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Everything posted by Maddknucklez

  1. I do this... Take a fairly heavy dumbell and stand straight up while holding it in one hand. Slide sideways so that the weight goes to your knee. Don't lean forwards or backwards and do 12 reps on each side. This targets the obliques and lower back.
  2. Thanks for the tips guys. I had my body fat checked and it was at 12%. I am still lifting and running but I talked to a doctor and he pretty much nailed it down to me not sleeping enough. Even on a good day, I'm getting just over 6 hours of rest and no naps in between. He also told me to eat small amounts of food between my other meals to help my metabolism stay in action.
  3. Do this: 2 minutes punching a heavy bag 2 minutes jumping rope 50 push-ups 50 sit-ups 2 minutes kicking a heavy bag Repeat 5 times
  4. I've been involved in Martial Arts since I was 5. I'm now 19 and have a Black belt in Kenpo. I have lifted on and off throughout my teen years but 2 weeks ago, I decided that I have enough mass and want get a very lean and toned body. I lift for two days and take every third day off. But I still jog 3-4 miles daily and attend 2 1-hour Karate classes per week. I am 6'3" and weigh 172 lbs. My question revolves around my diet. Is it possible that I am not eating enough even though I am cutting? I am definitely noticing some change in my physique but I often feel tired and dizzy after my workouts. I am a full time college student who also holds down 2 jobs so I need to be able to stay on my feet and get my studying done and perform well in the workplace. Up at school, I am only able to eat twice during the day because of the kitchen schedule. I normally eat the same thing every meal. I eat at 12:30 PM and around 5 PM My meals usually include about 1 cup of steamed greens (spinach, broccolli, green beans), 1/2 cup of rice, 2 egg whites, 8 oz. of tuna, 6 tomato slices, 1/4 cup of raw shredded carrots and sometimes 1/4 cup of chickpeas. I usually drink a glass of water and maybe a small glass of cranberry juice. I have been following this die religiously for the past 2 weeks. Is my fatigue due to my diet or is there something else missing? BTW I do not take any supplements or steroids.
  5. I have worked on many bags and they are all good for different things. Maki-wara are good for developing knuckle and hand strength. I use free standing covered bags for upper body/boxing workouts because they bounce back at you and force you to keep moving. I usually use a hanging 100 pound bag filled with water for practicing more powerful techniques that would knock over a free standing bag. Surprisingly, it held up pretty well. Then you have your speedbags which are good for hand/eye coordination and developing your shoulders and arms.
  6. Ugh I hate kids. They are the worst to teach. I have thought about never being an instructor again because of them in fact I might get a vasectomy because of them.
  7. Crouch down with your hands up in a guard. Raise up and throw a front kick, side kick, and rear kick without setting your leg down and go back to a crouching position. Do this while alternating legs every time. It is good for developing leg strength and stamina.
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