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Everything posted by kilo

  1. It was the first thing I though of.
  2. Hey how you doing.
  3. Wow, what a past. Welcome.
  4. Almost every weekend and some times after class with other people from the Dojo.
  5. I though it looked cool.
  6. I dont know how it is at other Dojos but in our shodan ( first black) is just another step on the path, it is when the student really starts to learn.
  7. Hi hope you enjoy yourself here.
  8. kilo


    Hows it going and welcome.
  9. How you doing?
  10. Well this one time at Band Camp....seriously no I havent.
  11. Karl Geis Aikido and its from Tomiki Aikido. Heres the web site: https://www.karlgeis.com
  12. RANK BELT COLOR HOURS PER WEEK TOTAL HOURS IN AIKIDO MINIMUM AGE OF CANDIDATE TIME IN GRADE TOTAL TIME IN AIKIDO Yonkyu Green 3.0 40 14 3 months 3 months Sankyu Brown 3.0 80 14 3 months 6 months Nikyu Brown 3.0 120 14 3 months 9 months Ikkyu Brown 3.0 160 14 3 months 1 year Shodan Black 4.5 250 16 6 months 1-1.5 years
  13. I hpoe you have fun and enjoy training.
  14. Well I'll say this try both of them. Then you decide which one you enjoy more.
  15. http://www.aikiweb.com[/url]
  16. kilo


    Yes Anime! I like Noir, Rahxephon, GTO "Great Teacher Onizuka", Bubblegum Crisis, Bubblegum Crisis 2040, and let us not forget Robotech. That all I can think of here at work I see what else I hav when I get home.
  17. When I was in the Army unarmed combat training was an 8 hour block of instuction over 3 days. It involed chokes, falls, and throws thats it. Airborne was the same. Now in Ranger school we got some training in BJJ. and more time to work with other people.
  18. To be rich and famous. Well at least rich.
  19. I'm lucky I guess my Dojo at school is open during the summer and its only 15 munites from my house.
  20. 23 and 23
  21. We dont test we Demonstrate! Fancy word for test I know but its what we do. Everone lines up on the side of the mat in order or rank. Then Tori and Uke face each other and Sensei will call out what form to start with. You just keep going from there.
  22. I dont know about spar but I would like to play (read randori) with O Sensei, Kenji Tomiki, and Karl Geis.
  23. I pay 20 dollars for 3 months. Aikido, Judo Jodo.
  24. My last girlfriend did kenpo. So I like girls that do Martial Arts.
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