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Everything posted by Lordy

  1. Great thread. Up to a few months ago I would probably have said no. However, things change. Life changes. Two months ago I suffered a heart attack, which has left a lot of damage to one side of the heart. When I first left hospital I was just glad to still be alive. Then once I had settled down I began thinking about working towards getting back to Karate, which I love. It also gave me something to focus on, and I also truly believe that all my training in the MA had also equipped me with a positive mental attitude in which to confront what has been a life changing situation for me. However, as time goes on and I go to see my consultant and crack on with rehab, I begin to see that the ship may have sailed. I know my consultant doesn't want me going back to it. Plus I realise that there are more important things. Family, friends and watching my children grow up. So I say all that to say this. Things can change. Never in a million years did I ever think I would consider walking away, but sometimes things happen. I may be back, or I may not, but I'll try my best to make it back. Great post Sensei, and I would also like to thank you for your feedback and advice since I joined this forum. Much appreciated. Take care all and have a good day.
  2. Welcome aboard.
  3. Welcome. I'm glad you're back training and glad you're enjoying it.
  4. Thanks Mazzybear. I appreciate that my friend.
  5. Thanks Sensei. That's a solid post. If I'm honest I know deep down that there's a chance I'll never be able to return. However, at the moment working towards it is one of the things that's keeping me really motivated. My biggest motivation however is making sure that I'm around to watch my children grow up. If I can't come back then so be it. Should know more after Thursday. Seeing my heart consultant, so fingers crossed
  6. Excellent! Thanks for sharing. I had never heard of this MA before. Really interesting pictures [and some excellent photography.]
  7. Cheers much appreciated.
  8. Thanks Bushido man. Will keep you posted. I've been doing loads of walking. Went on a good walk today, and was pleased with myself at the distance covered. Rehab has been a great help, and I actually look forward to it. Some great guys there, and when you're spending a lot of time at hospitals and doctors it's a great release. I do see it as 'a training in perseverance '. 'Down seven times, up eight.'
  9. I'm a Shotokan practitioner. I must admit our school didn't really going into the applications [bunkai] too much, so a few of us began attending seminars covering these and bang!!! It opened up a whole new avenue for us. This became my favourite part of Karate. We would get together and practise stuff we had picked up on the seminars and also met likeminded people on said seminars that we would meet up with and share ideas.
  10. Welcome to KF my friend.
  11. Thank you Ninjanurse. Really appreciate it. Enjoying being here.
  12. Thanks Hammer Long story short my heart attack lasted three days [i'm lucky to be here. It's given me a totally different outlook on life]. As a result I had a fair bit of damage to the heart. I'm seeing the heart specialist next week, so should know more then. I started cardiac rehab last week, which is great, and just what I needed. It's twice a week and lasts for three months. Spoke to the guy in charge of my program about returning to Karate at the last session. He said he's going to look into it. I know it's a long road, but I'll see where it takes me.
  13. Thank you Sensei8. Great post and so true. Obviously I would be gutted if my MA training, which I love, is over, but would take solace in the fact that I will be around to watch my children grow up. I found this an uplifting post, and really appreciate your kind thoughts.
  14. I'm hoping to get on it. It's in October. Looking forward to it. Will let you all know how it goes.
  15. Many thanks.
  16. Just been checking it out on YouTube. Very impressive. Not what I expected at all. Will hopefully give it a go.
  17. Hi all I've been invited by a fellow martial artist I've got to know on the seminars to a Hojojitsu seminar in October. It sounds really interesting. The invite I got describes it as a rope restrain art. I must admit I had never heard of this before and it generally intrigues me. Has anyone here tried it, and if so what are your thoughts on it? All the best.
  18. Thanks Zaine. Great to be here.
  19. Thank you. Great to be on board.
  20. Thank you for the warm welcome guys. Really appreciate it.
  21. Hi all I'm a forty year old male who loves doing Shotokan Karate. I took it up twelve years ago after doing boxing and Jiu-Jutsu. Fell in love with it straight away. Six weeks ago I suffered a heart attack which gave me significant damage to the heart. I'm working towards returning to Karate, and hope that I do. Look forward to getting to know you all.
  22. After doing some boxing and Jiu-Jitsu I came across Shotokan Karate. I wasn't doing any martial arts at the time and a leaflet was pushed through my door advertising a Shotokan club. My friend and I decided to go along. I fell in love straight away, although my mate decided it wasn't really his thing after a couple of lessons.
  23. Thank you. Appreciate your answers. I'm following all advice given me [exercise/diet/medicine/resting etc] and started rehab this week. Rehab's going well. Everyone relating to my treatment have been excellent, although I get the impression that they don't want to commit themselves when I ask about a return to Karate, which I can understand. The only one who has was my rehab instructor this week, who says he can't see no reason why I can't return at some point. Once again, thank you.
  24. Hi all I'm a forty year old male who trains in Shotokan Karate. Six weeks ago I suffered a heart attack. I would like to return to training and wondered how long I would be looking at in going back? Started rehab this week and it went well. Any advice/tips greatly appreciated.
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