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Everything posted by Ruben95632

  1. Bandages and stitches save lives. Psychiatric medications don't. They save you from mental "suffering" which is a part of life but I think we can over come that on our own or with outside help. Look, if you feel that you absolutely need it because you are currently living in a situation that makes you majorly depressed than go for it. All i'm saying is, do some research, see a therapist, figure out the root of the depression, if you already know than eliminate it from your life... There are other ways besides taking pharmaceuticals. If somebody was dying on the ground I would bandage and stitch them if I knew how, if somebody was crying and was feeling down I would not give them a happy pill, I would talk to them about their problem and try to make them feel better. I am not trying to offend anybody, but as somebody who took multiple depression/anxiety meds in the past, I am just saying there are other alternatives and life isn't over once you've become depressed. Do what you wish, you don't have to listen to me, and I'm not saying that you should, just give what I'm saying a thought. I like helping people. Here's another study about how Saffron the herb was just as effective as taking 20 mg of fluoxetine per day . http://www.bastyrcenter.org/content/view/687/
  2. You're probably doing push ups to increase your punching strength. If that's the case I would advise you do them as fast as you can . It will work your fast twitch muscle fibers and make your punches quicker if you do proper stretching and shadow boxing.
  3. You're probably doing push ups to increase your punching strength. If that's the case I would advise you do them as fast as you can . It will work your fast twitch muscle fibers and make your punches quicker if you do proper stretching and shadow boxing.
  4. I'm not really telling people to do that, I am suggesting it. I wish I could go back in time and not start prescription medication, they changed my personality a lot and came with side effects. I would have been a lot better off without them.
  5. I suffer from depression. Mine came via hard drug abuse which caused my dopamine neurotransmitters to burn out. I took psychiatric medications on and off for 3 years, and after doing research I would like to say that you should not rely on a pill to fix how you feel. You should try to overcome depression on your own. People have been prone to depression since the beginning of man, but now all of a sudden they create some magic pill that makes you happy?? That isn't good news, you overcome the depression on your own without medication. I would strongly suggest seeing a therapist though for somebody to talk to about your problems and help you find a solution, but just don't prescription medication depression or anxiety. It makes things worst in the long run. Check out http://www.wellnessresources.com/freedom/articles/why_antidepressants_cause_brain_damage_breast_cancer_and_early_mortality/ http://www.guerillahealthreport.com/videos.php?id=21&max1=1&max2=6&max3=3 As well as this youtube channel, she has lots of videos of why you shouldn't take prescription drugs to treat your mental health. http://www.youtube.com/user/psychetruth
  6. Walk forward and backwards with my arms?
  7. Yeah this isn't the best routine if you want to gain power in your kicks/punches... It might make you feel psychologically stronger because your arms and legs will be stronger , but that is not how you develop punching power.. Instead of bicep/tricep exercises, you would have better results doing shoulder/lat/back exercises such as Pull ups, Dumbell Rows, and Military Presses or Dumbell shoulder presses if you don't have a heavy barbell. But if you are planning on developing punching power via weight lifting, then you have to make sure that you are stretching your muscles really good for like 40 seconds per hold, every single day, or else your muscles will be tight and the lifting will do more harm than good. For your legs I would suggest doing lunges, and lots and lots of stretching, more flexibility = more speed and better form. if you want to add in some pushing work other than military/shoulder pressing I would advise you do regular push ups, FAST. This will built fast twitch muscles in your chest/shoulders/triceps, do them 1 set at a time, stop the sets when you are no longer doing them as fast as you possibly can. Your goal is to do them explosively as possible with good form, not to get another rep in. I guarantee they'll make you quicker than normal push ups. I would also suggest you shadow box at least 20 minutes a day to keep your upper body loose, stretching is good , but throw shadow boxing in just to get a feel for how things have changed once you added weight lifting into your routine. Trust me man, kicking power is 90% speed/technique, I played soccer for 10 years, I have viscious kicks, it's because all of the muscle memory from being a power kicker. In terms of stretching your lower body, I will suggest you do leg stretches as well as hip flexor stretches.
