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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    American Kenpo Karate
  • Location
  • Interests
    Karate Gym Biki Riding chillin with friends

AmericanKenpoKarate's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Funny Moments of Class The funny part if we were doing a technique and my pants almost fall down because I didn't tie my pants good also my Instructor would always say heres our no 1 fan and he has like 3 thousand friends and they all laugh and i laugh too
  2. my karate studio means a lot to me why because they help me a lot i learn how to check to cross out at 360 and look at 360 to the side too also i learn about principles like the windshield wiper principle the pinpoint principle the point of origin principle the revolving door principle the puzzle principle etc also he explained what is american kenpo what is kata what is technique whats the basic kenpo what is marriage of gravity what is web of knowledge whats is the difference between opposite and reverse Etc I Thanks my Sifu Jesus Flores for everything I learn your the best Sifu ever without you there's no Flores Bros Kenpo karate and also i wanna thanks all my Sifus whose teaching us specially Sifu jesus Sifu Minh Sifu tony sifu esteban THATS WHY YOU GUYS MEAN a lot to me
  3. I would choose American kenpo karate for u its very logic and very practical kenpo karate is an updated system of self defense based on modern day street fighting the system applies logic and practicality also a thinking artI recommend kenpo karate for you
  4. if you like kyokoahin you would like shotokan its fun and exciting
  5. I knew at age 13 ma was good for me caused i couldnt play sport but i guess Martial arts choose me and I choose him and it runs in the fam bam
  6. Sai Katana Sword kali stick nunchucks
  7. Hi Wastelander i guess so in our class we help teach kids in some its a demo team
  8. Hi guys im a Blue belt in American Kenpo Karate and my studio is Flores Bros Kenpo karate and I'm planning to joined my karate SWAT Team have you ever joined SWat team? and what does the Swat do?
  9. Im doing american Kenpo karate
  10. We don't advertiser prices you have to be there to look at our prices
  11. Well when I was new here in America and I was watching TV as i was flipping the channel and i saw this karate Segment on TV and the karate group was called Flores Bros Kenpo Karate Studios and they were doing forms and technique i was amazed on what their doing I said to my self one day ill joined Flores Bros Kenpo Karate and I did and im having a blast Also Their Instructor Sifu Jesus he explained the technique or forms step by step and by detail his like poetry in Motion when he explains it So i choose Flores Bros Kenpo karate as my Martial Arts and Ive been training with them for 1 year and 6 months im a blue belt and im also member of the Black belt club and Swat Team
  12. Some Ma school they do the mcdojo thig and they teach but they dont tell ya step by step[ and some instructors are rude on the other hand my karate Studio Flores bros Kenpo karate studio is the best the instructors there teach ya step by step and by detai specially my sifu jesus hes the head Instructor he explained it good FBKKS 4 life
  13. Just take your time Lisa and you will do good dont ask a sensie to demote ya you can do it and you can earn that belt we all started that we cant do it but we can that only round house i have to do a front roll and a back roll for green belt requirement and i know i can do it its just need time if you know what i mean once you get your roundhouse your good
  14. My favorite Ma was Bruce Lee Inter the Dragon its cool movie But i didn't joined Martial arts because of him its because i saw this karate guys Called Flores bros kenpo karate and the 1st time i saw them they did their kata and technique and it was amazing and awesome i was amazed and i said to my self someday ill joined their karate studio and i did and ive been traning for 1 year and 6 months and im a blue belt im also member of the swat team
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