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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Not much, I got some instructional dvd but in Japanese. I think if you look through google and youtube you will find info. Regards Les
  2. For me it would have to be Tensho
  3. There is in Japan, Mumonkai Karate by Tagashi Yoshimoto.
  4. True not style but fighter wins bouts.
  5. It is easy to say, I would be able to put my fingers in his eyes, punch to the throat .... I thought the same till i did not try all of those with group of wrestlers, in controlled sparring, conclusion is that there is no time for all of those. When wrestler grabs you the throw is so quick that there is no time ( I am talking about trained wrestler). I have friends who train Judo and working at the door in clubs and pubs. I have seen in real life how people end up trying to punch them. My point is that you can keep grappler on distance but if you are grabbed by one to fight back you need to know some counter techniques. I did go through test my karate skills against bjj, wrestling and judo guys, highly recommend to do the same Regards Les
  6. If wrestler catches you, not much can be done, get ready for landing. Only way to prevent throw is to keep distance. I do both karate and wrestling, not many things from karate works in sparring with wrestle.
  7. Great topic Here is video from my dojo and bit of bunkai for Bassai dai
  8. Miss read Tenshoa with tensho, so I removed my post. This katas looking interesting
  9. Well worth doing. I am training in different styles and sports, always learning something new and incorporating stuff to my fighting.
  10. Technical similarities between different martial arts comes from how we are build, two hands two legs. So it is only limited amount of use of this limbs, therefore people using in in similar way. We have different concepts of fighting like grappling, stand up, throws etc. all comes to how humans think. Some prefer to fight on the ground others to punch from distance or punch and kick. Within this groups concepts will be similar do to our anatomy. Regards Les
  11. Hi there I love to use nakataka (nakadaka) ippon ken (middle knuckle of middle finger). This strike makes big impression on opponent in sparring or competition. Most painful when lands on ribs, especially on small one. Other small surface that I like to use is Ippon oyayubi ken (middle knuckle of thumb) specially when going to choke or take down, pressing that on side of the neck make biggest guys to go down very quickly.
  12. Gym Warm up Cardio Dynamic stretching Weights ( main focus on chest muscles as they don't want to grow ) cool down static stretching
  13. Hi I think your MI should speak with her about situation, give her chance to improve her behavior. But openly let her know that this is not acceptable in your Dojo. If she not improve stop her attendance for week, if that will not help she should leave. In our club grading is once a year and instructor say who is ready and who is not, but for our group belts are side effect of training not main target Good luck dealing with people is difficult. Regards Les
  14. I started karate at age 14 after watching "Blood sport" as all of my friends from our neighborhood. Sadly only i have stayed with martial arts. Got involved with wrestling (Greco-Romano) by accident when we moved our karate dojo, one of my high school friends offered to speak to his wrestling coach about place to train. I was offered training session with wrestlers and fall in love wth this sport.
  15. In shoes it easier to use toe kick, as toes are protected and end of the shoe is the hardest part, especially if you wear boots with steel toe caps or military style. Other part of shoe is the sole of the shoe for stamping. I have few occasions in old days to use this type of kicks in the street fight. Never had time to think which part to use or how to set up my foot. Short quick kicks to shins and inside knees works the magic
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