts, you don't have to throw a single punch if you know what your doing. Also, people who see the fight will say "the other threw the first punch".
  15. Silly little kid is going to get smashed. No cure for fools.
  16. Yeah, but Navy Seals should really be doing San Soo instead of Muy Thai. Muy Thai teaches you how to clobber someone really bad, but San Soo teaches you to destroy.
  17. GoRacer I'm very sorry to inform you that what ever you are learning, effective or not, it is no Ninjutsu. If you enjoy it that's all that matters, but it's not Ninjutsu.
  18. I didn't get that it was competition, but yeah relax.
  19. I don't know do you think that's true? Do you think it will change? Is it possible that we may simply not be aware of what is out there? We tend to gravitate to things that we are familiar, things we've heard of. If we've heard of it we trust it more. That's human nature. It could be they are the most effective and it could that they are not as effective as MA's we've never heard of. Isn't that a possibility?
  20. Hey it's amazing that the top ten MA's correspond almost exactly with the most popular MA's. Nice.
  21. What are you fighting for? Why are you starting a fight? My advice is Don't Fight!
  22. Don't make it a faint, make it an attack. If he doesn't fall for the faint your in trouble, but if your faint is an attack it won't matter. Usually people who use too many faints rely on your reaction to the faints. When someone faints, attack!. They are not expecting an attack they are expecting you to flinch. Make your flinches into strikes and also take their space.
  23. OK I'll buy that, good points! If you roll to the left or the right when your out of the lock, he might catch your heel to his chin if he's bending to get you. Like you said there are so many variables and techniques you could use.
  24. SWDW I don't think it's all over at that point. There's a sacrifice throw you can do from the full nelson when they have you bent over. It's all about taking the space of the person doing the lock to you. There's even more ways of getting out of the one while still upright.
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