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Everything posted by kilo

  1. This is a great place to train http://www.windsongdojo.com/
  2. http://www.myspace.com/59989315 would be me
  3. kilo

    the mullet

    Dont forget Mask, ThunderCats, G.I. Joe and Transformers. Plus the best M.A. move of the time Gymkata.
  4. I like a http://www.juka.com/uniform/judo.htm myself.
  5. Bob Barker from the "Price is Right" is a Black Belt.
  6. I like his movies. I didnt really like the "Hidden Fortess". Did you know his movie "Yojimbo" is based on the book "Red Harvest" by Dashiell Hammet. Have you seen "Red Bread" or "Ikiu" thosr are also good movies by Akira Kurosawa.
  7. I like the Jo but thats probably because I do Shindo Muso Ryu Jo.
  8. He wears a Juka Gold and Silver.
  9. I have a Juka Judo gi and I like it. My instructor wears one of there karate gi's and he swears by it.
  10. kilo


    I dont do Karate so forgive me if this is a stupid question. How often do you partice sitting in seiza or even shikko in class.
  11. I'll have to see it to believe it.
  12. Wouldn't you like to go back in time and train with him?
  13. 8 most of the time once we had 12 people on the mat most we've ever had. 5 Dan
  14. No here are some web sites for it in the States. https://www.aikidoinstitute.org/uchideshi_program.htm https://www.renoaikido.org/index-800.html https://www.aaa-aikido.com/UCHIDESHI_TRAINING.htm Of course there all for Aikido (sorry) but thats all I saw right off.
  15. In Aikido your called an Uchi Deshi A live-in student. A student who lives in a dojo and devotes him/herself both to training and to the maintenence of the dojo (and sometimes to personal service to the SENSEI of the dojo).
  16. Hey SaiFightsMS where were you stationed?
  17. I was in the Army.
  18. Good Luck on your test. I know the week before my green belt test I pulled my shoulder mussle.
  19. Is it just me or are there a lot of Sesshoumaru around?
  20. Sesshoumaru
  21. I go out and buy most of the ones I watch. I might have to try downloading them one of these days.
  22. I did mean Trigun thanks. But I also liked Tenchi's ending But what about Bubble Gum Crisis and GTO what did you think of their endings? Has anyone been watching Noir or Rahxaphon how do you think they will end?
  23. I like Triuns ending. I didnt like rurouni kenshin at all I tough the entire seiers sucked Samurai X was way better. AS for DBZ even tough that series ended it a new one states up with some of the same characters in DragonBall GT.
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