RANK BELT COLOR HOURS PER WEEK TOTAL HOURS IN AIKIDO MINIMUM AGE OF CANDIDATE TIME IN GRADE TOTAL TIME IN AIKIDO Yonkyu Green 3.0 40 14 3 months 3 months Sankyu Brown 3.0 80 14 3 months 6 months Nikyu Brown 3.0 120 14 3 months 9 months Ikkyu Brown 3.0 160 14 3 months 1 year Shodan Black 4.5 250 16 6 months 1-1.5 years
Yes Anime! I like Noir, Rahxephon, GTO "Great Teacher Onizuka", Bubblegum Crisis, Bubblegum Crisis 2040, and let us not forget Robotech. That all I can think of here at work I see what else I hav when I get home.
When I was in the Army unarmed combat training was an 8 hour block of instuction over 3 days. It involed chokes, falls, and throws thats it. Airborne was the same. Now in Ranger school we got some training in BJJ. and more time to work with other people.
We dont test we Demonstrate! Fancy word for test I know but its what we do. Everone lines up on the side of the mat in order or rank. Then Tori and Uke face each other and Sensei will call out what form to start with. You just keep going from there.