  8. Hello, I was wondering if somebody could give me a list of good stretches that I should do to keep my upper body muscles loose so my punches can maintain their speed. I played soccer for 10 years and practiced muay thai for about a year so I already know all the hip/leg stretches that work well, if you need advice on how to kick higher or kicking flexibility just ask. But I was wondering if somebody could give me a list of stretches that I should be doing in order to keep my shoulders/lats/arms and upper body in general flexible so I can be more functional and stay quick for my punching. It would be greatly appreciated, thanks for reading.
  9. Thank you guys, I can definetly see how inflexibility slows you down. I work out but I haven't gained any mass since I am not consuming excess calories and even without the mass gain I seem to get slower, I know it's because i'm not stretching. It seems like the muscles just get tighter the more I workout which is the cause of becoming slower. When I start my mass gaining I will let you guys know how it goes and I will also stretch a lot each day to maintain my speed. Thanks again for the responses.
  10. There is definetly more to astrology than what the average joe knows. It's one of those subjects where you'll never believe in it until you do some research.
  11. I wouldn't want to do that, Only if I had to.
  12. If I had to hit a female in self defense I would probably give her a low kick to her mid lower leg. I wouldn't full on punch her in the face, just give her a leg kick to put her on her butt so she knows to not mess with me.
  13. Alright will do, the only reason I want to gain muscle mass is in case any situation I might come across turns into a grappling/wrestling match, the bigger I am the more likely I'd be able to handle that.
  14. What would you say are the benefits of grip strength? In my opinion it would be harder for somebody to pry one of your fingers and break it. You would have a tighter throat hand choke. Stronger grabs. Tighter fist making you feel more powerful. wbu? Did I miss any?
  15. I am 5'11 and 145-150 depending on my body fat. Would moving up to 170lbs via weight lifting + increase calorie intake be beneficial for me?
  16. Anybody here into astrology? Like studying natal charts and learning about all things astrology related? I personally think astrology is very much real and study it quite a bit.
  17. Heavy bag is good for power. I am pretty skinny for my height. But I incorporated high intensity heavy bag training 85-100% power shots for 1-2 minute rounds into my training and my power went way up and my forearms got super defined, my wrists got stronger too. But you have to make sure you are wearing proper hand protection. I personally do not think strength = power for punching. The only muscles I would spend time strengthening for punching power are the lats, obliques, and legs. Speed + mass = power technique = power as well
  18. He was indeed a legend, when I used to practice Muay Thai back in middle school I used to watch a video of his high lights with the song "til i collapse" by eminem playing and it would motivate me before I train in my room for about an hour. He had lots of skills, perfect technique.
  19. Do you believe in training the knuckles to make your punches harder? And do you think that it would actually help? I used to hit cement and I later found out it will cause arthritis, but it did harden my knuckles quite a bit , and i'm sure it would hurt more and make them more less likely to break. What do you guys think?
  20. I used to practice Muay Thai on my own for about a year, I have amazing thigh kicks which I used in a couple of "fights" with friends. I also had a good front kick. My suggestions for you would be become as flexible as possible. Stretch daily, 40 seconds for each stretch at a high intensity. And practice your technique on a light heavy bag or air. I used air but a light heavy bag would have helped too.
  21. Hello, I just made an account on this forum. I have been interested in martial arts for a long time, however I have never joined a gym or program before. I have an odd body type, I am 5'11 tall, and have a short reach for my height 69 inch reach. This is very awkward for me. What stand up fighting style would you recommend for me?? When I practice regularly I would say speed is my biggest strength because I am pretty skinny and my genetics have blessed me with fast twitch muscle fibers. I can choose between Karate and Taekwando , since I do not have a car transportation is limited. Thank you for taking the time to read.
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