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Everything posted by kilo

  1. That the average aikidoka is, a limp wristed granola muncher.
  2. Yeah why dont you just get 2 gis.
  3. I do Karl Geis/Fugakukai Aikido which is an off shoot of Tomiki Ryu Aikido.
  4. kilo


    Shihan: A formal title meaning, approximately, "master instructor." A "teacher of teachers."
  5. kilo


    What Up!
  6. Howdy.
  7. West Point Ms. http://www.wpnet.org/ and Ft. Irwin Ca. http://www.irwin.army.mil/
  8. I guess it depends on the art. I know for Judo we wnat them to be at least 7 and 14 for aikido. But thats just us.
  9. I think it all depends on the instructor I only pay 20 dollars for 6 months.
  10. Well in my case my Aikido sensei is also my Judo and Jodo sensei.
  11. Im 23 at least until next month.
  12. Tegatana no Kata - Hand Blade form.
  13. Hey hows it going?
  14. I wanted to become a better bully. No truthfully I started so I would have some thing to do after work. And to stay in shape.
  15. I dont do Karate so you dont have to take my advice but I wear glasses and during Randori I just take then off. So far no problems. Good Luck.
  16. How you doing?
  17. Morihei Ueshiba greatest martial artist of all time. Bruce Lee second greatest.
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