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Everything posted by Mike1969

  1. I agree. The best defense is a great offense. Im not going to wait for you to get close enough to grapple. You'll be spitting out your teeth before you know your in a fight with me. Maybe its the wrong way to live, and definitely not the way we are taught, but I'm not giving anyone the chance to take me out. If you come at me angry and think your gonna yell, I WILL throw the first punch and 20 after that until someone pulls me off you.
  2. Skull, Where is your school?
  3. Can anyone give me any feedback on TKD schools in the Coral Springs/Coconut Creek area? Thanks.
  4. My current school trains me in kickboxing, however I moved and its too far away, also, they are crazy with kata, weapons and forms. Its too much, they teach a little of everything, I'm over it. Not to mention what happened a year ago. http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2012-06-14/news/fl-karate-instructor-20120613_1_molestation-case-international-martial-arts-association-travis-mandell
  5. But I'm not going to do anything until I see it live at the US Open.
  6. I have found a few kickboxing schools, but they are not dojos and do not give belts, more like fitness gyms. Looks like I'm going to have to suffer through learning katas in order to get the training I need to spar.
  7. Thanks, I'm just learning, bear with me.
  8. Thank you Guys, The Reyes family is excellent, although too far for me to train there. I will however be looking into their tournaments once I get a good year of training under my belt. I will call Stephen and see what he recommends if his school is too far, I'm not sure yet. Orlando is 3 hours away but I already have my tickets and reservations for the US Open. i cant wait. Thanks guys for all your help, it is much appreciated. Mike
  9. That would be awesome!!! I'm getting a little depressed trying to find one. My city is Coral Springs, zip 33065. Thank you thank you thank you!
  10. Thanks everyone. I'm still looking. Tonight I will go to two TKD schools to check them out. I've already done a "free" class in one of them, but I need to see if they focus on traditional TKD or Sport TKD. The workout was great but there was little to no energy in the class. They were just kicking, no kiay's, no exhaling, no sounds at all. I'm spinning, kicking, sweating all over the place and making all sorts of grunts and kiay's. When the Sensei would give us a command I would answer, Yes Sir! They would look at me like I was a looney. Very quiet dojo. weird, or maybe I'm weird. Not sure. Is your dojo loud or quiet?
  11. OK, I've looked and looked. Where can I find ISKA approved TKD sparring gear?
  12. Google this guy and let me know if you should leave or not. Steve Lavallee
  13. Hey there neighbor, I'm out in the Coral Springs/Parkland area. The going rate here is 150-200. Where do you teach? I have a few months left on my contract and I'll be looking for a new school.
  14. OK, In my recent posts, I discussed how I have been looking for a new Karate school/style. Now, I'm positive I know what i want to accomplish. ISKA continuous sparring is what I want to compete in. What style Martial Arts would be best to prepare me for this type of competition? I'm guessing Taekwondo, however head punches are allowed in ISKA and I already have a strong Kickboxing background in my current school, plus it looks like everyone wear TKD gear in ISKA and I wear boxing/kickboxing gear. If anyone has done any continuous sparring, please shed some light. Thanks
  15. I think its ridiculous that kids get black belts. nuff said
  16. I have a a kids park in my neighborhood with a 1/4 mile track around it. I usually run the track then do 10 each of pull-ups, push-ups, squats, burpees and abs. I'll do that circuit 3-4 times without rest. Its a killer.
  17. Thanks for the input, believe it or not, I'm in the Coconut Creek/Coral Springs section of South Florida. I have EVERYTHING here. Top Team, Gracie Barra, Olympic TKD, Boxing and Kickboxing. Theres a dojo on every corner. You would think thats a good thing, but it makes the decision even tougher. I def want it to be a belt school so my kids(and I) have goals of reaching the next belt.
  18. I'm a 43 year old blue belt at a McDojo. I hate learning katas, but I love the full contact kickboxing that we do twice a week. My kids just started at the same school. The school is too expensive and since we moved, too far away from my house, but we still make the 30 minute drive 5 times a week. The instructors are awesome. They dont do any competitions and to me this is important. My question is this, what style should I switch to? Theres lots of BJJ tournaments but I'm really not into rolling around with the guys. Theres also lots of TKD tournaments but correct me if im wrong, but not much punching? really? what the heck is that? I really dont know what to do, any ideas?
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