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Everything posted by Ka0ticSH

  1. whatever you do tho .. try your best not to let him mount you .. from experience: its very hard to unmount a heavier opponent who keeps control of his weight on you.
  2. yea thats one reasons shoots work quite well .. you expose the top of your head and back for just a second or two, if you do it right. certain throws like soto makikomi and other wrap arounds can easily set yourself up for bear hugs personally i like circle throws. if it doesnt work and they're quick enough to resist it you can easily pull them into your guard or sweep them
  3. yea always train so that you can easily flow from one move to another if it doesnt work. be able to flow from a triangle to an armbar, or even back tothe guard. this doesnt necessaarily perfect the triangle but if you have the person in tha triangle and it doesnt exactly seemt o be workin right cuz they arent tapping .. hold their arm with one hand by the wrist and with your other hand push their head down towards you with your hand on the back of their head, doesnt take a lot of pressure .. had it done on me and it worked quite well.
  4. shoot down for a double knee takedown usually boxers aren't used to punching downwards .. you should watch out for a knee to the head. a good technique is from muay thai, bob and weave one of their punches and launch yourself towards them and when your in close quarter with your arms around em it takes a simple leg reap, hook, or a drop and their on the ground.[/code]
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